# Sham Lightweight flexible factories for Ruby and Rails testing. ## Installation gem install sham ## Getting Started Create a configuration file for any of your models or classes. # sham/user.rb Sham.config(User) do |c| c.attributes do { :name => "Sample User" } end end To load a shams you can either include the configuration file directly, or define the sham inline in a test file. Sham provides a helper function to load all files under the sham directory. If you are using Rails you can load all your shams by adding the following to `config/environments/test.rb`. config.after_initialize do Sham::Config.activate! end If you aren't using Rails you can activate all of your shams by specifying a configuration path. The following command will load all Ruby files under the `/my/project/path/sham` directory. Sham::Config.activate!('/my/project/path') To load all your shams in Cucumber, modify your `features/support/env.rb` file. require 'sham' Sham::Config.activate! You can now "sham" your models! When you sham a model it is created with the default options you specified in the config file. But you can also overwrite any number of them and add additional attributes on a case-by-case basis. User.sham! User.sham!(:name => "New Name") User.sham!(:age => 23) Sham can also create objects without automatically saving using the `:build` option. user = User.sham!(:build, :name => "I have not been saved") user.save ## RSpec Example The following is an example of an RSpec test for `ActiveRecord` validations. # app/models/item.rb class Item < ActiveRecord::Base validates_numericality_of :quantity, :greater_than => 0 end # sham/item.rb Sham.config(Item) do |c| c.attributes do { :quantity => 1 } end end # spec/models/item_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' require './sham/item' describe Item do it "should not allow items with a negative price" do item = Item.sham!(:build, :quantity => -1) item.valid?.should be_false end it "should allow items with a positive quantity" do item = Item.sham!(:build, :quantity => 10) item.valid?.should be_true end end ## Parameter/Argument Shams You can also define shams for initializers that take a list of arguments instead of an attribute hash. For example, if you had a `User` class. # lib/user.rb class User attr_accessor :first, :last def initialize(first, last) self.first = first self.last = last end end You could create a parameter sham like this: # sham/user.rb Sham.config(User) do |c| c.parameters do ['John', 'Doe'] end end And invoke it like this: User.sham! User.sham!('Jane', 'Doe') Unlike attribute shams, if arguments are passed to a parameter sham, those arguments are the only ones passed to the constructor and the parameters are not merged with the defaults. ## Multiple Sham Configurations Sometimes you want to be able to configure more than one sham per class. Sham makes it easy to define alternative configurations by specifying a config name. # sham/item.rb Sham.config(Item, :small) do |c| c.attributes do { :weight => 10.0 } end end Sham.config(Item, :large) do |c| c.attributes do { :weight => 100.0 } end end Alternative sham configurations can be invoked by passing their name into the `sham!` command. Item.sham!(:small, :quantity => 100) Item.sham!(:large, :build, :quantity => 0) ## Assign Shams If you have configured mass-assignment protected attributes in Rails, or you would prefer your object to go through regular instance setters rather than the initializer, you can use the `assign` configuration. # sham/user.rb Sham.config(User) do |c| c.assign do { :name => 'John Doe' } end end When executing `User.sham!` all attributes will be assigned using the instance setters instead of the initializer. A `save` will also be called unless the `:build` parameters is used. User.any_instance.should_receive(:name=).with('Jane Doe') User.any_instance.should_receive(:save) User.sham!(:name => 'Jane Doe') ## Empty Shams Sometimes you simply want to be able to sham an object without passing any default options. Sham makes this easy by providing an `empty` configuration. # sham/user.rb Sham.config(User){ |c| c.empty } Empty configurations behave just like empty hashes. That means you can simply pass your own attributes in when shamming the class. User.sham! User.sham!(:name => 'John Doe') For parameter based shams you can create empty configurations using the `no_args` option. Sham.config(User){ |c| c.no_args } ## Nested Shams Sometimes you want one sham to be responsible for creating additional shams when it is initialized. For instance, a `LineItem` might require an `Item` to be considered a valid object. Sham makes this kind of nested sham very easy to configure, and allows you to overwrite the 'sub-object' during initialization. # sham/line_item_sham.rb Sham.config(LineItem) do |c| c.attributes do { :item => Sham::Nested.new(Item) } end end The nested shams will automatically be created and can also be overwritten during initialization: LineItem.sham! LineItem.sham!(:item => Item.sham!(:weight => 100)) ## Sham Inheritance Sham plays well with inheritance. That means shams defined on parent classes will be available to child classes as well. Sham.config(Person) do |c| c.empty end class Person; end class Employee < Person; end Employee.sham! You can also define different shams for your subclasses instead of relying on the parent object. ## Reloading Shams with Spork [Spork](https://rubygems.org/gems/spork) is a great gem that creates a Distributed Ruby environment that you can run your RSpec and Cucumber tests against. If you are using Rails it is often necessary to re-load your models and controllers between Spork test runs so that the Spork DRB picks up your latest model changes. This is usually accomplished using a Spork 'each run' block. This block of code gets executed before each test run. If you want to be able to reload your shams with Spork all you need to do is add a `Sham::Config.activate!` line to this block after you have re-loaded your models and controllers. Spork.each_run do Sham::Config.activate! end if Spork.using_spork? This change will cause sham to be re-loaded so that you can continue to use it with Spork. If you take this approach it's important to remove the call to `Sham::Config.activate!` from your `test.rb` file. ## Build Status [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/panthomakos/sham.png)](http://travis-ci.org/panthomakos/sham)