module Scopes::Product #TODO: change this to array pairs so we preserve order? SCOPES = { # Scopes for selecting products based on taxon :taxon => { :taxons_name_eq => [:taxon_name], :in_taxons => [:taxon_names], }, # product selection based on name, or search :search => { :in_name => [:words], :in_name_or_keywords => [:words], :in_name_or_description => [:words], :with_ids => [:ids] }, # Scopes for selecting products based on option types and properties :values => { :with => [:value], :with_property => [:property], :with_property_value => [:property, :value], :with_option => [:option], :with_option_value => [:option, :value], }, # product selection based upon master price :price => { :price_between => [:low, :high], :master_price_lte => [:amount], :master_price_gte => [:amount], }, } ORDERING = [ :ascend_by_updated_at, :descend_by_updated_at, :ascend_by_name, :descend_by_name, :ascend_by_master_price, :descend_by_master_price, :descend_by_popularity, ] ORDERING.each do |name| next if %w(asecend_by_master_price descend_by_master_price).include?(name.to_s) r = name.to_s.match(/(.*)_by_(.*)/) order_text = "products.#{r[2]} " order_text << ((r[1] == 'ascend') ? "asc" : "desc") Product.send(:scope, name.to_s, Product.send(:relation).order(order_text) ) end ::Product.scope :ascend_by_master_price, Product.joins(:variants_with_only_master).order("#{Variant.table_name}.price asc") ::Product.scope :descend_by_master_price, Product.joins(:variants_with_only_master).order("#{Variant.table_name}.price desc") ATTRIBUTE_HELPER_METHODS = { :with_ids => :product_picker_field } # Ryan Bates - # general merging of conditions, names following the searchlogic pattern ::Product.scope :conditions, lambda { |*args| {:conditions => args}} # conditions_all is a more descriptively named enhancement of the above ::Product.scope :conditions_all, lambda { |*args| {:conditions => [args].flatten}} # forming the disjunction of a list of conditions (as strings) ::Product.scope :conditions_any, lambda { |*args| args = [args].flatten raise "non-strings in conditions_any" unless args.all? {|s| s.is_a? String} {:conditions => {|c| "(#{c})"}.join(" OR ")} } ::Product.scope :price_between, lambda { |low, high| { :joins => :master, :conditions => ["#{Variant.table_name}.price BETWEEN ? AND ?", low, high] } } ::Product.scope :master_price_lte, lambda { |price| { :joins => :master, :conditions => ["#{Variant.table_name}.price <= ?", price] } } ::Product.scope :master_price_gte, lambda { |price| { :joins => :master, :conditions => ["#{Variant.table_name}.price >= ?", price] } } # This scope selects products in taxon AND all its descendants # If you need products only within one taxon use # # Product.taxons_id_eq(x) # ::Product.scope :in_taxon, lambda {|taxon| { :joins => :taxons, :conditions => ["#{Taxon.table_name}.id IN (?) ",]} } # This scope selects products in all taxons AND all its descendants # If you need products only within one taxon use # # Product.taxons_id_eq([x,y]) # Product.scope :in_taxons, lambda {|*taxons| taxons = get_taxons(taxons) taxons.first ? prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons) : {} } # for quick access to products in a group, WITHOUT using the association mechanism Product.scope :in_cached_group, lambda {|product_group| { :joins => "JOIN product_groups_products ON = product_groups_products.product_id", :conditions => ["product_groups_products.product_group_id = ?", product_group] } } # a scope that finds all products having property specified by name, object or id Product.scope :with_property, lambda {|property| conditions = case property when String then [" = ?", property] when Property then [" = ?",] else [" = ?", property.to_i] end { :joins => :properties, :conditions => conditions } } # a scope that finds all products having an option_type specified by name, object or id Product.scope :with_option, lambda {|option| conditions = case option when String then [" = ?", option] when OptionType then [" = ?",] else [" = ?", option.to_i] end { :joins => :option_types, :conditions => conditions } } # a simple test for product with a certain property-value pairing # note that it can test for properties with NULL values, but not for absent values Product.scope :with_property_value, lambda { |property, value| conditions = case property when String then [" = ?", property] when Property then [" = ?",] else [" = ?", property.to_i] end conditions = ["product_properties.value = ? AND #{conditions[0]}", value, conditions[1]] { :joins => :properties, :conditions => conditions } } # a scope that finds all products having an option value specified by name, object or id Product.scope :with_option_value, lambda {|option, value| option_type_id = case option when String option_type = OptionType.find_by_name(option) || option.to_i when OptionType else option.to_i end conditions = [ " = ? AND option_values.option_type_id = ?", value, option_type_id ] { :joins => {:variants => :option_values}, :conditions => conditions } } # finds product having option value OR product_property Product.scope :with, lambda{|value| { :conditions => [" = ? OR product_properties.value = ?", value, value], :joins => {:variants => :option_values, :product_properties => []} } } Product.scope :in_name, lambda{|words| Product.like_any([:name], prepare_words(words)) } Product.scope :in_name_or_keywords, lambda{|words| Product.like_any([:name, :meta_keywords], prepare_words(words)) } Product.scope :in_name_or_description, lambda{|words| Product.like_any([:name, :description, :meta_description, :meta_keywords], prepare_words(words)) } Product.scope :with_ids, lambda{|ids| ids = ids.split(',') if ids.is_a?(String) { :conditions => {:id => ids} } } # Sorts products from most popular (poularity is extracted from how many # times use has put product in cart, not completed orders) # # there is alternative faster and more elegant solution, it has small drawback though, # it doesn stack with other scopes :/ # # :joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT line_items.variant_id as vid, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM line_items GROUP BY line_items.variant_id) AS popularity_count ON = vid", # :order => 'COALESCE(cnt, 0) DESC' Product.scope :descend_by_popularity, { :joins => :master, :order => < [ "taxons.permalink LIKE ? OR taxons.permalink = ?", "%/#{t}/", "#{t}/" ]) end }.compact.uniq end # specifically avoid having an order for taxon search (conflicts with main order) def self.prepare_taxon_conditions(taxons) ids ={|taxon|}.flatten.uniq { :joins => :taxons, :conditions => [" IN (?)", ids] } end end