# Union Station - https://www.unionstationapp.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Phusion Holding B.V. # # "Union Station" and "Passenger" are trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require 'fileutils' require 'net/http' require 'uri' module UnionStationHooks # Contains helper methods for use in unit tests across all the # `union_station_hooks_*` gems. # # @private module SpecHelper extend self # Make methods available as class methods. def self.included(klass) # When included into another class, make sure that Utils # methods are made private. public_instance_methods(false).each do |method_name| klass.send(:private, method_name) end end # To be called during initialization of the test suite. def initialize! load_passenger initialize_ush_api initialize_debugging undo_bundler end # Lookup the `passenger-config` command, either by respecting the # `PASSENGER_CONFIG` environment variable, or by looking it up in `PATH`. # If the command cannot be found, the current process aborts with an # error message. def find_passenger_config passenger_config = ENV['PASSENGER_CONFIG'] if passenger_config.nil? || passenger_config.empty? passenger_config = find_passenger_config_vendor || find_passenger_config_in_path end if passenger_config.nil? || passenger_config.empty? abort 'ERROR: The unit tests are to be run against a specific ' \ 'Passenger version. However, the \'passenger-config\' command is ' \ 'not found. Please install Passenger, or (if you are sure ' \ 'Passenger is installed) set the PASSENGER_CONFIG environment ' \ 'variable to the \'passenger-config\' command.' end passenger_config end # Looks for the passenger-config command in PATH, returning nil # if not found. def find_passenger_config_in_path ENV['PATH'].split(':').each do |path| if File.exist?("#{path}/passenger-config") return "#{path}/passenger-config" end end end # Checks whether this union_station_hooks installation is a copy that # is vendored into Passenger, and if so, returns the full path to the # containing Passenger's passenger-config command. def find_passenger_config_vendor path = "#{UnionStationHooks::ROOT}/../../../../../bin/passenger-config" if File.exist?(path) File.expand_path(path) else nil end end # Uses `find_passenger_config` to lookup a Passenger installation, and # loads the Passenger Ruby support library associated with that # installation. All the constants defined in the Passenger Ruby support # library are loaded. In addition, checks whether the Passenger agent # executable is installed. If not, the current process aborts with an # error message. def load_passenger passenger_config = find_passenger_config puts "Using Passenger installation at: #{passenger_config}" passenger_ruby_libdir = `#{passenger_config} about ruby-libdir`.strip require("#{passenger_ruby_libdir}/phusion_passenger") PhusionPassenger.locate_directories PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'constants' puts "Loaded Passenger version #{PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING}" agent = PhusionPassenger.find_support_binary(PhusionPassenger::AGENT_EXE) if agent.nil? abort "ERROR: The Passenger agent isn't installed. Please ensure " \ "that it is installed, e.g. using:\n\n" \ " #{passenger_config} install-agent\n\n" end end def initialize_ush_api UnionStationHooks.require_lib('api') end def initialize_debugging @@debug = !ENV['DEBUG'].to_s.empty? if @@debug UnionStationHooks.require_lib('log') UnionStationHooks::Log.debugging = true end end # Unit tests must undo the Bundler environment so that the gem's # own Gemfile doesn't affect subprocesses that may have their # own Gemfile. def undo_bundler clean_env = nil Bundler.with_clean_env do clean_env = ENV.to_hash end ENV.replace(clean_env) end # Checks whether `initialize_debugging` enabled debugging mode. def debug? @@debug end # Writes the given content to the file at the given path. If or or more # parent directories don't exist, then they are created. def write_file(path, content) dir = File.dirname(path) if !File.exist?(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end File.open(path, 'wb') do |f| f.write(content) end end def get_response(path) uri = URI.parse("#{root_url}#{path}") Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) end def get(path) response = get_response(path) return_200_response_body(path, response) end def return_200_response_body(path, response) if response.code == '200' response.body else raise "HTTP request to #{path} failed.\n" \ "Code: #{response.code}\n" \ "Body:\n" \ "#{response.body}" end end # Opens a debug shell. By default, the debug shell is opened in the current # working directory. If the current module has the `prepare_debug_shell` # method, that method is called before opening the debug shell. The method # could, for example, change the working directory. # # This method does *not* raise an exception if the debug shell exits with # an error. def debug_shell puts '------ Opening debug shell -----' @orig_dir = Dir.pwd begin if respond_to?(:prepare_debug_shell) prepare_debug_shell end system('bash') ensure Dir.chdir(@orig_dir) end puts '------ Exiting debug shell -----' end # Returns the path of a specific UstRouter dump file. # Requires that `@dump_dir` is set. def dump_file_path(category = 'requests') raise '@dump_dir variable required' if !@dump_dir "#{@dump_dir}/#{category}" end # Reads the contents of a specific UstRouter dump file. # Requires that `@dump_dir` is set. # # @raise SystemError Something went wrong during reading. def read_dump_file(category = 'requests') File.read(dump_file_path(category)) end # Waits until the dump file exists. Raises an error if # this doesn't become true within the default {#eventually} # timeout. def wait_for_dump_file_existance(category = 'requests') eventually do File.exist?(dump_file_path(category)) end end # Assert that the dump file eventually exists and that its contents # eventually match the given regex. def eventually_expect_dump_file_to_match(regex, category = 'requests') wait_for_dump_file_existance(category) eventually do read_dump_file(category) =~ regex end end # Assert that the dump file (if it ever exists) its contents will never match # the given regex. def never_expect_dump_file_to_match(regex, category = 'requests') should_never_happen do File.exist?(dump_file_path(category)) && read_dump_file(category) =~ regex end end # Makes `UnionStationHooks::Log.warn` not print anything. def silence_warnings UnionStationHooks::Log.warn_callback = lambda { |_message| } end # Asserts that something should eventually happen. This is done by checking # that the given block eventually returns true. The block is called # once every `check_interval` msec. If the block does not return true # within `deadline_duration` secs, then an exception is raised. def eventually(deadline_duration = 3, check_interval = 0.05) deadline = Time.now + deadline_duration while Time.now < deadline if yield return else sleep(check_interval) end end raise 'Time limit exceeded' end # Asserts that something should never happen. This is done by checking that # the given block never returns true. The block is called once every # `check_interval` msec, until `deadline_duration` seconds have passed. # If the block ever returns true, then an exception is raised. def should_never_happen(deadline_duration = 0.5, check_interval = 0.05) deadline = Time.now + deadline_duration while Time.now < deadline if yield raise "That which shouldn't happen happened anyway" else sleep(check_interval) end end end end end