use cranelift_codegen::settings::Configurable; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; pub fn hwcap_detect(isa_builder: &mut dyn Configurable) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let v = unsafe { libc::getauxval(libc::AT_HWCAP) }; const HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_A: libc::c_ulong = 1 << (b'a' - b'a'); const HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_C: libc::c_ulong = 1 << (b'c' - b'a'); const HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_D: libc::c_ulong = 1 << (b'd' - b'a'); const HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_F: libc::c_ulong = 1 << (b'f' - b'a'); const HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_M: libc::c_ulong = 1 << (b'm' - b'a'); const HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_V: libc::c_ulong = 1 << (b'v' - b'a'); if (v & HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_A) != 0 { isa_builder.enable("has_a").unwrap(); } if (v & HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_C) != 0 { isa_builder.enable("has_c").unwrap(); } if (v & HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_D) != 0 { isa_builder.enable("has_d").unwrap(); } if (v & HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_F) != 0 { isa_builder.enable("has_f").unwrap(); // TODO: There doesn't seem to be a bit associated with this extension // rust enables it with the `f` extension: // isa_builder.enable("has_zicsr").unwrap(); } if (v & HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_M) != 0 { isa_builder.enable("has_m").unwrap(); } if (v & HWCAP_RISCV_EXT_V) != 0 { isa_builder.enable("has_v").unwrap(); } // In general extensions that are longer than one letter // won't have a bit associated with them. The Linux kernel // is currently working on a new way to query the extensions. Ok(()) } /// Read the /proc/cpuinfo file and detect the extensions. /// /// We are looking for the isa line string, which contains the extensions. /// The format for this string is specifid in the linux user space ABI for RISC-V: /// /// /// The format is fairly similar to the one specified in the RISC-V ISA manual, but /// all lower case. /// /// An example ISA string is: rv64imafdcvh_zawrs_zba_zbb_zicbom_zicboz_zicsr_zifencei_zihintpause pub fn cpuinfo_detect(isa_builder: &mut dyn Configurable) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let file = File::open("/proc/cpuinfo").map_err(|_| "failed to open /proc/cpuinfo")?; let isa_string = BufReader::new(file) .lines() .filter_map(Result::ok) .find_map(|line| { if let Some((k, v)) = line.split_once(':') { if k.trim_end() == "isa" { return Some(v.trim().to_string()); } } None }) .ok_or("failed to find isa line in /proc/cpuinfo")?; for ext in isa_string_extensions(&isa_string) { // Try enabling all the extensions that are parsed. // Cranelift won't recognize all of them, but that's okay we just ignore them. // Extensions flags in the RISC-V backend have the format of `has_x` for the `x` extension. let _ = isa_builder.enable(&format!("has_{ext}")); } Ok(()) } /// Parses an ISA string and returns an iterator over the extensions. fn isa_string_extensions(isa: &str) -> Vec<&str> { let mut parts = isa.split('_'); let mut extensions = Vec::new(); // The first entry has the form `rv64imafdcvh`, we need to skip the architecture ("rv64"). // Each of the letters after the cpu architecture is an extension, so return them // individually. if let Some(letters) ="rv64") { extensions.extend(letters.matches(|_| true)); extensions.extend(parts); } extensions } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn parse_isa() { let isa_string = "rv64imafdcvh_zawrs_zba_zbb_zicbom_zicboz_zicsr_zifencei_zihintpause"; let extensions = vec![ "i", "m", "a", "f", "d", "c", "v", "h", "zawrs", "zba", "zbb", "zicbom", "zicboz", "zicsr", "zifencei", "zihintpause", ]; assert_eq!(isa_string_extensions(isa_string), extensions,); } }