module ZombiePassengerKiller class Reaper attr_accessor :out # overwriteable for tests def initialize(options) @history = {} @history_entries = options[:history] || 5 @max_high_cpu = options[:max] @high_cpu = options[:cpu] || 70 @grace_time = options[:grace] || 5 @pattern = options[:pattern] || ' Rack: ' @show_times = options[:show_times] || false @interval = options[:interval] || 10 @strace_time = 5 @out = STDOUT @rvm_sudo = options[:rvm_sudo] || false end def lurk loop do hunt_zombies sleep @interval end rescue Interrupt log "Exiting..." raise $! end def store_current_cpu(processes) keys_to_remove = @history.keys -{|x| x[:pid] } keys_to_remove.each{|k| !@history.delete k } processes.each do |process| @history[process[:pid]] ||= [] @history[process[:pid]] << process[:cpu] @history[process[:pid]] = @history[process[:pid]].last(@history_entries) end end def get_strace(pid, time) Process.getpgid(pid) rescue return 'No such process' `( strace -p #{pid} 2>&1 ) & sleep #{time} ; kill $! 2>&1` end def hunt_zombies active_pids_in_passenger_status = passenger_pids active_processes_in_processlist = process_status zombies ={|x| x[:pid] } - active_pids_in_passenger_status rescue # kill processes with high CPU if user wants it high_load = if @max_high_cpu store_current_cpu active_processes_in_processlist do |pid| @history[pid].count{|x| x > @high_cpu } >= @max_high_cpu end else [] end (high_load + zombies).each do |pid| kill_zombie pid end end # return array of pids reported from passenger-status command, nil if passenger-status doesn't run def passenger_pids pids = %x(#{'rvmsudo ' if @rvm_sudo}passenger-status|grep PID).split("\n").map { |x| x.strip.match(/PID: \d*/).to_s.split[1].to_i } pids if $? end def process_status %x(ps -eo pid,pcpu,args|grep -v grep|grep '#{@pattern}').split("\n").map do |line| values = line.strip.split[0..1] {:pid => values.first.to_i, :cpu => values.last.to_f} end end def kill_zombie(pid) log "Killing passenger process #{pid}" log get_strace(pid, @strace_time) Process.kill('TERM', pid) rescue nil sleep @grace_time # wait for it to die Process.kill('KILL', pid) rescue nil end def log(msg) @out.puts "#{@show_times ? "** [#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] #$$: " : ''}#{msg}" end end end