require 'rubygems/installer_test_case' class TestGemInstaller < Gem::InstallerTestCase def setup super if __name__ !~ /^test_install(_|$)/ then @gemhome = @installer_tmp Gem.use_paths @installer_tmp @spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'a' @user_spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'b' @installer.spec = @spec @installer.gem_home = @installer_tmp @installer.gem_dir = @spec.gem_dir @user_installer.spec = @user_spec @user_installer.gem_home = @installer_tmp end end def test_app_script_text @spec.version = 2 util_make_exec @spec, '' expected = <<-EOF #!#{Gem.ruby} # # This file was generated by RubyGems. # # The application 'a' is installed as part of a gem, and # this file is here to facilitate running it. # require 'rubygems' version = \">= 0\" if ARGV.first =~ /^_(.*)_$/ and Gem::Version.correct? $1 then version = $1 ARGV.shift end gem 'a', version load Gem.bin_path('a', 'executable', version) EOF wrapper = @installer.app_script_text 'executable' assert_equal expected, wrapper end def test_build_extensions_none use_ui @ui do @installer.build_extensions end assert_equal '', @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error refute File.exist?('gem_make.out') end def test_build_extensions_extconf_bad @spec.extensions << 'extconf.rb' e = assert_raises Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError do use_ui @ui do @installer.build_extensions end end assert_match(/\AERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.$/, e.message) assert_equal "Building native extensions. This could take a while...\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error gem_make_out = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name, 'gem_make.out' assert_match %r%#{Regexp.escape Gem.ruby} extconf\.rb%, assert_match %r%#{Regexp.escape Gem.ruby}: No such file%, end def test_build_extensions_unsupported gem_make_out = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name, 'gem_make.out' @spec.extensions << nil e = assert_raises Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError do use_ui @ui do @installer.build_extensions end end assert_match(/^\s*No builder for extension ''$/, e.message) assert_equal "Building native extensions. This could take a while...\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error assert_equal "No builder for extension ''\n", ensure FileUtils.rm_f gem_make_out end def test_ensure_dependency dep = 'a', '>= 2' assert @installer.ensure_dependency(@spec, dep) dep = 'b', '> 2' e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.ensure_dependency @spec, dep end assert_equal 'a requires b (> 2)', e.message end def test_extract_files format = def format.file_entries [[{'size' => 7, 'mode' => 0400, 'path' => 'thefile'}, 'content']] end @installer.format = format @installer.extract_files thefile_path = File.join(util_gem_dir, 'thefile') assert_equal 'content', unless Gem.win_platform? then assert_equal 0400, File.stat(thefile_path).mode & 0777 end end def test_extract_files_bad_dest @installer.gem_dir = 'somedir' @installer.format = nil e = assert_raises ArgumentError do @installer.extract_files end assert_equal 'format required to extract from', e.message end def test_extract_files_relative format = def format.file_entries [[{'size' => 10, 'mode' => 0644, 'path' => '../thefile'}, '../thefile']] end @installer.format = format e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.extract_files end dir = util_gem_dir expected = "attempt to install file into \"../thefile\" under #{dir}" assert_equal expected, e.message assert_equal false, File.file?(File.join(@tempdir, '../thefile')), "You may need to remove this file if you broke the test once" end def test_extract_files_absolute format = def format.file_entries [[{'size' => 8, 'mode' => 0644, 'path' => '/thefile'}, '/thefile']] end @installer.format = format e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.extract_files end assert_equal 'attempt to install file into /thefile', e.message assert_equal false, File.file?(File.join('/thefile')), "You may need to remove this file if you broke the test once" end def test_generate_bin_bindir @installer.wrappers = true @spec.executables = %w[executable] @spec.bindir = '.' exec_file = @installer.formatted_program_filename 'executable' exec_path = File.join util_gem_dir(@spec), exec_file exec_path, 'w' do |f| f.puts '#!/usr/bin/ruby' end @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin assert_equal true, installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) assert_equal mask, File.stat(installed_exec).mode unless win_platform? wrapper = installed_exec assert_match %r|generated by RubyGems|, wrapper end def test_generate_bin_script @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin assert_equal true, installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) assert_equal mask, File.stat(installed_exec).mode unless win_platform? wrapper = installed_exec assert_match %r|generated by RubyGems|, wrapper end def test_generate_bin_script_format @installer.format_executable = true @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir Gem::Installer.exec_format = 'foo-%s-bar' @installer.generate_bin assert_equal true, installed_exec = File.join util_inst_bindir, 'foo-executable-bar' assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) ensure Gem::Installer.exec_format = nil end def test_generate_bin_script_format_disabled @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir Gem::Installer.exec_format = 'foo-%s-bar' @installer.generate_bin assert_equal true, installed_exec = File.join util_inst_bindir, 'executable' assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) ensure Gem::Installer.exec_format = nil end def test_generate_bin_script_install_dir @installer.wrappers = true @spec.executables = %w[executable] gem_dir = File.join("#{@gemhome}2", "gems", @spec.full_name) gem_bindir = File.join gem_dir, 'bin' FileUtils.mkdir_p gem_bindir File.join(gem_bindir, 'executable'), 'w' do |f| f.puts "#!/bin/ruby" end @installer.gem_home = "#{@gemhome}2" @installer.gem_dir = gem_dir @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join("#{@gemhome}2", "bin", 'executable') assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) assert_equal mask, File.stat(installed_exec).mode unless win_platform? wrapper = installed_exec assert_match %r|generated by RubyGems|, wrapper end def test_generate_bin_script_no_execs util_execless @installer.wrappers = true @installer.generate_bin refute File.exist?(util_inst_bindir), 'bin dir was created when not needed' end def test_generate_bin_script_no_perms @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec Dir.mkdir util_inst_bindir if win_platform? skip('test_generate_bin_script_no_perms skipped on MS Windows') else FileUtils.chmod 0000, util_inst_bindir assert_raises Gem::FilePermissionError do @installer.generate_bin end end ensure FileUtils.chmod 0755, util_inst_bindir unless ($DEBUG or win_platform?) end def test_generate_bin_script_no_shebang @installer.wrappers = true @spec.executables = %w[executable] gem_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name gem_bindir = File.join gem_dir, 'bin' FileUtils.mkdir_p gem_bindir File.join(gem_bindir, 'executable'), 'w' do |f| f.puts "blah blah blah" end @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join @gemhome, 'bin', 'executable' assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) assert_equal mask, File.stat(installed_exec).mode unless win_platform? wrapper = installed_exec assert_match %r|generated by RubyGems|, wrapper # HACK some gems don't have #! in their executables, restore 2008/06 #assert_no_match %r|generated by RubyGems|, wrapper end def test_generate_bin_script_wrappers @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') real_exec = File.join util_gem_dir, 'bin', 'executable' # fake --no-wrappers for previous install unless Gem.win_platform? then FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(installed_exec) FileUtils.ln_s real_exec, installed_exec end @installer.generate_bin assert_equal true, assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) assert_equal mask, File.stat(installed_exec).mode unless win_platform? assert_match %r|generated by RubyGems|, refute_match %r|generated by RubyGems|,, 'real executable overwritten' end def test_generate_bin_symlink return if win_platform? #Windows FS do not support symlinks @installer.wrappers = false util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin assert_equal true, installed_exec = File.join util_inst_bindir, 'executable' assert_equal true, File.symlink?(installed_exec) assert_equal(File.join(util_gem_dir, 'bin', 'executable'), File.readlink(installed_exec)) end def test_generate_bin_symlink_no_execs util_execless @installer.wrappers = false @installer.generate_bin refute File.exist?(util_inst_bindir) end def test_generate_bin_symlink_no_perms @installer.wrappers = false util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir Dir.mkdir util_inst_bindir if win_platform? skip('test_generate_bin_symlink_no_perms skipped on MS Windows') else FileUtils.chmod 0000, util_inst_bindir assert_raises Gem::FilePermissionError do @installer.generate_bin end end ensure FileUtils.chmod 0755, util_inst_bindir unless ($DEBUG or win_platform?) end def test_generate_bin_symlink_update_newer return if win_platform? #Windows FS do not support symlinks @installer.wrappers = false util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal(File.join(util_gem_dir, 'bin', 'executable'), File.readlink(installed_exec)) @spec = do |s| s.files = ['lib/code.rb'] = "a" s.version = "3" s.summary = "summary" s.description = "desc" s.require_path = 'lib' end @spec.version = 3 util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @spec @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal(@spec.bin_file('executable'), File.readlink(installed_exec), "Ensure symlink moved to latest version") end def test_generate_bin_symlink_update_older return if win_platform? #Windows FS do not support symlinks @installer.wrappers = false util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal(File.join(util_gem_dir, 'bin', 'executable'), File.readlink(installed_exec)) spec = do |s| s.files = ['lib/code.rb'] = "a" s.version = "1" s.summary = "summary" s.description = "desc" s.require_path = 'lib' end util_make_exec one = @spec.dup one.version = 1 @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir one @installer.spec = spec @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join util_inst_bindir, 'executable' expected = File.join util_gem_dir, 'bin', 'executable' assert_equal(expected, File.readlink(installed_exec), "Ensure symlink not moved") end def test_generate_bin_symlink_update_remove_wrapper return if win_platform? #Windows FS do not support symlinks @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join util_inst_bindir, 'executable' assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) @spec = do |s| s.files = ['lib/code.rb'] = "a" s.version = "3" s.summary = "summary" s.description = "desc" s.require_path = 'lib' end @installer.wrappers = false @spec.version = 3 util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir @installer.generate_bin installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal(File.join(util_gem_dir, 'bin', 'executable'), File.readlink(installed_exec), "Ensure symlink moved to latest version") end def test_generate_bin_symlink_win32 old_win_platform = Gem.win_platform? Gem.win_platform = true @installer.wrappers = false util_make_exec @installer.gem_dir = util_gem_dir use_ui @ui do @installer.generate_bin end assert_equal true, installed_exec = File.join(util_inst_bindir, 'executable') assert_equal true, File.exist?(installed_exec) assert_match(/Unable to use symlinks on Windows, installing wrapper/i, @ui.error) wrapper = installed_exec assert_match(/generated by RubyGems/, wrapper) ensure Gem.win_platform = old_win_platform end def test_generate_bin_uses_default_shebang return if win_platform? #Windows FS do not support symlinks @installer.wrappers = true util_make_exec @installer.generate_bin default_shebang = Gem.ruby shebang_line = open("#{@gemhome}/bin/executable") { |f| f.readlines.first } assert_match(/\A#!/, shebang_line) assert_match(/#{default_shebang}/, shebang_line) end def test_initialize spec = quick_spec 'a' do |s| s.platform = 'mswin32' end gem = File.join @tempdir, spec.file_name Dir.mkdir util_inst_bindir util_build_gem spec spec.cache_file, @tempdir installer = gem assert_equal File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', spec.full_name), installer.gem_dir end def test_install Dir.mkdir util_inst_bindir util_setup_gem util_clear_gems gemdir = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name cache_file = File.join @gemhome, 'cache', @spec.file_name stub_exe = File.join @gemhome, 'bin', 'executable' rakefile = File.join gemdir, 'ext', 'a', 'Rakefile' Gem.pre_install do |installer| refute File.exist?(cache_file), 'cache file must not exist yet' true end Gem.post_build do |installer| assert File.exist?(gemdir), 'gem install dir must exist' assert File.exist?(rakefile), 'gem executable must exist' refute File.exist?(stub_exe), 'gem executable must not exist' true end Gem.post_install do |installer| assert File.exist?(cache_file), 'cache file must exist' end @newspec = nil build_rake_in do use_ui @ui do @newspec = @installer.install end end assert_equal @spec, @newspec assert File.exist? gemdir assert File.exist?(stub_exe), 'gem executable must exist' exe = File.join gemdir, 'bin', 'executable' assert File.exist? exe exe_mode = File.stat(exe).mode & 0111 assert_equal 0111, exe_mode, "0%o" % exe_mode unless win_platform? assert File.exist?(File.join(gemdir, 'lib', 'code.rb')) assert File.exist? rakefile spec_file = File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name) assert_equal spec_file, @newspec.loaded_from assert File.exist?(spec_file) assert_same @installer, @post_build_hook_arg assert_same @installer, @post_install_hook_arg assert_same @installer, @pre_install_hook_arg end def test_install_with_no_prior_files Dir.mkdir util_inst_bindir util_clear_gems util_setup_gem build_rake_in do use_ui @ui do assert_equal @spec, @installer.install end end gemdir = File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name) assert File.exist?(File.join(gemdir, 'lib', 'code.rb')) util_setup_gem # Morph spec to have lib/other.rb instead of code.rb and recreate @spec.files = File.join('lib', 'other.rb') Dir.chdir @tempdir do File.join('lib', 'other.rb'), 'w' do |f| f.puts '1' end use_ui ui do FileUtils.rm @gem end end @installer = @gem build_rake_in do use_ui @ui do assert_equal @spec, @installer.install end end assert File.exist?(File.join(gemdir, 'lib', 'other.rb')) refute(File.exist?(File.join(gemdir, 'lib', 'code.rb')), "code.rb from prior install of same gem shouldn't remain here") end def test_install_bad_gem gem = nil use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do end gem = File.join @tempdir, @spec.file_name end gem_data = gem, 'rb' do |fp| 1024 end gem, 'wb' do |fp| fp.write gem_data end e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do use_ui @ui do @installer = gem @installer.install end end assert_equal "invalid gem format for #{gem}", e.message end def test_install_check_dependencies @spec.add_dependency 'b', '> 5' util_setup_gem use_ui @ui do assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.install end end end def test_install_check_dependencies_install_dir gemhome2 = "#{@gemhome}2" @spec.add_dependency 'b' quick_gem 'b', 2 @gemhome, gemhome2 Gem::Specification.dirs = [gemhome2] # TODO: switch all dirs= to use_paths util_setup_gem @installer = @gem, :install_dir => gemhome2 gem_home = Gem.dir build_rake_in do use_ui @ui do @installer.install end end assert File.exist?(File.join(gemhome2, 'gems', @spec.full_name)) assert_equal gem_home, Gem.dir end def test_install_force use_ui @ui do installer = old_ruby_required, :force => true installer.install end gem_dir = File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', 'old_ruby_required-1') assert File.exist?(gem_dir) end def test_install_ignore_dependencies Dir.mkdir util_inst_bindir @spec.add_dependency 'b', '> 5' util_setup_gem @installer.ignore_dependencies = true build_rake_in do use_ui @ui do assert_equal @spec, @installer.install end end gemdir = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name assert File.exist?(gemdir) exe = File.join(gemdir, 'bin', 'executable') assert File.exist?(exe) exe_mode = File.stat(exe).mode & 0111 assert_equal 0111, exe_mode, "0%o" % exe_mode unless win_platform? assert File.exist?(File.join(gemdir, 'lib', 'code.rb')) assert File.exist?(File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name)) end def test_install_missing_dirs FileUtils.rm_f File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache') FileUtils.rm_f File.join(Gem.dir, 'docs') FileUtils.rm_f File.join(Gem.dir, 'specifications') use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do end @installer.install end File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache') File.join(Gem.dir, 'docs') File.join(Gem.dir, 'specifications') assert File.exist?(File.join(@gemhome, 'cache', @spec.file_name)) assert File.exist?(File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name)) end def test_install_post_build_false util_clear_gems Gem.post_build do false end use_ui @ui do e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.install end location = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 9}" assert_equal "post-build hook at #{location} failed for a-2", e.message end spec_file = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name refute File.exist? spec_file gem_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name refute File.exist? gem_dir end def test_install_post_build_nil util_clear_gems Gem.post_build do nil end use_ui @ui do @installer.install end spec_file = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name assert File.exist? spec_file gem_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name assert File.exist? gem_dir end def test_install_pre_install_false util_clear_gems Gem.pre_install do false end use_ui @ui do e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.install end location = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 9}" assert_equal "pre-install hook at #{location} failed for a-2", e.message end spec_file = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name refute File.exist? spec_file end def test_install_pre_install_nil util_clear_gems Gem.pre_install do nil end use_ui @ui do @installer.install end spec_file = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', @spec.spec_name assert File.exist? spec_file end def test_install_with_message @spec.post_install_message = 'I am a shiny gem!' use_ui @ui do path = @installer = path @installer.install end assert_match %r|I am a shiny gem!|, @ui.output end def test_install_wrong_ruby_version use_ui @ui do installer = old_ruby_required e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do installer.install end assert_equal 'old_ruby_required requires Ruby version = 1.4.6.', e.message end end def test_install_wrong_rubygems_version spec = quick_spec 'old_rubygems_required', '1' do |s| s.required_rubygems_version = '< 0' end util_build_gem spec gem = File.join(@gemhome, 'cache', spec.file_name) use_ui @ui do @installer = gem e = assert_raises Gem::InstallError do @installer.install end assert_equal 'old_rubygems_required requires RubyGems version < 0. ' + "Try 'gem update --system' to update RubyGems itself.", e.message end end def test_installation_satisfies_dependency_eh dep = 'a', '>= 2' assert @installer.installation_satisfies_dependency?(dep) dep = 'a', '> 2' refute @installer.installation_satisfies_dependency?(dep) end def test_shebang util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/ruby" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby}", shebang end def test_shebang_arguments util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/ruby -ws" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby} -ws", shebang end def test_shebang_empty util_make_exec @spec, '' shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby}", shebang end def test_shebang_env util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby}", shebang end def test_shebang_env_arguments util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/env ruby -ws" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby} -ws", shebang end def test_shebang_env_shebang util_make_exec @spec, '' @installer.env_shebang = true shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' env_shebang = "/usr/bin/env" unless Gem.win_platform? assert_equal("#!#{env_shebang} #{Gem::ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name]}", shebang) end def test_shebang_nested util_make_exec @spec, "#!/opt/local/ruby/bin/ruby" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby}", shebang end def test_shebang_nested_arguments util_make_exec @spec, "#!/opt/local/ruby/bin/ruby -ws" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby} -ws", shebang end def test_shebang_version util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/ruby18" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby}", shebang end def test_shebang_version_arguments util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/ruby18 -ws" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby} -ws", shebang end def test_shebang_version_env util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/env ruby18" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby}", shebang end def test_shebang_version_env_arguments util_make_exec @spec, "#!/usr/bin/env ruby18 -ws" shebang = @installer.shebang 'executable' assert_equal "#!#{Gem.ruby} -ws", shebang end def test_unpack util_setup_gem dest = File.join @gemhome, 'gems', @spec.full_name @installer.unpack dest assert File.exist?(File.join(dest, 'lib', 'code.rb')) assert File.exist?(File.join(dest, 'bin', 'executable')) end def test_write_spec spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' spec_file = File.join spec_dir, @spec.spec_name FileUtils.rm spec_file refute File.exist?(spec_file) @installer.spec = @spec @installer.gem_home = @gemhome @installer.write_spec assert File.exist?(spec_file) assert_equal @spec, eval( end def test_write_spec_writes_cached_spec spec_dir = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications' spec_file = File.join spec_dir, @spec.spec_name FileUtils.rm spec_file refute File.exist?(spec_file) @spec.files = %w[a.rb b.rb c.rb] @installer.spec = @spec @installer.gem_home = @gemhome @installer.write_spec # cached specs have no file manifest: @spec.files = [] assert_equal @spec, eval( end def test_dir assert_match @installer.dir, %r!/installer/gems/a-2$! end def old_ruby_required spec = quick_spec 'old_ruby_required', '1' do |s| s.required_ruby_version = '= 1.4.6' end util_build_gem spec spec.cache_file end def util_execless @spec = quick_spec 'z' util_build_gem @spec @installer = util_installer @spec, @gemhome end def mask 0100755 & (~File.umask) end end