namespace :sunspot do namespace :solr do desc 'Start the Solr instance' task :start => :environment do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /w(in)?32$/ abort('This command does not work on Windows. Please use rake sunspot:solr:run to run Solr in the foreground.') end end desc 'Run the Solr instance in the foreground' task :run => :environment do end desc 'Stop the Solr instance' task :stop => :environment do if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /w(in)?32$/ abort('This command does not work on Windows.') end end task :reindex => :"sunspot:reindex" end desc "Reindex all solr models that are located in your application's models directory." # This task depends on the standard Rails file naming \ # conventions, in that the file name matches the defined class name. \ # By default the indexing system works in batches of 50 records, you can \ # set your own value for this by using the batch_size argument. You can \ # also optionally define a list of models to separated by a forward slash '/' # # $ rake sunspot:reindex # reindex all models # $ rake sunspot:reindex[1000] # reindex in batches of 1000 # $ rake sunspot:reindex[false] # reindex without batching # $ rake sunspot:reindex[,Post] # reindex only the Post model # $ rake sunspot:reindex[1000,Post] # reindex only the Post model in # # batchs of 1000 # $ rake sunspot:reindex[,Post+Author] # reindex Post and Author model task :reindex, [:batch_size, :models] => [:environment] do |t, args| reindex_options = {:batch_commit => false} case args[:batch_size] when 'false' reindex_options[:batch_size] = nil when /^\d+$/ reindex_options[:batch_size] = args[:batch_size].to_i if args[:batch_size].to_i > 0 end unless args[:models] models_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'models') all_files = Dir.glob(models_path.join('**', '*.rb')) all_models = { |path| path.sub(models_path.to_s, '')[0..-4].camelize.sub(/^::/, '').constantize rescue nil }.compact sunspot_models = { |m| m < ActiveRecord::Base and m.searchable? } else sunspot_models = args[:models].split('+').map{|m| m.constantize} end sunspot_models.each do |model| model.solr_reindex reindex_options end end end