#@fileName #@brief - # #Revision Log: # v1.0.1 : Aug 4, 2016 INITIAL OF PROGRAMMER - REVISION DETAIL_1 <- THIS IS THE LATEST REVISION #Description: #YalgaarInitModule contents methods and variables and enum.. # #@bug Known Issues: # 1. ISSUE NAME - NONE # WORKAROUND - NONE #@details Notes: NONE #SLS MAKES NO REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY, OR CONDITION OF #ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE OR IN #ANY COMMUNICATION WITH YOU, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, #ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY #QUALITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, #NONINFRINGEMENT, AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS. #SLS Propritery and Confidential #@copyright (C) 2016 SLS Corporation, All Rights Reserved. #~ require_relative 'YalgaarInitModule' # Namespace module for YalgaarHistory default variables... #!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative 'YalgaarInitModule' module YalgaarHistory include YalgaarInit #~ include MQTT #yalgaarHistory(channel,count,lamda1,lamda2); #@brief - #@param : #DESCRIPTION: def yalgaarHistory(channel,count,lamda1,lamda2) if @@isConnected==true if channelValidation(channel) topic=@@clientKey+'/'+@@uuid+'/'+channel+'$'+count+'$history' #~ puts topic @@client.subscribe(topic) @@lHistoryCallback=lamda1 else errmesg=showErrCode(YALGAAR_108) lamda2.call(errmesg) end else return YALGAAR_NO_SERVER_CONNECTION end end end