#button.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'button') %p Displays an element as interactive button. %p should work with button[type=button] elements: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button', class: 'button', type: 'button' = button_tag 'Button', class: 'button button--solid', type: 'button' %p should work with button[type=submit] elements: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button', class: 'button', type: 'submit' = button_tag 'Button', class: 'button button--solid', type: 'submit' %p should work with input[type=submit] elements: .style-guide__example-block = submit_tag 'Button', class: 'button' = submit_tag 'Button', class: 'button button--solid' %p should work with a elements: .style-guide__example-block = link_to 'Button', '#', class: 'button' = link_to 'Button', '#', class: 'button button--solid' %p should style non-interactive buttons wrapped in an a element: .style-guide__example-block = link_to '#' do %span.button Span Button = link_to '#' do %span.button.button--solid Span Button #button--small.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'button__small') %p should reduce the size of the button: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--small' = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--small' #button--large.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'button__large') %p should increase the size of the button: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--large' = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--large' #button--extra-large.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'button__extra-large') %p should further increase the size of the button, intended for use in content blocks only! .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--extra-large' = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--extra-large' #button--full.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'button__full') %p Should make the button the full width of it's parent .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--full' = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--full' #button--disabled.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'button__disabled') %p should have a disabled state for the button: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button', disabled: true = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid', disabled: true .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--small', disabled: true = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--small', disabled: true .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--large', disabled: true = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--large', disabled: true .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--extra-large', disabled: true = button_tag 'Button Element', class: 'button button--solid button--extra-large', disabled: true