require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' # include Remote class TestEC2Class include PoolParty::Remote::RemoterBase include Ec2 include CloudResourcer include CloudDsl def keypair "fake_keypair" end def ami;"ami-abc123";end def size; "small";end def security_group; "default";end def ebs_volume_id; "ebs_volume_id";end def availabilty_zone; "us-east-1a";end def verbose false end def ec2 @ec2 ||= :access_key_id => "not_an_access_key", :secret_access_key => "not_a_secret_access_key") end end describe "ec2 remote base" do before(:each) do setup @tr = stub_remoter_for(@tr) @tr.stub!(:get_instances_description).and_return response_list_of_instances end %w(launch_new_instance! terminate_instance! describe_instance describe_instances create_snapshot).each do |method| eval <<-EOE it "should have the method #{method}" do @tr.respond_to?(:#{method}).should == true end EOE end describe "helpers" do it "should be able to convert an ec2 ip to a real ip" do "".convert_from_ec2_to_ip.should == "" end it "should not throw an error if another string is returned" do "".convert_from_ec2_to_ip.should == "" end it "should be able to parse the date from the timestamp" do "2008-11-13T09:33:09+0000".parse_datetime.should == DateTime.parse("2008-11-13T09:33:09+0000") end it "should rescue itself and just return the string if it fails" do "thisisthedate".parse_datetime.should == "thisisthedate" end end describe "launching" do before(:each) do @tr.ec2.stub!(:run_instances).and_return true end it "should call run_instances on the ec2 Base class when asking to launch_new_instance!" do @tr.ec2.should_receive(:run_instances).and_return true @tr.launch_new_instance! end it "should use a specific security group if one is specified" do @tr.stub!(:security_group).and_return "web" @tr.ec2.should_receive(:run_instances).with(hash_including(:group_id => ['web'])).and_return true @tr.launch_new_instance! end it "should use the default security group if none is specified" do @tr.ec2.should_receive(:run_instances).with(hash_including(:group_id => ['default'])).and_return true @tr.launch_new_instance! end it "should get the hash response from EC2ResponseObject" do EC2ResponseObject.should_receive(:get_hash_from_response).and_return true @tr.launch_new_instance! end end describe "terminating" do it "should call terminate_instance! on ec2 when asking to terminate_instance!" do @tr.ec2.should_receive(:terminate_instances).with(:instance_id => "abc-123").and_return true @tr.terminate_instance!("abc-123") end end describe "describe_instance" do it "should call get_instances_description on itself" do @tr.should_receive(:get_instances_description).and_return {} @tr.describe_instance end end describe "get_instances_description" do it "should return a hash" do @tr.describe_instances.class.should == Array end it "should call the first node master" do @tr.describe_instances.first[:name].should == "master" end it "should call the second one node1" do @tr.describe_instances[1][:name].should == "node1" end it "should call the third node2" do @tr.describe_instances[2][:name].should == "terminated_node2" end end describe "create_keypair" do before(:each) do Kernel.stub!(:system).with("ec2-add-keypair fake_keypair > #{Base.base_keypair_path}/id_rsa-fake_keypair && chmod 600 #{Base.base_keypair_path}/id_rsa-fake_keypair").and_return true end it "should send system to the Kernel" do Kernel.should_receive(:system).with("ec2-add-keypair fake_keypair > #{Base.base_keypair_path}/id_rsa-fake_keypair && chmod 600 #{Base.base_keypair_path}/id_rsa-fake_keypair").and_return true @tr.create_keypair end it "should try to create the directory when making a new keypair" do FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).and_return true ::File.stub!(:directory?).and_return false @tr.create_keypair end it "should not create a keypair if the keypair is nil" do Kernel.should_not_receive(:system) @tr.stub!(:keypair).and_return nil @tr.create_keypair end end describe "create_snapshot" do # We can assume that create_snapshot on the ec2 gem works before(:each) do @tr.ec2.stub!(:create_snapshot).and_return nil end it "should create a snapshot of the current EBS volume" do @tr.ec2.stub!(:create_snapshot).and_return {{"snapshotId" => "snap-123"}} @tr.stub!(:ebs_volume_id).and_return "vol-123" @tr.create_snapshot.should == {"snapshotId" => "snap-123"} end it "should not create a snapshot if there is no EBS volume" do @tr.create_snapshot.should == nil end end end