require 'spec/spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::Index do describe "to_config method" do before :each do @index = @index.stub_methods( :attributes => [ ThinkingSphinx::Attribute.stub_instance(:to_sphinx_clause => "attr a"), ThinkingSphinx::Attribute.stub_instance(:to_sphinx_clause => "attr b") ], :link! => true, :adapter => :mysql, :to_sql_query_pre => "sql_query_pre", :to_sql => "SQL", :to_sql_query_range => "sql_query_range", :to_sql_query_info => "sql_query_info", :delta? => false ) @database = { :host => "localhost", :username => "username", :password => "blank", :database => "db" } end it "should call link!" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8") @index.should have_received(:link!) end it "should raise an exception if the adapter isn't mysql or postgres" do @index.stub_method(:adapter => :sqlite) lambda { @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8") }.should raise_error end it "should set the core source name to {model}_{index}_core" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_core/ ) end it "should include the database config supplied" do conf = @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8") conf.should match(/type\s+= mysql/) conf.should match(/sql_host\s+= localhost/) conf.should match(/sql_user\s+= username/) conf.should match(/sql_pass\s+= blank/) conf.should match(/sql_db\s+= db/) end it "should include the database socket if set" do conf = @index.to_config(0, @database.merge(:socket => "dbsocket"), "utf-8") conf.should match(/sql_sock\s+= dbsocket/) end it "should not include the database socket if not set" do conf = @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8") conf.should_not match(/sql_sock/) end it "should have a pre query 'SET NAMES utf8' if using mysql and utf8 charset" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /sql_query_pre\s+= SET NAMES utf8/ ) @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta.+sql_query_pre\s+= SET NAMES utf8/m ) @index.stub_method(:delta? => false) @index.to_config(0, @database, "non-utf-8").should_not match( /SET NAMES utf8/ ) @index.stub_method(:adapter => :postgres) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should_not match( /SET NAMES utf8/ ) end it "should use the pre query from the index" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /sql_query_pre\s+= sql_query_pre/ ) end it "should not set group_concat_max_len if not specified" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should_not match( /group_concat_max_len/ ) end it "should set group_concat_max_len if specified" do @index.options.merge! :group_concat_max_len => 2056 @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /sql_query_pre\s+= SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 2056/ ) @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta.+sql_query_pre\s+= SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 2056/m ) end it "should use the main query from the index" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /sql_query\s+= SQL/ ) end it "should use the range query from the index" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /sql_query_range\s+= sql_query_range/ ) end it "should use the info query from the index" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /sql_query_info\s+= sql_query_info/ ) end it "should include the attribute sources" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /attr a\n\s+attr b/ ) end it "should add a delta index with name {model}_{index}_delta if requested" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta/ ) end it "should not add a delta index unless requested" do @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should_not match( /source person_0_delta/ ) end it "should have the delta index inherit from the core index" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta : person_0_core/ ) end it "should redefine the main query for the delta index" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta.+sql_query\s+= SQL/m ) end it "should redefine the range query for the delta index" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta.+sql_query_range\s+= sql_query_range/m ) end it "should redefine the pre query for the delta index" do @index.stub_method(:delta? => true) @index.to_config(0, @database, "utf-8").should match( /source person_0_delta.+sql_query_pre\s+=\s*\n/m ) end end describe "to_sql_query_range method" do before :each do @index = end it "should add COALESCE around MIN and MAX calls if using PostgreSQL" do @index.stub_method(:adapter => :postgres) @index.to_sql_query_range.should match(/COALESCE\(MIN.+COALESCE\(MAX/) end it "shouldn't add COALESCE if using MySQL" do @index.to_sql_query_range.should_not match(/COALESCE/) end end describe "prefix_fields method" do before :each do @index = @field_a = ThinkingSphinx::Field.stub_instance(:prefixes => true) @field_b = ThinkingSphinx::Field.stub_instance(:prefixes => false) @field_c = ThinkingSphinx::Field.stub_instance(:prefixes => true) @index.fields = [@field_a, @field_b, @field_c] end it "should return fields that are flagged as prefixed" do @index.prefix_fields.should include(@field_a) @index.prefix_fields.should include(@field_c) end it "should not return fields that aren't flagged as prefixed" do @index.prefix_fields.should_not include(@field_b) end end describe "infix_fields method" do before :each do @index = @field_a = ThinkingSphinx::Field.stub_instance(:infixes => true) @field_b = ThinkingSphinx::Field.stub_instance(:infixes => false) @field_c = ThinkingSphinx::Field.stub_instance(:infixes => true) @index.fields = [@field_a, @field_b, @field_c] end it "should return fields that are flagged as infixed" do @index.infix_fields.should include(@field_a) @index.infix_fields.should include(@field_c) end it "should not return fields that aren't flagged as infixed" do @index.infix_fields.should_not include(@field_b) end end describe "empty? method" do before :each do @index = config = `mkdir -p #{config.searchd_file_path}` @file_path = "#{config.searchd_file_path}/#{}" end after :each do `rm #{@file_path}` if File.exists?(@file_path) end it "should return true if the core index files are empty" do `touch #{@file_path}` @index.should be_empty end it "should return true if the core index files don't exist" do @index.should be_empty end it "should return false if the core index files aren't empty" do `echo 'a' > #{@file_path}` @index.should_not be_empty end it "should check the delta files if specified" do @index.should be_empty(:delta) `echo 'a' > #{@file_path.gsub(/$/, '')}` @index.should_not be_empty(:delta) `rm #{@file_path}` if File.exists?(@file_path.gsub(/$/, '')) end end end