require 'mongo' # An hash that is automatically persisted to a MongoDB document. # This class behaves *similarly* to a regular Hash but it persists every operation # to a specified MongoDB document. # Not all Hash operations are supported and we added some of our own. class MongoPersistedHash # Creates a new MongoPersistedHash that is persisted as a document # with _id +name+ inside a MongoDB collection # # @param [String] hostname of the MongoDB server # @param [String] db the database where we want to persist the array # @param [String] collection the collection we are using to persist this collection # @param [String] name the _id of the document we are using to persist this Hash def initialize( hostname, db, collection, name ) Mongo::Logger.logger.level = ::Logger::INFO client =[hostname], :database => db) @collection = client[collection] @doc_id = name # Semaphore for the write on DB synchronization @s = # Enable / disable auto save @auto_save = true; end # Enable/disable auto save def set_auto_save(as) @auto_save = as end # Methods borrowed from Ruby's Hash class def []( key ) hash = load_hash hash[key] end def []=( key, val ) hash = load_hash hash[key]=val store_hash hash end def delete( key ) hash = load_hash return_value = hash.delete key store_hash hash return_value end def empty? hash = load_hash hash.delete '_id' hash.empty? end def has_key?( key ) hash = load_hash hash.has_key? key end def include?( key ) has_key? key end def to_s hash = load_hash hash.delete '_id' hash.to_s end def to_h hash = load_hash hash.delete '_id' hash end def keys hash = load_hash hash.delete '_id' hash.keys end def length hash = load_hash hash.delete '_id' hash.length end # PersistedHash-only public methods # Adds a <key, value> pair to the PersistedHash _only if_ # there is currently no value associated with the specified key. # @return [Boolean] false if the key already exists, true if the # <key, value> pair was added successfully def add_key_value?(key, val) hash = load_hash return false if hash.key? key hash[key] = val store_hash hash true end # Removes a <key, value> pair from the PersistedHash _only if_ # there is currently a value associated with the specified key. # @return [Boolean] false if there is no value associated with # the specified key, true otherwise def delete_key_value?( key ) hash = load_hash return false if hash.delete(key).nil? store_hash hash true end # private def load_hash if(!defined? @r) @s.synchronize { @r = @collection.find({_id: @doc_id}).limit(1).first } end if(@r.nil?) @r = {'_id' => @doc_id}; end @r end def store_hash(hash) @s.synchronize { @r = hash if(@auto_save and !@r.empty?) @r['_id'] = @doc_id @collection.find({'_id' => @doc_id}).find_one_and_replace(@r, :upsert => :true) end } end def save @s.synchronize { if(defined? @r and !@r.empty?) @r['_id'] = @doc_id @collection.find({'_id' => @doc_id}).find_one_and_replace(@r, :upsert => :true) end } end end