/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "commit_list.h" #include "common.h" #include "revwalk.h" #include "pool.h" #include "odb.h" int git_commit_list_time_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const git_commit_list_node *commit_a = a; const git_commit_list_node *commit_b = b; return (commit_a->time < commit_b->time); } git_commit_list *git_commit_list_insert(git_commit_list_node *item, git_commit_list **list_p) { git_commit_list *new_list = git__malloc(sizeof(git_commit_list)); if (new_list != NULL) { new_list->item = item; new_list->next = *list_p; } *list_p = new_list; return new_list; } git_commit_list *git_commit_list_insert_by_date(git_commit_list_node *item, git_commit_list **list_p) { git_commit_list **pp = list_p; git_commit_list *p; while ((p = *pp) != NULL) { if (git_commit_list_time_cmp(p->item, item) > 0) break; pp = &p->next; } return git_commit_list_insert(item, pp); } git_commit_list_node *git_commit_list_alloc_node(git_revwalk *walk) { return (git_commit_list_node *)git_pool_malloc(&walk->commit_pool, COMMIT_ALLOC); } static int commit_error(git_commit_list_node *commit, const char *msg) { char commit_oid[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1]; git_oid_fmt(commit_oid, &commit->oid); commit_oid[GIT_OID_HEXSZ] = '\0'; giterr_set(GITERR_ODB, "Failed to parse commit %s - %s", commit_oid, msg); return -1; } static git_commit_list_node **alloc_parents( git_revwalk *walk, git_commit_list_node *commit, size_t n_parents) { if (n_parents <= PARENTS_PER_COMMIT) return (git_commit_list_node **)((char *)commit + sizeof(git_commit_list_node)); return (git_commit_list_node **)git_pool_malloc( &walk->commit_pool, (uint32_t)(n_parents * sizeof(git_commit_list_node *))); } void git_commit_list_free(git_commit_list **list_p) { git_commit_list *list = *list_p; if (list == NULL) return; while (list) { git_commit_list *temp = list; list = temp->next; git__free(temp); } *list_p = NULL; } git_commit_list_node *git_commit_list_pop(git_commit_list **stack) { git_commit_list *top = *stack; git_commit_list_node *item = top ? top->item : NULL; if (top) { *stack = top->next; git__free(top); } return item; } static int commit_quick_parse( git_revwalk *walk, git_commit_list_node *commit, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_len) { const size_t parent_len = strlen("parent ") + GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1; const uint8_t *buffer_end = buffer + buffer_len; const uint8_t *parents_start, *committer_start; int i, parents = 0; int64_t commit_time; buffer += strlen("tree ") + GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1; parents_start = buffer; while (buffer + parent_len < buffer_end && memcmp(buffer, "parent ", strlen("parent ")) == 0) { parents++; buffer += parent_len; } commit->parents = alloc_parents(walk, commit, parents); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(commit->parents); buffer = parents_start; for (i = 0; i < parents; ++i) { git_oid oid; if (git_oid_fromstr(&oid, (const char *)buffer + strlen("parent ")) < 0) return -1; commit->parents[i] = git_revwalk__commit_lookup(walk, &oid); if (commit->parents[i] == NULL) return -1; buffer += parent_len; } commit->out_degree = (unsigned short)parents; if ((committer_start = buffer = memchr(buffer, '\n', buffer_end - buffer)) == NULL) return commit_error(commit, "object is corrupted"); buffer++; if ((buffer = memchr(buffer, '\n', buffer_end - buffer)) == NULL) return commit_error(commit, "object is corrupted"); /* Skip trailing spaces */ while (buffer > committer_start && git__isspace(*buffer)) buffer--; /* Seek for the beginning of the pack of digits */ while (buffer > committer_start && git__isdigit(*buffer)) buffer--; /* Skip potential timezone offset */ if ((buffer > committer_start) && (*buffer == '+' || *buffer == '-')) { buffer--; while (buffer > committer_start && git__isspace(*buffer)) buffer--; while (buffer > committer_start && git__isdigit(*buffer)) buffer--; } if ((buffer == committer_start) || (git__strtol64(&commit_time, (char *)(buffer + 1), NULL, 10) < 0)) return commit_error(commit, "cannot parse commit time"); commit->time = commit_time; commit->parsed = 1; return 0; } int git_commit_list_parse(git_revwalk *walk, git_commit_list_node *commit) { git_odb_object *obj; int error; if (commit->parsed) return 0; if ((error = git_odb_read(&obj, walk->odb, &commit->oid)) < 0) return error; if (obj->cached.type != GIT_OBJ_COMMIT) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "Object is no commit object"); error = -1; } else error = commit_quick_parse( walk, commit, (const uint8_t *)git_odb_object_data(obj), git_odb_object_size(obj)); git_odb_object_free(obj); return error; }