module Vedeu # Augment Fixnum to calculate column width or row height in a grid-based # layout. # # The grid system splits the terminal height and width into 12 equal parts, by # dividing the available height and width by 12. If the terminal height or # width is not a multiple of 12, then Grid chooses the maximum value which # will fit. # # Used primarily whilst defining geometry: # # width: columns(9) # (Terminal width / 12) * 9 characters wide; e.g. # # Terminal is 92 characters wide, maximum value is # # therefore 84, meaning a column is 7 characters wide. # # (And width is therefore 63 characters wide.) # # height: rows(3) # (Terminal height / 12) * 3 rows high; e.g. # # Terminal is 38 characters wide, maximum value is # # therefore 36, meaning a row is 3 characters tall. # # (And height is therefore 9 characters tall.) # # @api public class Grid # @see #initialize # @see #columns def self.columns(value) new(value).columns end # @see #initialize # @see #rows def self.rows(value) new(value).rows end # Returns a new instance of Vedeu::Grid. # # @param value [Fixnum] # @return [Grid] def initialize(value) @value = value end # Returns the width in characters for the number of columns specified. # # @raise [OutOfRange] When the value parameter is not between 1 and 12 # inclusive. # @return [Fixnum|OutOfRange] def columns fail OutOfRange, 'Valid value between 1 and 12 inclusive.' if out_of_range? column * value end # Returns the height of a single row in characters. # # @return [Fixnum] def height actual_height / 12 end alias_method :row, :height # Returns the height in characters for the number of rows specified. # # @raise [OutOfRange] When the value parameter is not between 1 and 12 # inclusive. # @return [Fixnum|OutOfRange] def rows fail OutOfRange, 'Valid value between 1 and 12 inclusive.' if out_of_range? row * value end # Returns the width of a single column in characters. # # @return [Fixnum] def width actual_width / 12 end alias_method :column, :width protected # @!attribute [r] value # @return [Fixnum] attr_reader :value private # @return [Fixnum] def actual_height Vedeu.height end # @return [Fixnum] def actual_width Vedeu.width end # @return [Boolean] def out_of_range? value < 1 || value > 12 end end # Grid end # Vedeu