require_dependency "ishapi/application_controller" module Ishapi class GameuiController < ApplicationController before_action :check_long_term_token, except: [] def buy_stars authorize! :buy_stars, @profile puts! @current_user, 'current_user' puts! @profile, 'profile' payment = :email =>, :amount => params[:amount], profile: @profile ::Stripe.api_key = STRIPE_SK acct = Stripe::Account.create( :country => 'US', :type => 'custom' ) charge = ::Stripe::Charge.create( :amount => params[:amount], :currency => 'usd', :source => params[:stripeToken], :destination => { :account => acct, } ) puts! charge, 'charge' payment.charge = JSON.parse( charge.to_json ) if payment.persisted? # add the star @profile.n_stars += 1 if !@profile.persisted? raise 'could not save profile, somehow' end else puts! payment.errors.messages end render json: { status: 'ok', n_stars: @profile.n_stars } end ## spend the star def do_purchase authorize! :do_purchase, ::Gameui item = params[:className].constantize.find_by_slug( params[:slug] ) raise 'no such item' if !item raise 'too little funds' if @profile.n_stars < item.premium_tier ::IshModels::UserProfile.with_session do @profile.update_attributes( n_stars: @profile.n_stars - item.premium_tier ) @purchase = ::Gameui::PremiumPurchase.create! user_profile: @profile, item: item end render json: @purchase rescue ::Exception => e render json: e end end end