# frozen_string_literal: true # This is not supposed to be a fully fledged CLI for the resolver, as this gem is designed to be used # as a library. The CLI is offered as an example as to how to use the library. # Add the resolver into the load path lib_root = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, 'lib')) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_root) require 'puppetfile-resolver' require 'optparse' class CommandLineParser def self.parse(options) # Set defaults here args = { debug: false, cache_dir: nil, module_paths: [], path: nil, proxy: nil, puppet_version: nil, strict: false } opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: puppetfile-cli.rb [options]' opts.on('-pPATH', '--path=PATH', 'Puppetfile to parse') do |path| args[:path] = path end opts.on('-vVERSION', '--puppet_version=VERSION', 'Restrict the resolver to only modules which support the specified Puppet version') do |version| args[:puppet_version] = version end opts.on('-cDIR', '--cache_directory=DIR', 'Directory to the persistent on disk cache. Optional') do |cache_dir| args[:cache_dir] = cache_dir end opts.on('--debug', 'Output debug information. Default is no debug output') do args[:debug] = true end opts.on('--proxy=PROXY_URL', 'HTTP/S Proxy server to use. For example http://localhost:8888') do |proxy| args[:proxy] = proxy end opts.on('-s', '--strict', 'Do not allow missing dependencies. Default false which marks dependencies as missing and does not raise an error.') do args[:strict] = true end opts.on('-mTEXT', '--module_paths=TEXT', Array, 'Comma delimited list of modules paths to search') do |text| args[:module_paths] = text end end opt_parser.parse!(options.dup) args end end options = CommandLineParser.parse(ARGV) raise 'Missing --path' if options[:path].nil? # Configure the cache if options[:cache_dir].nil? cache = nil else require 'puppetfile-resolver/cache/persistent' cache = PuppetfileResolver::Cache::Persistent.new(options[:cache_dir]) end # Parse the Puppetfile into an object model content = File.binread(options[:path]) require 'puppetfile-resolver/puppetfile/parser/r10k_eval' puppetfile = PuppetfileResolver::Puppetfile::Parser::R10KEval.parse(content) # Make sure the Puppetfile is valid unless puppetfile.valid? puts 'Puppetfile is not valid' puppetfile.validation_errors.each { |err| puts err } exit 1 end # Create the resolver resolver = PuppetfileResolver::Resolver.new(puppetfile, options[:puppet_version]) # Configure the resolver if options[:debug] require 'puppetfile-resolver/ui/debug_ui' ui = PuppetfileResolver::UI::DebugUI.new else ui = nil end config = PuppetfileResolver::SpecSearchers::Configuration.new config.local.puppet_module_paths = options[:module_paths] unless options[:proxy].nil? config.git.proxy = options[:proxy] config.forge.proxy = options[:proxy] end opts = { cache: cache, ui: ui, spec_searcher_configuration: config, allow_missing_modules: !options[:strict] } # Resolve result = resolver.resolve(opts) # Output errors result.validation_errors.each { |err| puts "Resolution Validation Error: #{err}\n" } # Output the Graph in a DOT format puts "\n--- Dependency Graph" puts result.to_dot