# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'cmdparse' require 'hexapdf/cli/info' require 'hexapdf/cli/files' require 'hexapdf/cli/inspect' require 'hexapdf/cli/modify' require 'hexapdf/cli/merge' require 'hexapdf/cli/optimize' require 'hexapdf/cli/images' require 'hexapdf/cli/batch' require 'hexapdf/cli/split' require 'hexapdf/cli/watermark' require 'hexapdf/cli/image2pdf' require 'hexapdf/version' require 'hexapdf/document' module HexaPDF # Contains the code for the +hexapdf+ binary. The binary uses the cmdparse library # (http://cmdparse.gettalong.org) for the command suite support. module CLI # Runs the CLI application. def self.run(args = ARGV) Application.new.parse(args) rescue StandardError => e $stderr.puts "Problem encountered: #{e.message}" exit(1) end # The CmdParse::CommandParser class that is used for running the CLI application. class Application < CmdParse::CommandParser # Verbosity level for no output VERBOSITY_QUIET = 0 # Verbosity level for warning output VERBOSITY_WARNING = 1 # Verbosity level for informational output VERBOSITY_INFO = 2 # Specifies whether an operation should be forced. For example, if an existing file should be # overwritten. attr_reader :force # Specifies whether strict parsing and validation should be used. attr_reader :strict def initialize #:nodoc: super(handle_exceptions: :no_help) main_command.options.program_name = "hexapdf" main_command.options.version = HexaPDF::VERSION main_command.extend(Command::Extensions) main_command.define_singleton_method(:usage_commands) { "COMMAND" } add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Info.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Files.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Images.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Inspect.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Modify.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Optimize.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Merge.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Batch.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Split.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Watermark.new) add_command(HexaPDF::CLI::Image2PDF.new) add_command(CmdParse::HelpCommand.new) version_command = CmdParse::VersionCommand.new(add_switches: false) add_command(version_command) main_options.on_tail("--version", "Show hexapdf version") { version_command.execute } @force = false @verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARNING @strict = false global_options.on("--[no-]force", "Force overwriting existing files. Default: false") do |f| @force = f end global_options.on("--strict", "Enable strict parsing and validation") do |s| @strict = s end global_options.on("--verbose", "-v", "Verbose output") do @verbosity += 1 end global_options.on("--quiet", "-q", "Suppress any output") do @verbosity = VERBOSITY_QUIET end end # Returns +true+ if the verbosity level warning is enabled. def verbosity_warning? @verbosity >= VERBOSITY_WARNING end # Returns +true+ if the verbosity level info is enabled. def verbosity_info? @verbosity >= VERBOSITY_INFO end def parse(argv = ARGV) #:nodoc: ARGV.unshift('help') if ARGV.empty? super end end end end