require 'net/smtp' require 'tmail' require 'erb' module Rack # Catches all exceptions raised from the app it wraps and # sends a useful email with the exception, stacktrace, and # contents of the environment. class MailExceptions attr_reader :config def initialize(app) @app = app @config = { :to => nil, :from => ENV['USER'] || 'rack', :subject => '[exception] %s', :smtp => { :server => 'localhost', :domain => 'localhost', :port => 25, :authentication => :login, :user_name => nil, :password => nil } } @template = yield self if block_given? end def call(env) status, headers, body = begin rescue => boom # TODO don't allow exceptions from send_notification to # propogate send_notification boom, env raise end send_notification env['mail.exception'], env if env['mail.exception'] [status, headers, body] end %w[to from subject].each do |meth| define_method(meth) { |value| @config[meth.to_sym] = value } end def smtp(settings={}) @config[:smtp].merge! settings end private def generate_mail(exception, env) mail = = Array(config[:to]) mail.from = config[:from] mail.subject = config[:subject] % [exception.to_s] = mail.set_content_type 'text/plain' mail.charset = 'UTF-8' mail.body = @template.result(binding) mail end def send_notification(exception, env) mail = generate_mail(exception, env) smtp = config[:smtp] env['mail.sent'] = true return if smtp[:server] == '' Net::SMTP.start smtp[:server], smtp[:port], smtp[:domain], smtp[:user_name], smtp[:password], smtp[:authentication] do |server| do |recipient| server.send_message mail.to_s, mail.from, recipient end end end def extract_body(env) if io = env['rack.input'] io.rewind if io.respond_to?(:rewind) end end TEMPLATE = (<<-'EMAIL').gsub(/^ {4}/, '') A <%= exception.class.to_s %> occured: <%= exception.to_s %> <% if body = extract_body(env) %> =================================================================== Request Body: =================================================================== <%= body.gsub(/^/, ' ') %> <% end %> =================================================================== Rack Environment: =================================================================== PID: <%= $$ %> PWD: <%= Dir.getwd %> <%= env.to_a. sort{|a,b| a.first <=> b.first}. map{ |k,v| "%-25s%p" % [k+':', v] }. join("\n ") %> <% if exception.respond_to?(:backtrace) %> =================================================================== Backtrace: =================================================================== <%= exception.backtrace.join("\n ") %> <% end %> EMAIL end end