require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Api::VariantsController, type: :request do let!(:product) { create(:product) } let!(:variant) do variant = product.master variant.option_values << create(:option_value) variant end let!(:base_attributes) { Api::ApiHelpers.variant_attributes } let!(:show_attributes) { base_attributes.dup.push(:in_stock, :display_price, :variant_properties) } let!(:new_attributes) { base_attributes } before do stub_authentication! end describe "#index" do it "can see a paginated list of variants" do get spree.api_variants_path first_variant = json_response["variants"].first expect(first_variant).to have_attributes(show_attributes) expect(first_variant["stock_items"]).to be_present expect(json_response["count"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["current_page"]).to eq(1) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(1) end it 'can control the page size through a parameter' do create(:variant) get spree.api_variants_path, params: { per_page: 1 } expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['current_page']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['pages']).to eq(3) end it 'can query the results through a paramter' do expected_result = create(:variant, sku: 'FOOBAR') get spree.api_variants_path, params: { q: { sku_cont: 'FOO' } } expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['variants'].first['sku']).to eq expected_result.sku end it "variants returned contain option values data" do get spree.api_variants_path option_values = json_response["variants"].last["option_values"] expect(option_values.first).to have_attributes([:name, :presentation, :option_type_name, :option_type_id]) end it "variants returned contain images data" do variant.images.create!(attachment: image("thinking-cat.jpg")) get spree.api_variants_path expect(json_response["variants"].last).to have_attributes([:images]) expect(json_response['variants'].first['images'].first).to have_attributes([:attachment_file_name, :attachment_width, :attachment_height, :attachment_content_type, :mini_url, :small_url, :product_url, :large_url]) end # Regression test for context "a deleted variant" do before do variant.update_column(:deleted_at, Time.current) end it "is not returned in the results" do get spree.api_variants_path expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq(0) end it "is not returned even when show_deleted is passed" do get spree.api_variants_path, params: { show_deleted: true } expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq(0) end end context "stock filtering" do context "only variants in stock" do subject { get spree.api_variants_path, params: { in_stock_only: "true" } } context "variant is out of stock" do before do variant.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 0) end it "is not returned in the results" do subject expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq 0 end end context "variant is in stock" do before do variant.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 10) end it "is returned in the results" do subject expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq 1 end end end context "only suplliable variants" do subject { get spree.api_variants_path, params: { suppliable_only: "true" } } context "variant is backorderable" do before do variant.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 0, backorderable: true) end it "is not returned in the results" do subject expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq 1 end end context "variant is unsuppliable" do before do variant.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 0, backorderable: false) end it "is returned in the results" do subject expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq 0 end end end context "all variants" do subject { get spree.api_variants_path, params: { in_stock_only: "false" } } context "variant is out of stock" do before do variant.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 0) end it "is returned in the results" do subject expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq 1 end end context "variant is in stock" do before do variant.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 10) end it "is returned in the results" do subject expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq 1 end end end end context "pagination" do it "can select the next page of variants" do create(:variant) get spree.api_variants_path, params: { page: 2, per_page: 1 } expect(json_response["variants"].first).to have_attributes(show_attributes) expect(json_response["total_count"]).to eq(3) expect(json_response["current_page"]).to eq(2) expect(json_response["pages"]).to eq(3) end end context "stock item filter" do let(:stock_location) { variant.stock_locations.first } let!(:inactive_stock_location) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: true, name: "My special stock location", active: false) } it "only returns stock items for active stock locations" do get spree.api_variants_path variant = json_response['variants'].first stock_items = variant['stock_items'].map { |si| si['stock_location_name'] } expect(stock_items).to include expect(stock_items).not_to include end end end describe "#show" do subject do get spree.api_variant_path(variant) end it "can see a single variant" do subject expect(json_response).to have_attributes(show_attributes) expect(json_response["stock_items"]).to be_present option_values = json_response["option_values"] expect(option_values.first).to have_attributes([:name, :presentation, :option_type_name, :option_type_id]) end it "can see a single variant with images" do variant.images.create!(attachment: image("thinking-cat.jpg")) subject expect(json_response).to have_attributes(show_attributes + [:images]) option_values = json_response["option_values"] expect(option_values.first).to have_attributes([:name, :presentation, :option_type_name, :option_type_id]) end context "variant doesn't have variant properties" do before { subject } it "contains the expected attributes" do expect(json_response).to have_attributes(show_attributes) end it "variant properties is an empty list" do expect(json_response["variant_properties"]).to eq [] end end context "variant has variant properties" do let!(:rule) { create(:variant_property_rule, product: variant.product, option_value: variant.option_values.first) } before { subject } it "contains the expected attributes" do expect(json_response).to have_attributes(show_attributes) end it "variant properties is an array of variant property values" do expected_attrs = [:id, :property_id, :value, :property_name] expect(json_response["variant_properties"].first).to have_attributes(expected_attrs) end end end it "can learn how to create a new variant" do get spree.new_api_variant_path(variant) expect(json_response["attributes"]).to eq( expect(json_response["required_attributes"]).to be_empty end it "cannot create a new variant if not an admin" do post spree.api_variants_path, params: { variant: { sku: "12345" } } assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot update a variant" do put spree.api_variant_path(variant), params: { variant: { sku: "12345" } } assert_not_found! end it "cannot delete a variant" do delete spree.api_variant_path(variant) assert_not_found! expect { variant.reload }.not_to raise_error end context "as an admin" do sign_in_as_admin! # Test for context "deleted variants" do before do variant.update_column(:deleted_at, Time.current) end it "are visible by admin" do get spree.api_variants_path, params: { show_deleted: 1 } expect(json_response["variants"].count).to eq(1) end end it "can create a new variant" do post spree.api_product_variants_path(product), params: { variant: { sku: "12345" } } expect(json_response).to have_attributes(new_attributes) expect(response.status).to eq(201) expect(json_response["sku"]).to eq("12345") expect(variant.product.variants.count).to eq(1) end it "creates new variants with nested option values" do option_values = create_list(:option_value, 2) expect do post spree.api_product_variants_path(product), params: { variant: { sku: "12345", option_value_ids: } } change { Spree::OptionValuesVariant.count }.by(2) end it "can update a variant" do put spree.api_variant_path(variant), params: { variant: { sku: "12345" } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "can delete a variant" do delete spree.api_variant_path(variant) expect(response.status).to eq(204) expect { Spree::Variant.find( }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'variants returned contain cost price data' do get spree.api_variants_path expect(json_response["variants"].first.key?(:cost_price)).to eq true end end end end