module Processing # A Context-Free library for JRubyArt, inspired by and # based on context_free.rb by Jeremy Ashkenas. That in turn # was inspired by class ContextFree include Processing::Proxy attr_accessor :rule, :app, :width, :height AVAILABLE_OPTIONS = %i[ x y w h rotation size flip color hue saturation brightness alpha ].freeze HSB_ORDER = { hue: 0, saturation: 1, brightness: 2, alpha: 3 }.freeze TRIANGLE_TOP = -1 / Math.sqrt(3) TRIANGLE_BOTTOM = Math.sqrt(3) / 6 RADIANS = (Math::PI / 180.0) # Define a context-free system. Use this method to create a ContextFree # object. Call render() on it to make it draw. def self.define(&block) cf = cf.instance_eval(&block) cf end # Initialize a bare ContextFree object with empty recursion stacks. def initialize @app = @graphics = @app.g @width = @app.width @height = @app.height @rules = {} @rewind_stack = [] @matrix_stack = [] end # Create an accessor for the current value of every option. We use a values # object so that all the state can be saved and restored as a unit. AVAILABLE_OPTIONS.each do |option_name| define_method option_name do @values[option_name] end end # Here's the first serious method: A Rule has an # identifying name, a probability, and is associated with # a block of code. These code blocks are saved, and indexed # by name in a hash, to be run later, when needed. # The method then dynamically defines a method of the same # name here, in order to determine which rule to run. def shape(rule_name, prob = 1, &proc) @rules[rule_name] ||= { procs: [], total: 0 } total = @rules[rule_name][:total] @rules[rule_name][:procs] << [(total...(prob + total)), proc] @rules[rule_name][:total] += prob return if ContextFree.method_defined? rule_name instance_eval do eval <<-METH def #{rule_name}(options) merge_options(@values, options) pick = determine_rule(#{rule_name.inspect}) return if (@values[:size] - @values[:stop_size]) < 0 prepare_to_draw pick[1].call(options) end METH end end # Rule choice is random, based on the assigned probabilities. def determine_rule(rule_name) rule = @rules[rule_name] chance = rand(0.0..rule[:total]) @rules[rule_name][:procs].select do |the_proc| the_proc[0].include?(chance) end.flatten end # At each step of the way, any of the options may change, slightly. # Many of them have different strategies for being merged. def merge_options(old_ops, new_ops) return unless new_ops # Do size first old_ops[:size] *= new_ops.fetch(:size, 1.0) new_ops.each do |key, value| case key # when :size when :x, :y old_ops[key] = value * old_ops.fetch(:size, 1.0) when :rotation old_ops[key] = value * RADIANS when :hue, :saturation, :brightness, :alpha adjusted = old_ops[:color].dup adjusted[HSB_ORDER[key]] *= value unless key == :hue adjusted[HSB_ORDER[key]] += value if key == :hue old_ops[:color] = adjusted when :flip old_ops[key] = !old_ops[key] when :w, :h old_ops[key] = value * old_ops.fetch(:size, 1.0) when :color old_ops[key] = value else # Used a key that we don't know about or trying to set merge_unknown_key(key, value, old_ops) end end end # Using an unknown key let's you set arbitrary values, # to keep track of for your own ends. def merge_unknown_key(key, value, old_ops) key_s = key.to_s return unless key_s =~ /^set/ key_sym = key_s.sub('set_', '').to_sym if key_s =~ /(brightness|hue|saturation)/ adjusted = old_ops[:color].dup adjusted[HSB_ORDER[key_sym]] = value old_ops[:color] = adjusted else old_ops[key_sym] = value end end # Doing a 'split' saves the context, and proceeds from there, # allowing you to rewind to where you split from at any moment. def split(options = nil) save_context merge_options(@values, options) if options yield restore_context end # Saving the context means the values plus the coordinate matrix. def save_context @rewind_stack.push @values.dup @matrix_stack << @graphics.get_matrix end # Restore the values and the coordinate matrix as the recursion unwinds. def restore_context @values = @rewind_stack.pop @graphics.set_matrix @matrix_stack.pop end # Rewinding goes back one step. def rewind restore_context save_context end # Render the is method that kicks it all off, initializing the options # and calling the first rule. def render(rule_name, starting_values = {}) @values = defaults @values.merge!(starting_values) @app.reset_matrix @app.rect_mode CENTER @app.ellipse_mode CENTER @app.no_stroke @app.color_mode HSB, 360, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 # match cfdg @app.translate @values.fetch(:start_x, 0), @values.fetch(:start_y, 0) send(rule_name, {}) end def defaults { x: 0, y: 0, rotation: 0, flip: false, size: 20, start_x: width / 2, start_y: height / 2, color: [180, 0.5, 0.5, 1], stop_size: 1.5 } end # Before actually drawing the next step, we need to move to the appropriate # location. def prepare_to_draw @app.translate(@values.fetch(:x, 0), @values.fetch(:y, 0)) sign = (@values[:flip] ? -1 : 1) @app.rotate(sign * @values[:rotation]) end # Compute the rendering parameters for drawing a shape. def get_shape_values(some_options) old_ops = @values.dup merge_options(old_ops, some_options) unless some_options.empty? @app.fill(*old_ops[:color]) old_ops end # Square, circle, ellipse and triangles are the primitive shapes def square(some_options = {}) options = get_shape_values(some_options) width = options[:w] || options[:size] height = options[:h] || options[:size] rot = options[:rotation] @app.rotate(rot) if rot @app.rect(0, 0, width, height) @app.rotate(-rot) if rot end def circle(some_options = {}) get_shape_values(some_options) @app.ellipse(0, 0, size, size) end def triangle(some_options = {}) options = get_shape_values(some_options) rot = options[:rotation] @app.rotate(rot) if rot @app.triangle(0, TRIANGLE_TOP * size, 0.5 * size, TRIANGLE_BOTTOM * size, -0.5 * size, TRIANGLE_BOTTOM * size) @app.rotate(-rot) if rot end def ellipse(some_options = {}) options = get_shape_values(some_options) width = options[:w] || options[:size] height = options[:h] || options[:size] rot = some_options[:rotation] @app.rotate(rot) if rot @app.oval(options[:x] || 0, options[:y] || 0, width, height) @app.rotate(-rot) if rot end alias oval ellipse end end