require 'action_controller' require 'grape-kaminari' module IntrospectiveGrape class API < Grape::API extend IntrospectiveGrape::Helpers extend IntrospectiveGrape::Filters extend IntrospectiveGrape::Traversal extend IntrospectiveGrape::Doc # Allow files to be uploaded through ActionController: ActionController::Parameters::PERMITTED_SCALAR_TYPES.push Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile, ActionController::Parameters # Generate uniform RESTful APIs for an ActiveRecord Model: # # class < IntrospectiveGrape::API # exclude_actions Model, :index,:show,:create,:update,:destroy # default_includes Model, # restful , [] # # class Entity < Grape::Entity # expose :id, :attribute # expose :association, using: Entity> # end # end # # To define a Grape param type for a virtual attribute or override the defaut param # type from model introspection, define a class method in the model with the param # types for the attributes specified in a hash: # # def self.attribute_param_types # { "" => Virtus::Attribute::Boolean, # "" => Integer, # "" => String } # end # # For nested models declared in Rails' strong params both the Grape params for the # nested params as well as nested routes will be declared, allowing for # a good deal of flexibility for API consumers out of the box, nested params for # bulk updates and nested routes for interacting with single records. # class << self PLURAL_REFLECTIONS = [ ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection, ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection].freeze # mapping of activerecord/postgres 'type's to ruby data classes, where they differ Pg2Ruby = { datetime: DateTime }.freeze def inherited(child) super(child) child.before do # Ensure that a user is logged in. self.send(IntrospectiveGrape::API.authentication_method(self)) end child.before_validation do # We have to snake case the Rack params then re-assign @params to the # request.params, because of the I-think-very-goofy-and-inexplicable # way Grape interacts with both independently of each other (params.try(:with_snake_keys)||{}).each do |k,v| request.delete_param(k.camelize(:lower)) request.update_param(k, v) end @params = request.params end if IntrospectiveGrape.config.camelize_parameters end # We will probably need before and after hooks eventually, but haven't yet... #api_actions.each do |a| # define_method "before_#{a}_hook" do |model,params| ; end # define_method "after_#{a}_hook" do |model,params| ; end #end def restful(model, strong_params=[], routes=[]) # Recursively define endpoints for the model and any nested models. # # model: the model class for the API # whitelist: a list of fields in Rail's strong params structure, also used to # generate grape's permitted params. # routes: An array of OpenStruct representations of a nested route's ancestors # # Defining the api will break pending migrations during db:migrate, so bail: begin ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! rescue return end # normalize the whitelist to symbols!{|f| f.kind_of?(String) ? f.to_sym : f } # default to a flat representation of the model's attributes if left unspecified strong_params = strong_params.blank? ?[:id, :updated_at, :created_at] : strong_params # The strong params will be the same for all routes, differing from the Grape params # when routes are nested whitelist = whitelist( strong_params ) # As routes are nested keep track of the routes, we are preventing siblings from # appending to the routes array here: routes = build_routes(routes, model) define_routes(routes, whitelist) # Top level declaration of the Grape::API namespace for the resource: resource do # yield to append additional routes under the root namespace yield if block_given? end end def define_routes(routes, api_params) define_endpoints(routes, api_params) # recursively define endpoints model = routes.last.model || return{|a| a.kind_of?(Hash) }.each do |nested| # Recursively add RESTful nested routes for every nested model: nested.each do |r,fields| # Look at model.reflections to find the association's class name: reflection_name = r.to_s.sub(/_attributes$/,'') begin relation = model.reflections[reflection_name].class_name.constantize rescue Rails.logger.fatal "Can't find associated model for #{r} on #{model}" end next_routes = build_routes(routes, relation, reflection_name) define_routes(next_routes, fields) end end end def define_endpoints(routes,api_params) # De-reference these as local variables from their class scope, or when we make # calls to the API they will be whatever they were last set to by the recursive # calls to "nest_routes". routes = routes.clone api_params = api_params.clone model = routes.last.model || return # We define the param keys for ID fields in camelcase for swagger's URL substitution, # they'll come back in snake case in the params hash, the API as a whole is agnostic: namespace = routes[0..-2].map{|p| "#{}/:#{p.swaggerKey}/" }.join + resource namespace do convert_nested_params_hash(self, routes) define_restful_api(self, routes, model, api_params) end end def define_restful_api(dsl, routes, model, api_params) # declare index, show, update, create, and destroy methods: API_ACTIONS.each do |action| send("define_#{action}", dsl, routes, model, api_params) unless exclude_actions(model).include?(action) end end def define_index(dsl, routes, model, api_params) include Grape::Kaminari root = routes.first klass = routes.first.klass name = simple_filters(klass, model, api_params) dsl.desc "list #{name}" do detail klass.index_documentation || "returns list of all #{name}" end dsl.params do klass.declare_filter_params(self, klass, model, api_params) end if klass.pagination paginate per_page: klass.pagination[:per_page]||25, max_per_page: klass.pagination[:max_per_page], offset: klass.pagination[:offset]||0 end dsl.get '/' do # Invoke the policy for the action, defined in the policy classes for the model: authorize, :index? # Nested route indexes need to be scoped by the API's top level policy class: records = policy_scope( root.model.includes(klass.default_includes(root.model)) ) records = klass.apply_filter_params(klass, model, api_params, params, records) records = records.where( JSON.parse(params[:query]) ) if params[:query].present? records ={|r| klass.find_leaves( routes, r, params ) }.flatten.compact.uniq # paginate the records using Kaminari records = paginate(Kaminari.paginate_array(records)) if klass.pagination present records, with: "#{klass}::#{model}Entity".constantize end end def define_show(dsl, routes, model, _api_params) name = klass = routes.first.klass dsl.desc "retrieve a #{name}" do detail klass.show_documentation || "returns details on a #{name}" end dsl.get ":#{routes.last.swaggerKey}" do authorize @model, :show? present klass.find_leaf(routes, @model, params), with: "#{klass}::#{model}Entity".constantize end end def define_create(dsl, routes, model, api_params) name = klass = routes.first.klass root = routes.first dsl.desc "create a #{name}" do detail klass.create_documentation || "creates a new #{name} record" end dsl.params do klass.generate_params(self, klass, :create, model, api_params) end do if @model @model.update_attributes( safe_params(params).permit(klass.whitelist) ) else @model = safe_params(params).permit(klass.whitelist) ) end authorize @model, :create?! present klass.find_leaves(routes, @model.reload, params), with: "#{klass}::#{model}Entity".constantize end end def define_update(dsl, routes, model, api_params) klass = routes.first.klass name = dsl.desc "update a #{name}" do detail klass.update_documentation || "updates the details of a #{name}" end dsl.params do klass.generate_params(self, klass, :update, model, api_params) end dsl.put ":#{routes.last.swaggerKey}" do authorize @model, :update? @model.update_attributes!( safe_params(params).permit(klass.whitelist) ) present klass.find_leaf(routes, @model.reload, params), with: "#{klass}::#{model}Entity".constantize end end def define_destroy(dsl, routes, _model, _api_params) klass = routes.first.klass name = dsl.desc "destroy a #{name}" do detail klass.destroy_documentation || "destroys the details of a #{name}" end dsl.delete ":#{routes.last.swaggerKey}" do authorize @model, :destroy? present status: (klass.find_leaf(routes, @model, params).destroy ? true : false) end end def convert_nested_params_hash(dsl, routes) root = routes.first klass = root.klass dsl.after_validation do # After Grape validates its parameters: # 1) Find the root model instance for the API if its passed (implicitly either # an update/destroy on the root node or it's a nested route # 2) For nested endpoints convert the params hash into Rails-compliant nested # attributes, to be passed to the root instance for update. This keeps # behavior consistent between bulk and single record updates. if params[root.key] default_includes = routes.size > 1 ? [] : klass.default_includes(root.model) @model = root.model.includes( default_includes ).find(params[root.key]) end if routes.size > 1 nested_attributes = klass.build_nested_attributes(routes[1..-1], params.except(root.key,:api_key) ) @params.merge!( nested_attributes ) if nested_attributes.kind_of?(Hash) end end end def build_routes(routes, model, reflection_name=nil) routes = routes.clone # routes: the existing routes array passed from the parent # model: the model being manipulated in this leaf # reflection_name: the association name from the original strong_params declaration # # Constructs an array representation of the route's models and their associations, # a /root/:rootId/branch/:branchId/leaf/:leafId path would have flat array like # [root,branch,leaf] representing the path structure and its models, used to # manipulate ActiveRecord relationships and params hashes and so on. parent_model = routes.last.try(:model) return routes if model == parent_model name = reflection_name || reflection = parent_model.try(:reflections).try(:fetch,reflection_name) many = parent_model && PLURAL_REFLECTIONS.include?( reflection.class ) ? true : false swaggerKey = IntrospectiveGrape.config.camelize_parameters ? "#{name.singularize.camelize(:lower)}Id" : "#{name.singularize}_id" routes.push self, name: name, param: "#{name}_attributes", model: model, many?: many, key: "#{name.singularize}_id".to_sym, swaggerKey: swaggerKey, reflection: reflection) end def build_nested_attributes(routes,hash) # Recursively re-express the flat attributes hash from nested routes as nested # attributes that can be used to perform an update on the root model. # do nothing if the params are already nested. return {} if routes.blank? || hash[routes.first.param] route = routes.shift # change 'x_id' to 'x_attributes': { id: id, y_attributes: {} } id = hash.delete route.key attributes = id ? { id: id } : {} attributes.merge!( hash ) if routes.blank? # assign param values to the last reference if route.many? # nest it in an array if it is a has_many association { route.param => [attributes.merge( build_nested_attributes(routes, hash) )] } else { route.param => attributes.merge( build_nested_attributes(routes, hash) ) } end end def generate_params(dsl, klass, action, model, fields) # We'll be doing a recursive walk (to handle nested attributes) down the # whitelisted params, generating the Grape param definitions by introspecting # on the model and its associations. raise "Invalid action: #{action}" unless [:update, :create].include?(action) # dsl : The Grape::Validations::ParamsScope object # klass : A reference back to the original descendant of IntrospectiveGrape::API. # You have to pass this around to remember who you were before the DSL # scope hijacked your identity. # action: create or update # model : The ActiveRecord model class # fields: The whitelisted data structure for Rails' strong params, from which we # infer Grape's parameters (fields-[:id]).each do |field| if field.kind_of?(Hash) generate_nested_params(dsl,klass,action,model,field) elsif (action==:create && klass.param_required?(model,field) ) # All params are optional on an update, only require them during creation. # Updating a record with new child models will have to rely on ActiveRecord # validations: dsl.requires field, type: klass.param_type(model,field) else dsl.optional field, type: klass.param_type(model,field) end end end def generate_nested_params(dsl,klass,action,model,fields) fields.each do |r,v| # Look at model.reflections to find the association's class name: reflection = r.to_s.sub(/_attributes$/,'') # the reflection name relation = begin model.reflections[reflection].class_name.constantize rescue model end if is_file_attachment?(model,r) # Handle Carrierwave file upload fields s = [:filename, :type, :name, :tempfile, :head]-v if s.present? Rails.logger.warn "Missing required file upload parameters #{s} for uploader field #{r}" end elsif PLURAL_REFLECTIONS.include?( model.reflections[reflection].class ) # In case you need a refresher on how these work: # dsl.optional r, type: Array do |dl| klass.generate_params(dl,klass,action,relation,v) klass.add_destroy_param(dl,model,reflection) unless action==:create end else # TODO: handle any remaining correctly. Presently defaults to a Hash # # ThroughReflection, HasOneReflection, # HasAndBelongsToManyReflection, BelongsToReflection dsl.optional r, type: Hash do |dl| klass.generate_params(dl,klass,action,relation,v) klass.add_destroy_param(dl,model,reflection) unless action==:create end end end end def is_file_attachment?(model,field) model.try(:uploaders) && model.uploaders[field.to_sym] || # carrierwave (model.try(:attachment_definitions) && model.attachment_definitions[field.to_sym]) || defined?(Paperclip::Attachment) && model.send(:new).try(field).kind_of?(Paperclip::Attachment) end def param_type(model,f) # Translate from the AR type to the GrapeParam types f = f.to_s db_type = (model.try(:columns_hash)||{})[f].try(:type) # Check if it's a file attachment, look for an override class from the model, # check Pg2Ruby, use the database type, or fail over to a String: ( is_file_attachment?(model,f) && Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile ) || (model.try(:attribute_param_types)||{})[f] || Pg2Ruby[db_type] || begin db_type.to_s.camelize.constantize rescue nil end || String end def param_required?(model,f) # Detect if the field is a required field for the create action return false if skip_presence_validations.include? f validated_field = (f =~ /_id/) ? f.to_s.sub(/_id\z/,'').to_sym : f.to_sym model.validators_on(validated_field).any? {|v| v.kind_of? ActiveRecord::Validations::PresenceValidator } end def add_destroy_param(dsl,model,reflection) raise "#{model} does not accept nested attributes for #{reflection}" if !model.nested_attributes_options[reflection.to_sym] # If destruction is allowed append the _destroy field if model.nested_attributes_options[reflection.to_sym][:allow_destroy] dsl.optional '_destroy', type: Integer end end end end end