require "testin/version" require 'faraday' require 'faraday_middleware' require 'json' require "date" module Testin class Error < StandardError; end def Testin.get_task if @dynamic_param != nil return @dynamic_param end @dynamic_param =$global_options) @dynamic_param.set_up @dynamic_param end def Testin.set_task options $global_options = options Testin.get_task end class Network def self.testin_hostname "" end def initialize(options) @options = options @conn_options = { request: { timeout: 30, open_timeout: 300 }, #proxy: "" # for debug } @testin_client =, @conn_options) do |c| c.request :url_encoded c.adapter :net_http c.response :json, :content_type => /\bjson$/ end end def request path = '' do |req| req.url path req.headers['Host'] = '' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' req.body = @options[:param].to_json end end def validation_response response_data error_code = response_data['code'].to_i return if raise 'validation_response error' if response_data['msg'].empty? raise response_data['msg'] end end class TestinNetwork < Network # 登录获取token def get_login_token begin info = request.body info = JSON.parse(info) validation_response info raise 'Error Login' if info['data']['result'].empty? info['data']['result'] rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end end # 获取脚本列表 def get_script_list begin info = request.body info = JSON.parse(info) validation_response info raise 'Error FetchScriptNetwork' if info['data']['list'].empty? info['data']['list'] rescue StandardError => e #raise e.to_s puts(e.to_s) end end # 获取项目列表 def get_project_list begin info = request.body info = JSON.parse(info) validation_response info raise 'Error FetchProjectNetWork' if info['data']['list'].empty? end begin arr = info['data']['list'].inject([]) do |r, e| r << e['projectid'] if e['name'] == Testin::get_task.get_project_name r end raise "Project #{Testin::get_task.get_project_name} is empty" if arr.empty? arr[0] end end #获取设备列表 def get_device_list begin info = request.body info = JSON.parse(info) validation_response info raise 'Error FetchDeviceNetwork' if info['data']['list'].empty? info['data']['list'] rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end end # 上传文件 def upload_file(file_name) conn =,@conn_options) do |c| c.request :multipart c.adapter :net_http c.response :json, :content_type => /\bjson$/ end response = do |req| req.headers['Host'] = '' req.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' req.headers['UPLOAD-JSON'] = @options[:param].to_json req.body =, 'application/octet-stream') end begin info = response.body info = JSON.parse(info) validation_response info raise 'Error UPLOAD_FILE' if info['data']['result'].empty? info['data']['result'] end end # 创建任务 def creat_task begin info = request.body info = JSON.parse(info) validation_response info raise 'Error CREAT_TASK' if info['data']['result'].empty? info['data'] end end def self.all_scripts () start_page_no = 1 array = [] while #######获取脚本####### script_param = { 'apikey': Testin::get_task.get_api_key, 'mkey': 'script', 'sid':Testin::get_task.get_sid, 'op': 'Script.listScriptFile', 'action': 'script', 'timestamp': * 1000, 'data': { 'scriptDesc': '', 'appId': 0, 'startPageNo': start_page_no, 'osType': Testin::get_task.get_os_type, 'pageSize': 15, 'projectId': Testin::get_task.get_project_id } } config = {:param => script_param} script = begin script_array = script.get_script_list break if script_array == nil || script_array.length == 0 scripts = script_array.inject([]) do |r, e| r << {'scriptid': e['scriptid'],'scriptNo': e['scriptNo']} if e['taginfos'].include?'case' and e['projectId'].to_i == Testin::get_task.get_project_id and e['adapterversionname'].to_s == Testin::get_task.get_app_version r end if scripts.length > 0 array = array + scripts end start_page_no += 1 rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end end array.uniq end end class Task def initialize(options) # 1:安卓 2:IOS @path = options[:path] @devices = options[:devices] @project_name = options[:project_name] @api_key = options[:api_key] @app_version = options[:app_version] @email = options[:email] @pwd = options[:pwd] if @path.include?('ipa') @os_type = 2 else @os_type = 1 end end def set_up self.set_sid self.set_project_id puts("project_name:#{@project_name}") puts("sid:#{@sid}") puts("projectId:#{@project_id}") puts("devices:#{@devices}") puts("api_key:#{@api_key}") puts("email:#{@email}") puts("pwd:#{@pwd}") puts("app_version:#{@app_version}") puts("type:(android=1 iOS=2):#{@os_type}") puts('**********************init successed**********************') end def get_app_version() @app_version end def get_project_name() @project_name end def get_api_key() @api_key end def set_sid() login_param = { :apikey => @api_key, :mkey => 'usermanager', :op => 'Login.login', :data => { :email => @email, :pwd => @pwd }, :action => 'user', :timestamp => * 1000, } config = { param: login_param } net = begin sid = net.get_login_token rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end @sid = sid end def get_sid() @sid end def set_project_id() project_param = { "apikey": @api_key, "mkey":"usermanager", "op":"Project.getUserProjectList", "data":{ "page":1, "pageSize":10 }, "action":"user", "timestamp" * 1000, "sid": @sid } config = {:param => project_param} project = begin project_id = project.get_project_list rescue StandardError => e puts e.to_s end @project_id = project_id end def get_project_id() @project_id end def get_os_type() @os_type end def upload_file() if self.get_os_type == 2 suffix = 'ipa' else suffix = 'apk' end ####### upload file ########## upload_param = { "apikey":Testin::get_task.get_api_key, "timestamp" * 1000, "sid":self.get_sid, "mkey":"fs", "action":"fs", "op":"File.upload", "data": { "suffix":suffix #后缀必须写对 } } config = {:param => upload_param} upload = upload_file_path = '' begin raise "file does not exist #{@path}" if FileTest::exist?(@path) == false puts '**********************start uploading**********************' upload_file_path = upload.upload_file(@path) puts '**********************end uploading**********************' puts 'upload_file_path:' + upload_file_path rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end upload_file_path end private :upload_file #######create task####### def create_task_for_normal upload_file_path = upload_file all_scripts = Testin::TestinNetwork.all_scripts raise 'scripts is empty' if all_scripts == nil || all_scripts.length == 0 puts("all scripts length:#{all_scripts.length}") task_param = { "apikey": Testin::get_task.get_api_key, "timestamp": * 1000, "sid": self.get_sid, "mkey": "realtest", "action": "app", "op": "Task.add", "data": { "projectid": self.get_project_id, "bizCode": "4001" ,# 4000 自动化兼容测试; 4001 自动化功能测试 "taskDescr": "autotest" , "appinfo": { "syspfId": self.get_os_type, #1:android; 2:ios "packageUrl": upload_file_path }, # 应用信息 "devices": @devices, "scripts": all_scripts, "execStandard": { #4000 自动化兼容测试: #simple 安装+启动; #monkey 安装+启动+monkey; #script 安装+执行脚本 #4001 自动化功能测试: #normal 普通执行; #fast 快速执行 "standardType": "normal", } # 执行策略 } } config = {:param => task_param} task = begin task.creat_task.to_s rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end end def create_task_for_fast upload_file_path = upload_file task_param = { "apikey": Testin::get_task.get_api_key, "timestamp": * 1000, "sid": self.get_sid, "mkey": "realtest", "action": "app", "op": "Task.add", "data": { "projectid": self.get_project_id, "bizCode": "4001" ,# 4000 自动化兼容测试; 4001 自动化功能测试 "taskDescr": "autotest" , "appinfo": { "syspfId": self.get_os_type, #1:android; 2:ios "packageUrl": upload_file_path }, # 应用信息 "devices": @devices, "scripts": Testin::TestinNetwork.all_scripts, "execStandard": { #4000 自动化兼容测试: #simple 安装+启动; #monkey 安装+启动+monkey; #script 安装+执行脚本 #4001 自动化功能测试: #normal 普通执行; #fast 快速执行 "standardType": "fast", } # 执行策略 } } config = {:param => task_param} task = begin task.creat_task.to_s rescue StandardError => e raise e.to_s end end end end