class Symbol def to_proc { |*args| args.shift.__send__(self, *args) } end end module Format Pdf_Error = "Please Modify ~/.yacrc To Provide A Valid Command To Operate PDF Document" Image_Error = "Please Modify ~/.yacrc To Provide A Valid Command To Operate Image Document" Doc_Error = "Please Modify ~/.yacrc To Provide A Valid Command To Operate Text Document" def format_file(file) @level = 0 colorful(file,"filename") if file case `file "#{file}" 2>/dev/null` when / PDF document/ puts Pdf_Error unless system("#{Yac::CONFIG["pdf_command"]||'evince'} \"#{file}\" 2>/dev/null") when /( image )|(\.svg)/ puts Image_Error unless system("#{Yac::CONFIG["image_command"]||'eog'} \"#{file}\" 2>/dev/null") else do |x| format_section(x) end end rescue end def format_section(section,search = false) case section when /^(=+)\s+(.*)/ @level = search ? 1 : $1.size colorful("\s"*2*(@level-1) + $2,"head#{@level}") when /^(\s*)#/ colorful(section.sub(/^\s*/,'')) if search else colorful(section.sub(/^\#/,"#").sub(/^\s*/, "\s" * ( @level||0 ) * 2 )) end end def edit_file(file) case `file "#{file}" 2>/dev/null` when / PDF / puts Pdf_Error unless system("#{Yac::CONFIG["pdf_edit_command"]||'ooffice'} \"#{file}\" 2>/dev/null") when /( image )|(\.svg)/ puts Image_Error unless system("#{Yac::CONFIG["image_edit_command"]||'gimp'} \"#{file}\" 2>/dev/null") else edit_text(file) end end def edit_text(file) prepare_dir(file) puts Doc_Error unless system("#{Yac::CONFIG["editor"] || ENV['EDITOR'] ||'vim'} \"#{file}\" 2>/dev/null") end def colorful(stuff,level="text",line_break = true) stuff = empha(stuff,level) print "\e[%sm%s\e[0m " % [Yac::CONFIG[level],stuff.rstrip] print "\n" if line_break end def empha(stuff,level="text",empha_regexp=/(@@@(.*)@@@)/) stuff.to_s.scan(empha_regexp) do |x| return stuff.gsub(x[0],"\e[0m\e[#{Yac::CONFIG["empha"].to_s}m%s\e[0m\e[%sm" % [x[1],Yac::CONFIG[level]]) end end def prepare_dir(file) dirseparator = file.rindex(File::Separator)+1 FileUtils.mkdir_p(file[0,dirseparator]) end end