describe :enumerable_take, :shared => true do before :each do @values = [4,3,2,1,0,-1] @enum =*@values) end it "returns the first count elements if given a count" do @enum.send(@method, 2).should == [4, 3] @enum.send(@method, 4).should == [4, 3, 2, 1] # See redmine #1686 ! end it "returns an empty array when passed count on an empty array" do empty = empty.send(@method, 0).should == [] empty.send(@method, 1).should == [] empty.send(@method, 2).should == [] end it "returns an empty array when passed count == 0" do @enum.send(@method, 0).should == [] end it "returns an array containing the first element when passed count == 1" do @enum.send(@method, 1).should == [4] end it "raises an ArgumentError when count is negative" do lambda { @enum.send(@method, -1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "returns the entire array when count > length" do @enum.send(@method, 100).should == @values @enum.send(@method, 8).should == @values # See redmine #1686 ! end it "tries to convert the passed argument to an Integer using #to_int" do obj = mock('to_int') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(3).at_most(:twice) # called twice, no apparent reason. See redmine #1554 @enum.send(@method, obj).should == [4, 3, 2] end it "raises a TypeError if the passed argument is not numeric" do lambda { @enum.send(@method, nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { @enum.send(@method, "a") }.should raise_error(TypeError) obj = mock("nonnumeric") lambda { @enum.send(@method, obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end ruby_bug "#1554", "1.9.1" do it "consumes only what is needed" do thrower = thrower.send(@method, 0).should == [] counter =,2,3,4) counter.send(@method, 2).should == [1,2] counter.times_called.should == 1 counter.times_yielded.should == 2 end end end