module Nucleon module Project class Git < Nucleon.plugin_class(:nucleon, :project) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project plugin interface def normalize(reload) unless reload @cli = do |method, args, &code| options = {} options = args.shift if args.length > 0 git_exec(method, options, args, &code) end end @ignore_cache = {} super end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Git interface (local) def ensure_git(reset = false) if reset || @repo.nil? if directory.empty? logger.warn("Can not manage Git project at #{directory} as it does not exist") else logger.debug("Ensuring Git instance to manage #{directory}") @repo = Util::Git.load(directory, { :create => get(:create, false) }) end end return myself end protected :ensure_git #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checks def can_persist? ensure_git return true unless @repo.nil? return false end #--- def top?(path) git_dir = File.join(path, '.git') if File.exist?(git_dir) return true if elsif File.exist?(path) && (path =~ /\.git$/ && File.exist?(File.join(path, 'HEAD'))) return true end return false end #--- def subproject?(path) git_dir = File.join(path, '.git') if File.exist?(git_dir) unless git_dir = unless git_dir.nil? git_dir = git_dir.gsub(/^gitdir\:\s*/, '').strip return true if end end end return false end #--- def project_directory?(path, require_top_level = false) path = File.expand_path(path) git_dir = File.join(path, '.git') if File.exist?(git_dir) if return true elsif ! require_top_level git_dir = unless git_dir.nil? git_dir = git_dir.gsub(/^gitdir\:\s*/, '').strip return true if end end elsif File.exist?(path) && (path =~ /\.git$/ && File.exist?(File.join(path, 'HEAD'))) return true end return false end #--- def new?(reset = false) if get(:new, nil).nil? || reset result = cli.rev_parse({ :all => true }) if result && result.status == code.success set(:new, result.output.empty?) end end get(:new, false) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Property accessors / modifiers def repo return @repo if can_persist? return nil end protected :repo #--- def cli @cli end #--- def set_location(directory) super do ensure_git(true) end return myself end #--- def config(name, options = {}) return super do |config| result = cli.config(config.export, name) next Util::Data.value(result.output) if result.status == code.success nil end end #--- def set_config(name, value, options = {}) return super do |config, processed_value| result = cli.config(config.export, name, processed_value) result.status == code.success end end #--- def delete_config(name, options = {}) return super do |config| result = cli.config(config.import({ :remove_section => true }).export, name) result.status == code.success end end #--- def subproject_config(options = {}) return super do |config| result = {} if new? logger.debug("Project has no sub project configuration yet (has not been committed to)") else gitmodules_file = File.join(directory, '.gitmodules') gitmodules_data = '' gitmodules_data = if File.exists?(gitmodules_file) unless gitmodules_data.empty? logger.debug("Houston, we have some gitmodules!") lines = gitmodules_data.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n" ).split("\n") current = nil lines.each do |line| if line =~ /^\[submodule "(.+)"\]$/ current = $1 result[current] = {} logger.debug("Reading: #{current}") elsif line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/ result[current][$1] = $2 end end end end result end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Operations def init_cache super ignore(cache.directory_name) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic Git operations def ignore(files) super do ensure_in_gitignore(files) end end #--- def load_revision return super do if new? logger.debug("Project has no current revision yet (has not been committed to)") nil else current_revision = nil result = cli.rev_parse({ :abbrev_ref => true }, 'HEAD') if result && result.status == code.success current_revision = result.output end logger.debug("Current revision: #{current_revision}") current_revision end end end #--- def checkout(revision) return super do |success| if new? logger.debug("Project can not be checked out (has not been committed to)") else unless repo.bare? result = cli.checkout({}, revision) end end result && result.status == code.success end end #--- def commit(files = '.', options = {}) return super do |config, time, user, message| cli.reset({}, 'HEAD') unless new? # Clear the index so we get a clean commit files = array(files) logger.debug("Adding files to Git index") cli.add({}, *files) # Get all added and updated files cli.add({ :update => true }, *files) # Get all deleted files commit_options = { :m => "<#{user}> #{message}", :allow_empty => config.get(:allow_empty, false) } commit_options[:author] = config[:author] if config.get(:author, false) logger.debug("Composing commit options: #{commit_options.inspect}") result = cli.commit(commit_options) if result.status == code.success new?(true) true else false end end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subproject operations def load_subprojects(options = {}) return super do |project_path, data| File.exist?(File.join(project_path, '.git')) end end #--- def add_subproject(path, url, revision, options = {}) return super do |config| branch_options = '' branch_options = [ '-b', config[:revision] ] if config.get(:revision, false) path = config[:path] url = config[:url] result = cli.submodule({}, 'add', *branch_options, url, path) if result.status == code.success config.set(:files, [ '.gitmodules', path ]) true else false end end end #--- def delete_subproject(path) return super do |config| path = config[:path] submodule_key = "submodule.#{path}" logger.debug("Deleting Git configurations for #{submodule_key}") delete_config(submodule_key) delete_config(submodule_key, { :file => '.gitmodules' }) logger.debug("Cleaning Git index cache for #{path}") cli.rm({ :cached => true }, path) logger.debug("Removing Git submodule directories") FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(directory, path)) FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(repo.path, 'modules', path)) config.set(:files, [ '.gitmodules', path ]) end end #--- def update_subprojects(options = {}) return super do |config| result = cli.submodule({}, 'update', '--init', '--recursive') result.status == code.success end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remote operations def init_remotes return super do origin_url = config('remote.origin.url') logger.debug("Original origin remote url: #{origin_url}") if origin_url origin_url end end #--- def remote(name) return super do url = config("remote.#{name}.url") url.nil? || url.empty? ? nil : url end end #--- def set_remote(name, url) return super do |processed_url| result = cli.remote({}, 'add', name, processed_url) result.status == code.success end end #--- def add_remote_url(name, url, options = {}) return super do |config, processed_url| result = cli.remote({ :add => true, :delete => config.get(:delete, false), :push => config.get(:push, false) }, 'set-url', name, processed_url) result.status == code.success end end #--- def delete_remote(name) return super do remote = remote(name) if ! remote || remote.empty? logger.debug("Project can not delete remote #{name} because it does not exist yet") true else result = cli.remote({}, 'rm', name) result.status == code.success end end end #--- def synchronize(cloud, options = {}) return super do |config| config.init(:remote_path, '/var/git') config.set(:add, true) end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SSH operations def git_fetch(remote = :origin, options = {}, &block) config = Config.ensure(options) result = cli.fetch({}, remote, &block) if result.status == code.success new?(true) true else false end end protected :git_fetch #--- def pull(remote = :origin, options = {}, &block) return super do |config, processed_remote| success = false pull_options = {} pull_options[:tags] = true if config.get(:tags, true) local_revision = config.get(:revision, get(:revision, :master)) if git_fetch(processed_remote, config) if checkout(local_revision) result = cli.pull(pull_options, processed_remote, local_revision, &block) success = true if result.status == code.success end end success end end #--- def push(remote = :edit, options = {}, &block) return super do |config, processed_remote| push_branch = config.get(:revision, '') push_options = {} push_options[:all] = true if push_branch.empty? push_options[:tags] = true if ! push_branch.empty? && config.get(:tags, true) result = cli.push(push_options, processed_remote, push_branch, &block) result.status == code.success end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities def translate_url(host, path, options = {}) return super do |config| user = config.get(:user, 'git') auth = config.get(:auth, true) user + (auth ? '@' : '://') + host + (auth ? ':' : '/') + path end end #--- def translate_edit_url(url, options = {}) return super do |config| if matches = url.strip.match(/^(https?|git)\:\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.+)/) protocol, host, path = matches.captures translate_url(host, path, config.import({ :auth => true })) end end end #--- def git_exec(command, options = {}, args = []) result = nil if can_persist? check_value = lambda do |value| next false if value.nil? next false unless value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) next false if value.to_s.empty? true end localize(repo.workdir) do flags = [] data = {} processed_args = [] options.each do |key, value| cli_option = key.to_s.gsub('_', '-') if value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass) flags << cli_option if value == true elsif data[cli_option] = value.to_s end end args.each do |value| if processed_args << value.to_s end end command_provider = get(:command_provider, Nucleon.type_default(:nucleon, :command)) quiet = get(:quiet, true) command = Nucleon.command({ :command => :git, :data => { 'git-dir=' => repo.path }, :subcommand => { :command => command.to_s.gsub('_', '-'), :flags => flags, :data => data, :args => processed_args } }, command_provider) result = command.exec({ :quiet => quiet }) do |op, cli_command, cli_data| block_given? ? yield(op, cli_command, cli_data) : true end Nucleon.remove_plugin(command) end end result end protected :git_exec #--- def ensure_in_gitignore(files) files = [ files ] unless files.is_a?(Array) commit_files = nil changes = false gitignore_file = File.join(directory, '.gitignore') ignore_raw = ignores = [] search = [] if ignore_raw && ! ignore_raw.empty? ignores = ignore_raw.split("\n") search = ignores.collect do |line| line = line.strip ( ! line.empty? && line[0] != '#' ? line : nil ) end.compact end files.each do |file| if @ignore_cache[file] found = true else file_regex = Regexp.escape(file) found = false unless search.empty? search.each do |ignore| if ignore.strip.match(/^#{file_regex}\/?$/) found = true @ignore_cache[file] = true break end end end end unless found ignores << file changes = true @ignore_cache[file] = true end end if changes Util::Disk.write(gitignore_file, ignores.join("\n")) commit_files = '.gitignore' end commit_files end protected :ensure_in_gitignore end end end