=begin #Datadog API V1 Collection #Collection of all Datadog Public endpoints. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0 Contact: support@datadoghq.com Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/). Copyright 2020-Present Datadog, Inc. =end require 'spec_helper' require 'json' # Unit tests for DatadogAPIClient::V1::MetricsAPI # Automatically generated by openapi-generator (https://openapi-generator.tech) # Please update as you see appropriate describe 'MetricsAPI' do before do # run before each test @api_instance = DatadogAPIClient::V1::MetricsAPI.new end after do # run after each test end describe 'test an instance of MetricsAPI' do it 'should create an instance of MetricsAPI' do expect(@api_instance).to be_instance_of(DatadogAPIClient::V1::MetricsAPI) end end # unit tests for get_metric_metadata # Get metric metadata # Get metadata about a specific metric. # @param metric_name Name of the metric for which to get metadata. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [MetricMetadata] describe 'get_metric_metadata test' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for list_active_metrics # Get active metrics list # Get the list of actively reporting metrics from a given time until now. # @param from Seconds since the Unix epoch. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @option opts [String] :host Hostname for filtering the list of metrics returned. If set, metrics retrieved are those with the corresponding hostname tag. # @option opts [String] :tag_filter Filter metrics that have been submitted with the given tags. Supports boolean and wildcard expressions. Cannot be combined with other filters. # @return [MetricsListResponse] describe 'list_active_metrics test' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for list_metrics # Search metrics # Search for metrics from the last 24 hours in Datadog. # @param q Query string to search metrics upon. Must be prefixed with `metrics:`. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [MetricSearchResponse] describe 'list_metrics test' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for query_metrics # Query timeseries points # Query timeseries points. # @param from Start of the queried time period, seconds since the Unix epoch. # @param to End of the queried time period, seconds since the Unix epoch. # @param query Query string. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [MetricsQueryResponse] describe 'query_metrics test' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for submit_metrics # Submit metrics # The metrics end-point allows you to post time-series data that can be graphed on Datadog’s dashboards. The maximum payload size is 3.2 megabytes (3200000 bytes). Compressed payloads must have a decompressed size of less than 62 megabytes (62914560 bytes). If you’re submitting metrics directly to the Datadog API without using DogStatsD, expect: - 64 bits for the timestamp - 32 bits for the value - 20 bytes for the metric names - 50 bytes for the timeseries - The full payload is approximately 100 bytes. However, with the DogStatsD API, compression is applied, which reduces the payload size. # @param body # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @option opts [MetricContentEncoding] :content_encoding HTTP header used to compress the media-type. # @return [IntakePayloadAccepted] describe 'submit_metrics test' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end # unit tests for update_metric_metadata # Edit metric metadata # Edit metadata of a specific metric. Find out more about [supported types](https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/metrics). # @param metric_name Name of the metric for which to edit metadata. # @param body New metadata. # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters # @return [MetricMetadata] describe 'update_metric_metadata test' do it 'should work' do # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers end end end