/* Copyright (c) 2003-2009, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'floatpanel', { requires : [ 'panel' ] }); (function() { var panels = {}; var isShowing = false; function getPanel( editor, doc, parentElement, definition, level ) { // Generates the panel key: docId-eleId-skinName-langDir[-uiColor][-CSSs][-level] var key = doc.getUniqueId() + '-' + parentElement.getUniqueId() + '-' + editor.skinName + '-' + editor.lang.dir + ( ( editor.uiColor && ( '-' + editor.uiColor ) ) || '' ) + ( ( definition.css && ( '-' + definition.css ) ) || '' ) + ( ( level && ( '-' + level ) ) || '' ); var panel = panels[ key ]; if ( !panel ) { panel = panels[ key ] = new CKEDITOR.ui.panel( doc, definition ); panel.element = parentElement.append( CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( panel.renderHtml( editor ), doc ) ); panel.element.setStyles( { display : 'none', position : 'absolute' }); } return panel; } CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( { $ : function( editor, parentElement, definition, level ) { definition.forceIFrame = true; var doc = parentElement.getDocument(), panel = getPanel( editor, doc, parentElement, definition, level || 0 ), element = panel.element, iframe = element.getFirst().getFirst(); this.element = element; this._ = { // The panel that will be floating. panel : panel, parentElement : parentElement, definition : definition, document : doc, iframe : iframe, children : [], dir : editor.lang.dir }; }, proto : { addBlock : function( name, block ) { return this._.panel.addBlock( name, block ); }, addListBlock : function( name, multiSelect ) { return this._.panel.addListBlock( name, multiSelect ); }, getBlock : function( name ) { return this._.panel.getBlock( name ); }, /* corner (LTR): 1 = top-left 2 = top-right 3 = bottom-right 4 = bottom-left corner (RTL): 1 = top-right 2 = top-left 3 = bottom-left 4 = bottom-right */ showBlock : function( name, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) { var panel = this._.panel, block = panel.showBlock( name ); this.allowBlur( false ); isShowing = true; var element = this.element, iframe = this._.iframe, definition = this._.definition, position = offsetParent.getDocumentPosition( element.getDocument() ), rtl = this._.dir == 'rtl'; var left = position.x + ( offsetX || 0 ), top = position.y + ( offsetY || 0 ); if ( ( rtl && ( corner == 1 || corner == 4 ) ) || ( !rtl && ( corner == 2 || corner == 3 ) ) ) left += offsetParent.$.offsetWidth - 1; if ( corner == 3 || corner == 4 ) top += offsetParent.$.offsetHeight - 1; // Memorize offsetParent by it's ID. this._.panel._.offsetParentId = offsetParent.getId(); element.setStyles( { top : top + 'px', left : '-3000px', visibility : 'hidden', opacity : '0', // FF3 is ignoring "visibility" display : '' }); // Configure the IFrame blur event. Do that only once. if ( !this._.blurSet ) { // Non IE prefer the event into a window object. var focused = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? iframe : new CKEDITOR.dom.window( iframe.$.contentWindow ); // With addEventListener compatible browsers, we must // useCapture when registering the focus/blur events to // guarantee they will be firing in all situations. (#3068, #3222 ) CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = true; focused.on( 'blur', function( ev ) { if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !this.allowBlur() ) return; // As we are using capture to register the listener, // the blur event may get fired even when focusing // inside the window itself, so we must ensure the // target is out of it. var target = ev.data.getTarget(), targetWindow = target.getWindow && target.getWindow(); if ( targetWindow && targetWindow.equals( focused ) ) return; if ( this.visible && !this._.activeChild && !isShowing ) this.hide(); }, this ); focused.on( 'focus', function() { this._.focused = true; this.hideChild(); this.allowBlur( true ); }, this ); CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = false; this._.blurSet = 1; } panel.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() { this.onEscape && this.onEscape(); }, this ); CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() { if ( rtl ) left -= element.$.offsetWidth; element.setStyles( { left : left + 'px', visibility : '', opacity : '1' // FF3 is ignoring "visibility" }); if ( block.autoSize ) { function setHeight() { var target = element.getFirst(); var height = block.element.$.scrollHeight; // Account for extra height needed due to IE quirks box model bug: // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug // (#3426) if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && height > 0 ) height += ( target.$.offsetHeight || 0 ) - ( target.$.clientHeight || 0 ); target.setStyle( 'height', height + 'px' ); // Fix IE < 8 visibility. panel._.currentBlock.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' ).removeStyle( 'display' ); } if ( panel.isLoaded ) setHeight(); else panel.onLoad = setHeight; } else element.getFirst().removeStyle( 'height' ); // Set the IFrame focus, so the blur event gets fired. CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() { if ( definition.voiceLabel ) { if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) { var container = iframe.getParent(); container.setAttribute( 'role', 'region' ); container.setAttribute( 'title', definition.voiceLabel ); iframe.setAttribute( 'role', 'region' ); iframe.setAttribute( 'title', ' ' ); } } if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) iframe.focus(); else iframe.$.contentWindow.focus(); // We need this get fired manually because of unfired focus() function. if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) this.allowBlur( true ); }, 0, this); }, 0, this); this.visible = 1; if ( this.onShow ) this.onShow.call( this ); isShowing = false; }, hide : function() { if ( this.visible && ( !this.onHide || this.onHide.call( this ) !== true ) ) { this.hideChild(); this.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' ); this.visible = 0; } }, allowBlur : function( allow ) // Prevent editor from hiding the panel. #3222. { var panel = this._.panel; if ( allow != undefined ) panel.allowBlur = allow; return panel.allowBlur; }, showAsChild : function( panel, blockName, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ) { // Skip reshowing of child which is already visible. if ( this._.activeChild == panel && panel._.panel._.offsetParentId == offsetParent.getId() ) return; this.hideChild(); panel.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function() { // Use a timeout, so we give time for this menu to get // potentially focused. CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function() { if ( !this._.focused ) this.hide(); }, 0, this ); }, this ); this._.activeChild = panel; this._.focused = false; panel.showBlock( blockName, offsetParent, corner, offsetX, offsetY ); /* #3767 IE: Second level menu may not have borders */ if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8 && CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) ) { setTimeout(function() { panel.element.getChild( 0 ).$.style.cssText += ''; }, 100); } }, hideChild : function() { var activeChild = this._.activeChild; if ( activeChild ) { delete activeChild.onHide; delete this._.activeChild; activeChild.hide(); } } } }); })();