# README *travis-backup* is an application that removes builds and their corresponding jobs and exports them (optionally) to json files. ### Installation and run You can install the gem using `gem install travis-backup` Next you can run it in your app like ``` require 'travis-backup' backup = Backup.new backup.run # or with configs: backup = Backup.new( if_backup: true, limit: 500, threshold: 12, files_location: './my_folder/dump', database_url: 'postgresql://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/my_db' ) backup.run ``` You can also run backup only for given user, organisation or repository: ``` backup = Backup.new backup.run(user_id: 1) # or backup.run(org_id: 1) # or backup.run(repo_id: 1) ``` ### Configuration One of the ways you can configure your export is a file `config/settinigs.yml` that you should place in your app's main directory. The gem uses the properties in following format: ``` backup: if_backup: true # when false, removes data without saving it to file dry_run: false # when true, only prints in console what data should be backuped and deleted limit: 1000 # builds limit for one backup file threshold: 6 # number of months from now - data younger than this time won't be backuped files_location: './dump' # path of the folder in which backup files will be placed user_id # run only for given user org_id # run only for given organization repo_id # run only for given repository ``` You can also set these properties as hash arguments while creating `Backup` instance or use env vars corresponding to them: `IF_BACKUP`, `BACKUP_DRY_RUN`, `BACKUP_LIMIT`, `BACKUP_THRESHOLD`, `BACKUP_FILES_LOCATION`, `USER_ID`, `ORG_ID`, `REPO_ID`. You should also specify your database url. You can do this the standard way in `config/database.yml` file, setting the `database_url` hash argument while creating `Backup` instance or using the `DATABASE_URL` env var. Your database should be consistent with the Travis 2.2 database schema. ### How to run the test suite You can run the test after cloning this repository. Next you should call ``` bundle install ``` and ``` bundle exec rspec ``` To make tests working properly you should also ensure the database connection string for an empty test database. You can set it as `DATABASE_URL` environment variable or in `config/database.yml`. **Warning: this database will be cleaned during tests, so ensure that it includes no important data.** #### Using as standalone application After cloning this repo you can also run it as a standalone app using ``` bundle exec bin/travis_backup ``` You can also pass arguments: ``` first argument, no flag # database url -b, --backup # when not present, removes data without saving it to file -d, --dry_run # only prints in console what data will be backuped and deleted -l, --limit LIMIT # builds limit for one backup file -t, --threshold MONTHS # number of months from now - data younger than this time won't be backuped -f, --files_location PATH # path of the folder in which backup files will be placed -u, --user_id ID # run only for given user -o, --org_id ID # run only for given organization -r, --repo_id ID # run only for given repository # example: bundle exec bin/travis_backup 'postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/my_db' -b ``` ### Ruby version 2.7.2