#!/usr/bin/env ruby $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'rubygems' require 'wukong/script' Settings.define :ripd_root, :default => '/data/chimpmark/ripd' BNC_SOURCE_FILE='ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/lists/1_1_all_fullalpha.txt' # File 1_1_all_fullalpha.txt -- 794771 lines # # cat /data/chimpmark/ripd/ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/lists/1_1_all_fullalpha.txt | ./bnc_word_freq.rb --map | sort -nk3 > /data/chimpmark/rawd/bnc_word_freq/bnc_word_freq.tsv class BncParser < Wukong::Streamer::RecordStreamer def before_stream @head_word, @part_of_speech, @head_word_stats = ["","",[]] $stdin.readline $stdin.readline end def process _, word, pos, variant, freq_ppm, range, dispersion word_stats = [freq_ppm, range, dispersion] unless word == "@" # lemma for a different head word @head_word = word @part_of_speech = pos @head_word_stats = word_stats end weirdness = (@head_word =~ /[^a-zA-Z]/) if variant == '%' # head word with lemmas word_stats = ['','',''] elsif variant == ':' # head word with no lemmas variant = word else weirdness = weirdness || (variant =~ /[^a-zA-Z]/) end yield [@head_word, @part_of_speech, @head_word_stats, variant, word_stats, (weirdness ? 1 : 0)].flatten.join("\t") end end Wukong.run( BncParser, nil )