[RPX](http://rpxnow.com) allows users to login to your page through Facebook / Twitter / Myspace / Google / OpenId / MS-LiveId / AOL / ...
- Simpler then OpenId/OAuth/xxx for developers AND users
- Publish user activity to facebook/twitter/myspace/.../-stream
- Returning users are greeted by their provider
![Single Interface for all providers](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.rpxnow.com/rel/img/a481ed2afccd255350cccd738050f873.png)
![Share comments and activities](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.rpxnow.com/rel/img/50bdccdb32b6ae68d46908a531492b28.png)
![Visitors choose from providers they already have](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.rpxnow.com/rel/img/f4a6e65808eefcf8754588c71f84c142.png)
- Get an API key @ [RPX](http://rpxnow.com)
- run [MIGRATION](http://github.com/grosser/rpx_now/raw/master/MIGRATION)
- Build login view
- Receive user-data from RPX to create or login User
- for more advanced features have a look at the [RPX API Docs](https://rpxnow.com/docs)
- As Rails plugin: `script/plugin install git://github.com/grosser/rpx_now.git `
- As gem: `sudo gem install rpx_now`
[Example application](http://github.com/grosser/rpx_now_example), go play around!
Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
config.gem "rpx_now"
config.after_initialize do # so rake gems:install works
RPXNow.api_key = "YOU RPX API KEY"
This example uses the SessionsController, if you dont have one built it and add routes(rpx_token is a post request)
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, :only => [:rpx_token] # RPX does not pass Rails form tokens...
# user_data
# found: {:name=>'John Doe', :username => 'john', :email=>'john@doe.com', :identifier=>'blug.google.com/openid/dsdfsdfs3f3'}
# not found: nil (can happen with e.g. invalid tokens)
def rpx_token
raise "hackers?" unless data = RPXNow.user_data(params[:token])
self.current_user = User.find_by_identifier(data[:identifier]) || User.create!(data)
redirect_to '/'
# getting additional profile fields (these fields are rarely filled)
# all possibilities: https://rpxnow.com/docs#profile_data
data = RPXNow.user_data(params[:token], :additional => [:gender, :birthday, :photo, :providerName, ...])
# normal + raw data
RPXNow.user_data(params[:token], :additional => [:raw_response])[:raw_response]['profile]['verifiedEmail']
# only raw data
email = RPXNow.user_data(params[:token], :raw_response => true)['profile']['verifiedEmail']
# with extended info like friends, accessCredentials, portable contacts. (most Providers do not supply them)
RPXNow.user_data(params[:token], :extended => true)[:extended]['friends'][...have a look at the RPX API DOCS...]
<%=RPXNow.embed_code('My-Rpx-Domain', url_for(:controller=>:session, :action=>:rpx_token, :only_path => false))%>
<%=RPXNow.popup_code('Login here...', 'My-Rpx-Domain', url_for(:controller=>:session, :action=>:rpx_token, :only_path => false), options)%>
`:language=>'en'` rpx tries to detect the users language, but you may overwrite it [possible languages](https://rpxnow.com/docs#sign-in_localization)
`:default_provider=>'google'` [possible default providers](https://rpxnow.com/docs#sign-in_default_provider)
`:flags=>'show_provider_list'` [possible flags](https://rpxnow.com/docs#sign-in_interface)
`:html => {:id => 'xxx'}` is added to the popup link (popup_code only)
###Unobtrusive / JS-last
`popup_code` can also be called with `:unobtrusive=>true` ( --> just link without javascript include).
To still get the normal popup add `RPXNow.popup_source('My-Rpx-Domain', url_for(:controller=>:session, :action=>:rpx_token, :only_path => false), [options])`.
Options like :language / :flags should be given for both.
### Versions
RPXNow.api_version = 2
### Custom domain (PRX Plus/Pro)
RPXNow.domain = 'other-domain.com'
### Mappings (PRX Plus/Pro)
You can map your primary keys (e.g. user.id) to identifiers, so that
users can login to the same account with multiple identifiers.
RPXNow.map(identifier, primary_key) #add a mapping
RPXNow.unmap(identifier, primary_key) #remove a mapping
RPXNow.mappings(primary_key) # [identifier1,identifier2,...]
RPXNow.all_mappings # [["1",['google.com/dsdas','yahoo.com/asdas']], ["2",[...]], ... ]
After a primary key is mapped to an identifier, when a user logs in with this identifier,
`RPXNow.user_data` will contain his `primaryKey` as `:id`.
A identifyer can only belong to one user (in doubt the last one it was mapped to)
### User integration (e.g. ActiveRecord)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include RPXNow::UserIntegration
user.rpx.identifiers == RPXNow.mappings(user.id)
user.rpx.map(identifier) == RPXNow.map(identifier, user.id)
user.rpx.unmap(identifier) == RPXNow.unmap(identifier, user.id)
### Contacts (PRX Pro)
Retrieve all contacts for a given user:
RPXNow.contacts(identifier).each {|c| puts "#{c['displayName']}: #{c['emails']}}
### Status updates (PRX Plus/Pro)
Send a status update to provider (a tweet/facebook-status/...) :
RPXNow.set_status(identifier, "I just registered at yourdomain.com ...")
### Activity (RPX Plus/Pro)
Post a users activity, on their e.g. Facebook profile, complete with images, titels, rating, additional media, customized links and so on ...
RPXNow.activity( identifier,
:url=>href, :action=>'Im loving my new', :user_generated_content=>'Im loving my new ... ',
:title=>product.title, :description=>product.description,
:action_links=>[{:text=>'view >>', :href=>product_url(product, :only_path => false)}],
:media=>[{:type=>:image, :src=>product.image_url, :href=>product_url(product, :only_path => false)}]
### Offline user data access (RPX Plus/Pro)
Same response as auth_info but can be called with a identifier at any time.
Offline Profile Access must be enabled.
RPXNow.get_user_data(identifier, :extended => true)
### Auth info
Same response as user_data with :raw_response, but without any kind of failure detection or post processing.
__[rpx_now_gem mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/rpx_now_gem)__
### [Contributors](http://github.com/grosser/rpx_now/contributors)
- [Amunds](http://github.com/Amunds)
- [Bob Groeneveld](http://metathoughtfacility.blogspot.com)
- [DBA](http://github.com/DBA)
- [dbalatero](http://github.com/dbalatero)
- [Paul Gallagher](http://tardate.blogspot.com/)
- [jackdempsey](http://jackndempsey.blogspot.com)
- [Patrick Reagan (reagent)](http://sneaq.net)
- [Joris Trooster (trooster)](http://www.interstroom.nl)
- [Mick Staugaard (staugaard)](http://mick.staugaard.com/)
- [Kasper Weibel](http://github.com/weibel)
- [Nicolas Alpi](http://www.notgeeklycorrect.com)
- [Ladislav Martincik](http://martincik.com)
- [Ben Aldred](http://github.com/benaldred)
- [Casper Fabricius](http://casperfabricius.com)
- [Avi Flombaum](http://www.aviflombaum.com)
[Michael Grosser](http://grosser.it)
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...