var flo = require('fb-flo'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), coffee = require('coffee-script'); var sourceDirToWatch = "./app/assets/"; var server = flo( sourceDirToWatch, { port: 8888, host: 'localhost', verbose: false, glob: [ '**/*.coffee', '**/*.html*', // * to all .html.slim and friends '**/*.css*' ] }, resolver ); function resolver(filepath, callback) { try { var isHTML = filepath.indexOf(".html") > -1; var isCSS = filepath.indexOf(".css") > -1; var contents = fs.readFileSync(sourceDirToWatch + filepath).toString() var folderName = filepath .replace(/batman\//, '') // It's not in the asset path .replace(/\.coffee/, ''); var fileURL = 'assets/' + folderName if (filepath.indexOf(".coffee") > -1 ) { // for a coffeescript file, compile it then send its contents contents = coffee.compile(contents); console.log("COFFEE", filepath) if (fileURL.indexOf(".js") == -1) { fileURL = fileURL + ".js" // In case it's just } } else if (isHTML) { // for HTML, just send the path. We'll reload it from the asset pipeline // in case there are any preprocessors involved. contents = "HTML>>" + fileURL console.log("HTML", contents) fileURL = "/assets/extras/live_reload.js" } else if (isCSS) { // for CSS, blank out the contents. // Again, we'll reload it from the asset pipeline in case there // are any preprocessors involved fileURL = fileURL .match(/(.*\.css)/, '$1')[0] // remove any preprocessors .replace(/\/stylesheets/, "") // remove unneeded path console.log("CSS", fileURL) contents = "" // we'll force reload on the client } callback({ resourceURL: fileURL, contents: contents, match: "indexOf", }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }