# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_admin/dynamic_settings_node" module ActiveAdmin class NamespaceSettings < DynamicSettingsNode # The default number of resources to display on index pages register :default_per_page, 30 # The max number of resources to display on index pages and batch exports register :max_per_page, 10_000 # The title which gets displayed in the main layout register :site_title, "", :string_symbol_or_proc # Set the site title link href (defaults to AA dashboard) register :site_title_link, "" # Set the site title image displayed in the main layout (has precendence over :site_title) register :site_title_image, "", :string_symbol_or_proc # Add to the site head register :head, "", :string_symbol_or_proc # Set the site footer text (defaults to Powered by ActiveAdmin text with version) register :footer, "", :string_symbol_or_proc # Set a favicon register :favicon, false # Additional meta tags to place in head of logged in pages register :meta_tags, {} # Additional meta tags to place in head of logged out pages register :meta_tags_for_logged_out_pages, { robots: "noindex, nofollow" } # The view factory to use to generate all the view classes. Take # a look at ActiveAdmin::ViewFactory register :view_factory, ActiveAdmin::ViewFactory.new # The method to call in controllers to get the current user register :current_user_method, false # The method to call in the controllers to ensure that there # is a currently authenticated admin user register :authentication_method, false # The path to log user's out with. If set to a symbol, we assume # that it's a method to call which returns the path register :logout_link_path, :destroy_admin_user_session_path # The method to use when generating the link for user logout register :logout_link_method, :get # Whether the batch actions are enabled or not register :batch_actions, false # Whether filters are enabled register :filters, true # The namespace root register :root_to, "dashboard#index" # Options that are passed to root_to register :root_to_options, {} # Options passed to the routes, i.e. { path: '/custom' } register :route_options, {} # Display breadcrumbs register :breadcrumb, true # Display create another checkbox on a new page # @return [Boolean] (true) register :create_another, false # Default CSV options register :csv_options, { col_sep: ",", byte_order_mark: "\xEF\xBB\xBF" } # Default Download Links options register :download_links, true # The authorization adapter to use register :authorization_adapter, ActiveAdmin::AuthorizationAdapter # A proc to be used when a user is not authorized to view the current resource register :on_unauthorized_access, :rescue_active_admin_access_denied # A regex to detect unsupported browser, set to false to disable register :unsupported_browser_matcher, /MSIE [1-8]\.0/ # Whether to display 'Current Filters' on search screen register :current_filters, true # class to handle ordering register :order_clause, ActiveAdmin::OrderClause # default show_count for scopes register :scopes_show_count, true # Request parameters that are permitted by default register :permitted_params, [ :utf8, :_method, :authenticity_token, :commit, :id ] # Set flash message keys that shouldn't show in ActiveAdmin register :flash_keys_to_except, ["timedout"] # Include association filters by default register :include_default_association_filters, true register :maximum_association_filter_arity, :unlimited register :filter_columns_for_large_association, [ :display_name, :full_name, :name, :username, :login, :title, :email, ] register :filter_method_for_large_association, "_start" # Switch between asset pipeline and webpacker assets register :use_webpacker, false end end