require 'date' require 'calabash-cucumber' module Briar module Picker module Date include Briar::Picker_Shared =begin TODO use minute interval modes 5,10,15 etc. to test if date is reachable TODO use the max/min dates to determine if a date is reachable TODO when manually moving the picker wheels - speed things up by figuring out which direction to scroll the hour/minutes =end =begin requires: picker_common_step.rb examples Then I should see that the date picker is in time mode Then I should see that the time on the picker is now Then I change the time on the picker to "1:45 PM" Then I change the time on the picker to "13:45" Then I change the date on the picker to "Sat Nov 17" Then I change the date on the picker to "Sat 17 Nov" Then I change the picker date to "Sat Nov 17" and the time to "0:00" Then I change the picker date to "Sat 17 Nov" and the time to "12:00 AM" Then I change the picker to 2 days ago at "9:30 PM" Then I should see that the "checkin" row has the time I just entered in the "status" label this file provides 2 ways to manipulate a date picker: 1. AUTOMATIC <== setting the date directly using a UIDatePicker category method 2. MANUAL <== setting the date by manipulating the picker wheels there are pros and cons for each approach. AUTOMATIC pros 1. the date selection happens almost instantly 2. there is very little parsing of date and time strings <== fewer errors 3. it is accomplished in a small number of lines of code <== fewer errors AUTOMATIC cons 1. it does not really simulate the user interaction with the picker wheels. this is actually very hard to do because there are cases where changing one column will cause another column to change. for example: when in 12h mode, if the user rotates the hour to 12, then the period column will change. this change cannot be detected on the calabash side so either it has to be guarded against (don't rotate past 12) or the AM/PM must be changed last. 2. requires a category on UIDatePicker <== pollutes the application environment 3. uses the query language to make changes to application state <== doesn't seem kosher in my mind this is a little like the keyboard_enter_text because that method enters text in a way that no user can (i.e. so fast) MANUAL pros 1. it directly simulates what a user does MANUAL cons 1. it is very slow <== long tests are a drag 2. there is a lot of string <==> date parsing <== more errors 3. lots of special case handling <== more errors to use the automatic mode, include this category in your CALABASH target === BEGIN === @interface UIDatePicker (CALABASH_ADDITIONS) - (NSString *) hasCalabashAdditions:(NSString *) aSuccessIndicator; - (BOOL) setDateWithString:(NSString *)aString format:(NSString *) aFormat animated:(BOOL) aAnimated; @end @implementation UIDatePicker (CALABASH_ADDITIONS) - (NSString *) hasCalabashAdditions:(NSString *) aSuccessIndicator { return aSuccessIndicator; } - (BOOL) setDateWithString:(NSString *)aString format:(NSString *) aFormat animated:(BOOL) aAnimated { NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [df setDateFormat:aFormat]; NSDate *date = [df dateFromString:aString]; if (date == nil) return NO; [self setDate:date animated:aAnimated]; return YES; } @end === END === =end # 0.2 is too fast because the picker does not pause at the date long enough for # the date to change. 0.3 seems to work, but 0.4 is best i think. PICKER_STEP_PAUSE = 0.4.to_f PICKER_AM = "AM" PICKER_PM = "PM" # most locales and situations prefer _not_ to have leading zeros on hours in 24h # see usage below to find out when and if the zeros are stripped PICKER_24H_TIME_FMT = '%H:%M' PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT = '%l:%M %p' PICKER_ISO8601_TIME_FMT = '%H:%M' PICKER_REMOVE_LEADING_ZERO_REGEX = /\A^0/ # 24h locales - Fri 16 Nov - 24h locales PICKER_24H_DATE_FMT = '%a %e %b' # common format for US Fri Nov 16 PICKER_12H_DATE_FMT = '%a %b %e' # our canonical format for testing if two dates are the same PICKER_ISO8601_DATE_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d' PICKER_ISO8601_DATE_TIME_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' # when we are using the date picker category, this is the format of the string # we will send to setDateWithString:animated: # # ex. 2012_11_18_16_45 PICKER__RUBY___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT = '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%z' PICKER__OBJC___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT = 'yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_Z' # iOS 5 PICKER_VIEW_CLASS_IOS5 = "datePickerView" PICKER_VIEW_CLASS_IOS6 = "view:'_UIDatePickerView'" # testing for existence def should_see_date_picker (picker_id) res = !query("datePicker marked:'#{picker_id}'").empty? unless res screenshot_and_raise "could not find date picker #{picker_id}" end end # getting dates from the picker def picker_date_time res = query("datePicker", :date) screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty? DateTime.parse(res.first) end # appledoc ==> The property is an NSDate object or nil (the default), which # means no maximum date. def picker_maximum_date_time res = query("datePicker", :maximumDate) screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty? res.first != nil ? DateTime.parse(res.first) : nil end # appledoc ==> The property is an NSDate object or nil (the default), which # means no minimum date. def picker_minimum_date_time res = query("datePicker", :minimumDate) screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty? res.first != nil ? DateTime.parse(res.first) : nil end # automatic date setting # checking to see if the picker is visible and has the calabash category # additions def picker_has_calabash_additions success_value = "1" res = query("datePicker", [{hasCalabashAdditions:success_value}]) screenshot_and_raise "picker is not visible" if res.empty? res.first.eql? success_value end def date_time_or_time_str_is_in_24h (date_time_or_time_str) date_time_or_time_str[-1, 1].scan(/^[a-zA-Z]/).empty? end def date_str_is_in_24h (date_str) !date_str[-1, 1].scan(/^[a-zA-Z]/).empty? end def date_str_to_send_to_picker_from_time_str (time_str) time_in_24h = date_time_or_time_str_is_in_24h time_str time_fmt = time_in_24h ? PICKER_24H_TIME_FMT : PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT date_fmt = time_in_24h ? PICKER_24H_DATE_FMT : PICKER_12H_DATE_FMT date_str = picker_date_time.strftime(date_fmt).squeeze(" ").strip date_time_str = "#{date_str} #{time_str}" date_time_fmt = "#{date_fmt} #{time_fmt}" date_time = DateTime.strptime(date_time_str, date_time_fmt) date_time.strftime(PICKER__RUBY___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip end def date_str_to_send_to_picker_from_date_str (date_str) date_in_24h = date_str_is_in_24h (date_str) time_fmt = date_in_24h ? PICKER_24H_TIME_FMT : PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT date_fmt = date_in_24h ? PICKER_24H_DATE_FMT : PICKER_12H_DATE_FMT time_str = picker_date_time.strftime(time_fmt).squeeze(" ").strip date_time_str = "#{date_str} #{time_str}" date_time_fmt = "#{date_fmt} #{time_fmt}" date_time = DateTime.strptime(date_time_str, date_time_fmt) date_time.strftime(PICKER__RUBY___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip end def set_picker_date_with_date_time_str (date_time_str, animated=1) query("datePicker", [{respondsToSelector:"minuteInterval"}]) res = query("datePicker", [{setDateWithString:date_time_str}, {format:"#{PICKER__OBJC___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT}"}, {animated:animated.to_i}]) screenshot_and_raise "could not find a date picker to query" if res.empty? if res.first.to_i == 0 screenshot_and_raise "could not set the picker date with '#{date_time_str}' and '#{PICKER__RUBY___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT}'" end # REQUIRED sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) # the query does not create a UIControlEventValueChanged event, so we have to # to a touch event # if the picker is in time mode, then we dont need to worry about min/max # if the picker is date or date time mode, i think the first column is # always scrollable up _and_ it sends an event even if the date is beyond # the maximum date #picker_max_date = picker_maximum_date_time #picker_min_date = picker_minimum_date_time #target_date = DateTime.strptime(date_time_str, PICKER__RUBY___SET_PICKER_DATE__DATE_AND_TIME_FMT) #column_one_index = picker_current_index_for_column 0 #query("pickerTableView index:0", [{selectRow:column_one_index}, {animated:1}, {notify:1}]) picker_scroll_down_on_column 0 sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) picker_scroll_up_on_column 0 sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) #if (target_date + 1) > picker_max_date # picker_scroll_down_on_column 0 # sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) # picker_scroll_up_on_column 0 #elsif (target_date - 1) < picker_min_date # picker_scroll_up_on_column 0 # sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) # picker_scroll_down_on_column 0 #else # screenshot_and_raise "could not figure out which way to rotate the day column to trigger an event" #end end # apple docs # You can use this property to set the interval displayed by the minutes wheel # (for example, 15 minutes). The interval value must be evenly divided into 60; # if it is not, the default value is used. The default and minimum values are 1; # the maximum value is 30. def picker_minute_interval screenshot_and_raise "there is no minute in date mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode res = query("datePicker", :minuteInterval) screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty? @picker_minute_interval = res.first end def time_hash_by_add_minutes_until_at_closest_interval (time_str, interval=picker_minute_interval()) screenshot_and_raise "interval '#{interval}' is not on (0, 59) which is not allowed" unless (0..59).member?(interval) time = Time.parse(time_str) # normalize to zero time = time - time.sec minute = time.min count = 0 unless (minute % interval) == 0 begin minute = (minute > 59) ? 0 : minute + 1 count = count + 1 end end while ((minute % interval) != 0) time = time + (count * 60) {:h12 => time.strftime(PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip, :h24 => time.strftime(PICKER_24H_TIME_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip.sub(PICKER_REMOVE_LEADING_ZERO_REGEX,""), :time => time} end # picker modes UIDatePickerModeTime = 0 UIDatePickerModeDate = 1 UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime = 2 UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer = 3 def picker_mode res = query("datePicker", :datePickerMode) screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty? res.first end def picker_is_in_time_mode picker_mode == UIDatePickerModeTime end def picker_is_in_date_mode picker_mode == UIDatePickerModeDate end def picker_is_in_date_and_time_mode picker_mode == UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime end def picker_is_in_countdown_mode picker_mode == UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer end # columns for different modes def picker_column_for_hour screenshot_and_raise "there is no hour column in date mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode picker_is_in_time_mode ? 0 : 1 end def picker_column_for_minute screenshot_and_raise "there is no minute column in date mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode picker_is_in_time_mode ? 1 : 2 end def picker_column_for_period screenshot_and_raise "there is no period column in date mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode picker_is_in_time_mode ? 2 : 3 end # 12h or 24h locale def picker_is_in_12h_locale screenshot_and_raise "12h/24h mode is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode column = picker_column_for_period !query("pickerTableView index:#{column}").empty? end def picker_is_in_24h_locale !picker_is_in_12h_locale end # dealing with the period (aka meridian) column # this will cause problems with localizations - for example: # pt (lisbon) - a.m./p.m. # de - nach/vor def picker_period screenshot_and_raise "picker is not in 12h mode" if picker_is_in_24h_locale date = picker_date_time date_str = date.strftime(PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT) tokens = date_str.split(" ") tokens.last end def picker_period_is_am? picker_period.eql?("AM") end def picker_period_is_pm? picker_period.eql?("PM") end # weekday, month, day, etc def picker_weekday screenshot_and_raise "weekday is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_time_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode res = query("datePickerWeekMonthDayView", :weekdayLabel, :text)[2] # need to guard against Today showing res == nil ?'%a') : res end def picker_month_day screenshot_and_raise "month/day is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_time_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode res = query("datePickerWeekMonthDayView", :dateLabel, :text)[2] picker_iso = picker_date_time.strftime(PICKER_ISO8601_DATE_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip today = today_iso = today.strftime(PICKER_ISO8601_DATE_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip fmt = picker_is_in_24h_locale ? '%e %b' : '%b %e' (picker_iso.eql? today_iso) ? today.strftime(fmt) : res end def picker_date_str "#{picker_weekday} #{picker_month_day}".strip.squeeze(" ") end def picker_weekday_month_day_is (weekday_month_day) weekday_month_day.eql? picker_date_str end # dealing with time def picker_hour_24h screenshot_and_raise "hour is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode or picker_is_in_date_mode # query always returns as 24h res_ios5 = query(PICKER_VIEW_CLASS_IOS5, :hour).first res_ios6 = query(PICKER_VIEW_CLASS_IOS6, :hour).first return res_ios5 != nil ? res_ios5 : res_ios6 #query("datePickerView", :hour).first end def picker_hour_24h_str screenshot_and_raise "hour is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode or picker_is_in_date_mode "%02d" % picker_hour_24h end def picker_hour_12h screenshot_and_raise "hour is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode or picker_is_in_date_mode hour_24h = picker_hour_24h return 12 if hour_24h == 0 hour_24h > 12 ? hour_24h - 12 : hour_24h end def picker_hour_12h_str screenshot_and_raise "hour is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode or picker_is_in_date_mode "#{picker_hour_12h}" end def picker_hour_24h_is (target_hour) target_hour == picker_hour_24h end def picker_hour_12h_is (target_hour) target_hour == picker_hour_12h end def picker_hour_is (target_hour) picker_is_in_24h_locale ? picker_hour_24h_is(target_hour) : picker_hour_12h_is(target_hour) end def picker_minute screenshot_and_raise "hour is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode or picker_is_in_date_mode res_ios5 = query(PICKER_VIEW_CLASS_IOS5, :minute).first res_ios6 = query(PICKER_VIEW_CLASS_IOS6, :minute).first return res_ios5 != nil ? res_ios5 : res_ios6 #query("datePickerView", :minute).first end def picker_minute_str screenshot_and_raise "hour is not applicable to this mode" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode or picker_is_in_date_mode "%02d" % picker_minute #"%02d" % query("datePickerView", :minute).first end def picker_minute_is (target_minute) target_minute == picker_minute end def picker_time_24h_str screenshot_and_raise "the time is not applicable for this mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode "#{picker_hour_24h_str}:#{picker_minute_str}".strip.sub(PICKER_REMOVE_LEADING_ZERO_REGEX, "") end def picker_time_12h_str screenshot_and_raise "the time is not applicable for this mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode "#{picker_hour_12h_str}:#{picker_minute_str} #{picker_period}" end def picker_time_str screenshot_and_raise "the time is not applicable for this mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode picker_is_in_24h_locale ? picker_time_24h_str : picker_time_12h_str end def picker_time_for_other_locale time_str = picker_is_in_24h_locale ? picker_time_24h_str : picker_time_12h_str fmt_str = picker_is_in_24h_locale ? PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT : PICKER_24H_TIME_FMT Time.parse(time_str).strftime(fmt_str).squeeze(" ").strip.sub(PICKER_REMOVE_LEADING_ZERO_REGEX,"") end # date and time def picker_date_and_time_str_24h screenshot_and_raise "the time is not applicable for this mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode "#{picker_date_str} #{picker_time_24h_str}" end def picker_date_and_time_str_12h screenshot_and_raise "the time is not applicable for this mode" if picker_is_in_date_mode or picker_is_in_countdown_mode "#{picker_date_str} #{picker_time_12h_str}" end def picker_date_and_time_str "#{picker_date_str} #{picker_time_str}" end def picker_date_and_time_str_for_other_locale "#{picker_date_str} #{picker_time_for_other_locale}" end # useful def now_times_map now = {:h12 => now.strftime(PICKER_12H_TIME_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip, :h24 => now.strftime(PICKER_24H_TIME_FMT).squeeze(" ").strip.sub(PICKER_REMOVE_LEADING_ZERO_REGEX,""), :time => now} end def now_time_24h_locale now_times_map[:h24] end def now_time_12h_locale now_times_map[:h12] end # scrolling picker def picker_scroll_to_hour (target_hour_int_24h_notation) screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode column = picker_column_for_hour limit = 25 count = 0 unless picker_hour_24h_is target_hour_int_24h_notation begin picker_scroll_up_on_column(column) sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) count = count + 1 end while (not picker_hour_24h_is target_hour_int_24h_notation) and count < limit end unless picker_hour_24h_is target_hour_int_24h_notation screenshot_and_raise "scrolled '#{limit}' but could not change hour to '#{target_hour_int_24h_notation}'" end end def picker_scroll_to_minute (target_minute_int) screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode column = picker_column_for_minute limit = 61 count = 0 unless picker_minute_is target_minute_int begin picker_scroll_up_on_column(column) sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) count = count + 1 end while (not picker_minute_is target_minute_int) and count < limit end unless picker_minute_is target_minute_int screenshot_and_raise "scrolled '#{limit}' but could not change minute to '#{target_minute_int}'" end end def picker_scroll_to_period(target_period_str) screenshot_and_raise "nyi" if picker_is_in_countdown_mode screenshot_and_raise "period is not applicable to 24h locale" if picker_is_in_24h_locale column = picker_column_for_period limit = 3 count = 0 unless picker_period.eql? target_period_str begin if picker_period_is_am? scroll_to_row("pickerTableView index:#{column}", 1) else scroll_to_row("pickerTableView index:#{column}", 0) end sleep(PICKER_STEP_PAUSE) count = count + 1 end while (not picker_period.eql? target_period_str) and count < limit end unless picker_period.eql? target_period_str screenshot_and_raise "scrolled '#{limit}' but could not change period to '#{target_period_str}'" end end # utility def time_strings_are_equivalent (a, b) a_iso_str = Time.parse(a).strftime(PICKER_ISO8601_TIME_FMT) b_iso_str = Time.parse(b).strftime(PICKER_ISO8601_TIME_FMT) a_iso_str.eql? b_iso_str end def date_time_strings_are_equivalent (a, b) a_iso_str = Date.parse(a).strftime(PICKER_ISO8601_DATE_TIME_FMT) b_iso_str = Date.parse(b).strftime(PICKER_ISO8601_DATE_TIME_FMT) a_iso_str.eql? b_iso_str end end end end