Blast4-archive ::= { request { ident "2.2.30+", body queue-search { program "blastx", service "plain", queries bioseq-set { seq-set { seq { id { local str "Query_1" }, descr { user { type str "CFastaReader", data { { label str "DefLine", data str ">SI2.2.0_06267 Si_gnF.scaffold02592[1282609..1284114].pep_2" } } }, title "SI2.2.0_06267 Si_gnF.scaffold02592[1282609..1284114].pep_2" }, inst { repr raw, mol na, length 540, seq-data ncbi2na '38315DE9DDFCEA3CD5AC27D5F01F4EBBF8460A38DE4249 B3E888D7C493177A4BCDF628554163344987CCCE03CA1835F4C47F9651650503ECF79D634BED80 83007AD1E8E8613FCD8C005AE0DFB56F043C7E4F7A7DFA779038C1A334408C03E803DE1B843168 CF01D30EFD70225B316787A39E97D22FBCF59FC4EB7E9DDD90FCD1F37DE35C32FA62'H } } } }, subject database "../database/sample/proteins/Solenopsis_invicta/Sinvi cta2-2-3.prot.subset.fasta", algorithm-options { { name "EvalueThreshold", value cutoff e-value { 1, 10, 1 } }, { name "LongestIntronLength", value integer 0 }, { name "MaskAtHash", value boolean FALSE }, { name "SegFilteringWindow", value integer 12 }, { name "SegFilteringLocut", value real { 22, 10, -1 } }, { name "SegFilteringHicut", value real { 25, 10, -1 } }, { name "WordThreshold", value integer 12 }, { name "WindowSize", value integer 40 }, { name "UngappedMode", value boolean FALSE }, { name "QueryGeneticCode", value integer 1 }, { name "HitlistSize", value integer 500 }, { name "CompositionBasedStats", value integer 2 }, { name "SmithWatermanMode", value boolean FALSE }, { name "EffectiveSearchSpace", value big-integer 22643392 } } } }, results { alignments { { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 945 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 328061049691817, 10, -146 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 368621831521943, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 180 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 180 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 338333333333333, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 0, to 539, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 0, to 179, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 52 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 48276466190711, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 246386102277464, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 13 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 25 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 103148148148148, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_10694" }, loc { int { from 159, to 239, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 4, to 30, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_10694" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_10694" }, loc { int { from 240, to 263, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_10694" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_10694" }, loc { int { from 264, to 317, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 31, to 48, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_10694" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 54 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 514023496716278, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 254090093795811, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 17 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 494444444444444, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_11870" }, loc { int { from 78, to 149, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 61, to 84, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_11870" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 53 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 763322899384652, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 250238098036637, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 15 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 21 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 772222222222222, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_12250" }, loc { int { from 97, to 126, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 314, to 323, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_12250" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_12250" }, loc { int { from 127, to 135, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_12250" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_12250" }, loc { int { from 136, to 165, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 324, to 333, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_12250" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_12250" }, loc { int { from 166, to 177, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_12250" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_12250" }, loc { int { from 178, to 213, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 334, to 345, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_12250" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 53 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 959504494511501, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 250238098036637, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 26 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 53 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 192037037037037, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 12, to 20, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 247, to 249, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { empty local str "Query_1", int { from 250, to 250, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 21, to 59, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 251, to 263, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { empty local str "Query_1", int { from 264, to 267, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 60, to 143, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 268, to 295, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 144, to 149, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 150, to 203, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 296, to 313, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 204, to 212, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 213, to 296, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 314, to 341, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 297, to 305, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00013" }, loc { int { from 306, to 314, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 342, to 344, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00013" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 51 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 998127990626386, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 24253410651829, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 11 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 22 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 642592592592593, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_04285" }, loc { int { from 285, to 296, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 82, to 85, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_04285" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_04285" }, loc { int { from 297, to 302, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_04285" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_04285" }, loc { int { from 303, to 380, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 86, to 111, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_04285" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 48 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 296470399107044, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 23097811924077, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 12 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 19 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 661111111111111, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00562" }, loc { int { from 102, to 200, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 26, to 58, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_00562" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 406293844119382, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 223274127722423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 10 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 42037037037037, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_08520" }, loc { int { from 58, to 117, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 40, to 59, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_08520" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 412487581921973, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 223274127722423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 16 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 531481481481481, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06904" }, loc { int { from 93, to 170, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 39, to 64, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_06904" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 48 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 416112025497446, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 23097811924077, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 1 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 346296296296296, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03512" }, loc { int { from 186, to 233, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 16, to 31, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_03512" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 47 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 462088392354261, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 227126123481596, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 1 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 457407407407407, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_11705" }, loc { int { from 447, to 512, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 495, to 516, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_11705" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 45 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 907736362058494, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 219422131963249, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 15 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 23 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 772222222222222, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_09298" }, loc { int { from 151, to 174, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 369, to 376, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_09298" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_09298" }, loc { empty local str "Query_1", int { from 377, to 377, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_09298" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_09298" }, loc { int { from 175, to 267, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 378, to 408, strand unknown, id local str "SI2.2.0_09298" } } } } } }, masks { { locations { packed-int { { from 350, to 382, id local str "Query_1" } } }, frame minus2 } }, ka-blocks { { lambda { 317605957635731, 10, -15 }, k { 133956144488482, 10, -15 }, h { 401214524497119, 10, -15 }, gapped FALSE }, { lambda { 267, 10, -3 }, k { 41, 10, -3 }, h { 14, 10, -2 }, gapped TRUE } }, search-stats { "Effective search space: 22643392", "Effective search space used: 22643392", "Length adjustment: 67" } } }