# ENVied [![Tests](https://github.com/javierjulio/envied/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/javierjulio/envied/actions/workflows/tests.yml) ### TL;DR ensure presence and type of your app's ENV-variables. For the rationale behind this project, see this [blogpost](http://www.gertgoet.com/2014/10/14/envied-or-how-i-stopped-worrying-about-ruby-s-env.html). ## Features: * check for presence and correctness of ENV-variables * access to typed ENV-variables (integers, booleans etc. instead of just strings) ## Contents * [Quickstart](#quickstart) * [Installation](#installation) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Types](#types) * [Groups](#groups) * [Defaults](#defaults) * [More examples](#more-examples) * [Development](#development) ## Quickstart ### 1) Configure After [successful installation](#installation), define some variables in `Envfile`: ```ruby # file: Envfile variable :FORCE_SSL, :boolean variable :PORT, :integer ``` ### 2) Check for presence and coercibility ```ruby # during initialization and in a pre-deploy confirmation workflow ENVied.require ``` This will throw an error if: * both `ENV['FORCE_SSL']` and `ENV['PORT']` are *not present*. * the values *cannot* be coerced to a boolean and integer. ### 3) Use coerced variables Variables accessed via ENVied are of the correct type: ```ruby ENVied.PORT # => 3001 ENVied.FORCE_SSL # => false ``` ## Installation Add `envied` to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'envied' ``` If you are using Rails, add this to `config/application.rb` immediately after `Bundler.require(*Rails.groups)`: ```ruby ENVied.require(*ENV['ENVIED_GROUPS'] || Rails.groups) ``` If you are not using Rails, add the following snippet (or similar) to your app's initialization: ```ruby ENVied.require(*ENV['ENVIED_GROUPS'] || [:default, ENV['RACK_ENV']]) ``` Create an `Envfile` with the following as a starter: ```ruby enable_defaults! { ENV['RACK_ENV'] != 'production' } variable :LOG_LEVEL, :string, default: 'debug' group :production do variable :SECRET_KEY_BASE end ``` Refer to the [Types](#types) section to start configuring your project's environment variables. ### Pre-deploy ENV check To confirm that your ENV variables are set in a pre-deploy workflow, provide the application's current ENV to a Ruby script that loads it and runs the envied check. ```ruby ENV.replace(your_current_env) ENVied.require(*RAILS_GROUPS) puts "All required ENV variables are present and valid." ``` If any required ENV are missing, then the check will fail with an error message listing the missing environment variable names. ## Configuration ### Types The following types are supported: * `:string` (implied) * `:boolean` (e.g. '0'/'1', 'f'/'t', 'false'/'true', 'off'/'on', 'no'/'yes' for resp. false and true) * `:integer` * `:float` * `:symbol` * `:date` (e.g. '2014-3-26') * `:time` (e.g. '14:00') * `:hash` (e.g. 'a=1&b=2' becomes `{'a' => '1', 'b' => '2'}`) * `:array` (e.g. 'tag1,tag2' becomes `['tag1', 'tag2']`) * `:uri` (e.g. 'http://www.google.com' becomes result of `URI.parse('http://www.google.com')`) ### Groups Groups give you more flexibility to define when variables are needed. It's similar to groups in a Gemfile: ```ruby # file: Envfile variable :FORCE_SSL, :boolean, default: 'false' group :production do variable :SECRET_KEY_BASE end group :development, :staging do variable :DEV_KEY end ``` ```ruby # For local development you would typically do: ENVied.require(:default) #=> Only ENV['FORCE_SSL'] is required # On the production server: ENVied.require(:default, :production) #=> ...also ENV['SECRET_KEY_BASE'] is required # You can also pass it a string with the groups separated by comma's: ENVied.require('default, production') # This allows for easily requiring groups using the ENV: ENVied.require(ENV['ENVIED_GROUPS']) # ...then from the prompt: $ ENVIED_GROUPS='default,production' bin/rails server # BTW the following are equivalent: ENVied.require ENVied.require(:default) ENVied.require('default') ENVied.require(nil) ``` ### Defaults In order to let other developers easily bootstrap the application, you can assign defaults to variables. Defaults can be a value or a `Proc` (see example below). Note that 'easily bootstrap' is quite the opposite of 'fail-fast when not all ENV-variables are present'. Therefore you should explicitly state when defaults are allowed: ```ruby # Envfile enable_defaults! { ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' } variable :FORCE_SSL, :boolean, default: 'false' variable :PORT, :integer, default: proc {|envied| envied.FORCE_SSL ? 443 : 80 } ``` Please remember that ENVied only **reads** from ENV; it doesn't mutate ENV. Don't let setting a default for, say `RAILS_ENV`, give you the impression that `ENV['RAILS_ENV']` is set. As a rule of thumb you should only use defaults: * for local development * for ENV-variables that are solely used by your application (i.e. for `ENV['STAFF_EMAILS']`, not for `ENV['RAILS_ENV']`) ### More examples * See the [examples](/examples)-folder for a more extensive Envfile * See [the Envfile](https://github.com/eval/bunny_drain/blob/c54d7d977afb5e23a92da7a2fd0d39f6a7e29bf1/Envfile) for the bunny_drain application ## Development - `bin/setup` - Run tests: `RUBYOPT="-W:deprecated" bundle exec rspec` - For an interactive console: `bin/console`