# ronin-vulns-command-injection 1 "May 2023" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-vulns-command-injection - Scans URL(s) for Command Injection vulnerabilities ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-vulns command-injection` [*options*] {*URL* ... \| `--input` *FILE*} ## DESCRIPTION Scans URL(s) for Command Injection vulnerabilities. The URLs to scan can be given as additional arguments or read from a file using the `--input` option. ## ARGUMENTS *URL* : A URL to scan. ## OPTIONS `--db` *NAME* : The database name to connect to. Defaults to `default` if not given. `--db-uri` *URI* : The database URI to connect to (ex: `postgres://user:password@host/db`). `--db-file` *PATH* : The sqlite3 database file to use. `--import` : Imports discovered vulnerabilities into the database. `--first` : Only find the first vulnerability for each URL. `-A`, `--all` : Find all vulnerabilities for each URL. `--print-curl` : Also prints an example `curl` command for each vulnerability. `--print-http` : Also prints an example HTTP request for each vulnerability. `-M`, `--request-method` `COPY`|`DELETE`|`GET`|`HEAD`|`LOCK`|`MKCOL`|`MOVE`|`OPTIONS`|`PATCH`|`POST`|`PROPFIND`|`PROPPATCH`|`PUT`|`TRACE`|`UNLOCK` : Sets the HTTP request method to use. `-H`, `--header` "*Name*: *value*" : Sets an additional header using the given *Name* and *value*. `-U`, `--user-agent-string` *STRING* : Sets the `User-Agent` header string. `-u`, `--user-agent` `chrome-linux`\|`chrome-macos`\|`chrome-windows`\|`chrome-iphone`\|`chrome-ipad`\|`chrome-android`\|`firefox-linux`\|`firefox-macos`\|`firefox-windows`\|`firefox-iphone`\|`firefox-ipad`\|`firefox-android`\|`safari-macos`\|`safari-iphone`\|`safari-ipad`\|`edge` : Sets the `User-Agent` header. `-C`, `--cookie` *COOKIE* : Sets the raw `Cookie` header. `-c`, `--cookie-param` *NAME*`=`*VALUE* : Sets an additional `Cookie` param using the given *NAME* and *VALUE*. `-R`, `--referer` *URL* : Sets the `Referer` header. `-F`, `--form-param` *NAME*`=`*VALUE* : Sets an additional form param using the given *NAME* and *VALUE*. `--test-query-param` *NAME* : Tests the URL query param name. `--test-all-query-params` : Test all URL query param names. `--test-header-name` *NAME* : Tests the HTTP Header name. `--test-cookie-param` *NAME* : Tests the HTTP Cookie name. `--test-all-cookie-params` : Test all Cookie param names. `--test-form-param` *NAME* : Tests the form param name. `-i`, `--input` *FILE* : Reads URLs from the given *FILE*. `-Q`, `--escape-quote` *CHAR* : The string quotation character to use to escape the command. `-O`, `--escape-operator` *CHAR* : The command operator character to use to escape the command. `-T`, `--terminator` *CHAR* : The command termination character to use. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-vulns-scan](ronin-vulns-scan.1.md)