# ******************************************************************************* # Honeybee OpenStudio Gem, Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Sustainable # Energy, LLC, Ladybug Tools LLC and other contributors. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # import the core objects from which everything inherits require 'from_honeybee/extension' require 'from_honeybee/model_object' # import the compound objects that house the other objects require 'from_honeybee/construction_set' require 'from_honeybee/program_type' # import the geometry objects require 'from_honeybee/geometry/shade' require 'from_honeybee/geometry/door' require 'from_honeybee/geometry/aperture' require 'from_honeybee/geometry/face' require 'from_honeybee/geometry/room' # import the HVAC objects require 'from_honeybee/hvac/ideal_air' # import the construction objects require 'from_honeybee/construction/opaque' require 'from_honeybee/construction/window' require 'from_honeybee/construction/windowshade' require 'from_honeybee/construction/shade' require 'from_honeybee/construction/air' # import the material objects require 'from_honeybee/material/opaque' require 'from_honeybee/material/opaque_no_mass' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_gas' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_gas_mixture' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_gas_custom' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_blind' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_glazing' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_shade' require 'from_honeybee/material/window_simpleglazsys' # import the schedule objects require 'from_honeybee/schedule/type_limit' require 'from_honeybee/schedule/fixed_interval' require 'from_honeybee/schedule/ruleset' # import the load objects require 'from_honeybee/load/setpoint_thermostat' require 'from_honeybee/load/setpoint_humidistat' require 'openstudio' module FromHoneybee class Model attr_reader :errors, :warnings # Read Ladybug Energy Model JSON from disk def self.read_from_disk(file) hash = nil File.open(File.join(file), 'r') do |f| hash = JSON.parse(f.read, symbolize_names: true) end Model.new(hash) end # Load ModelObject from symbolized hash def initialize(hash) # initialize class variable @@extension only once @@extension ||= Extension.new @@schema ||= @@extension.schema @@standards ||= @@extension.standards @hash = hash @type = @hash[:type] raise 'Unknown model type' if @type.nil? raise "Incorrect model type '#{@type}'" unless @type == 'Model' end # check if the model is valid def valid? if Gem.loaded_specs.has_key?("json-schema") return validation_errors.empty? else return true end end # return detailed model validation errors def validation_errors if Gem.loaded_specs.has_key?("json-schema") require 'json-schema' JSON::Validator.fully_validate(@@schema, @hash) end end def defaults @@schema[:components][:schemas][:ModelEnergyProperties][:properties] end # convert to openstudio model, clears errors and warnings def to_openstudio_model(openstudio_model=nil, log_report=true) @errors = [] @warnings = [] if log_report puts 'Starting Model translation from Honeybee to OpenStudio' end @openstudio_model = if openstudio_model openstudio_model else OpenStudio::Model::Model.new end # create all openstudio objects in the model create_openstudio_objects(log_report) if log_report puts 'Done with Model translation!' end @openstudio_model end private # create OpenStudio objects in the OpenStudio model def create_openstudio_objects(log_report=true) # assign a standards building type so that David's measures can run building = @openstudio_model.getBuilding building.setStandardsBuildingType('MediumOffice') # initialize global hashes for various model properties $gas_gap_hash = Hash.new # hash to track gas gaps in case they are split by shades $air_boundary_hash = Hash.new # hash to track any air boundary constructions $window_shade_hash = Hash.new # hash to track any window constructions with shade $programtype_setpoint_hash = Hash.new # hash to track Setpoint objects # create all of the non-geometric model elements if log_report puts 'Translating Materials' end if @hash[:properties][:energy][:materials] create_materials(@hash[:properties][:energy][:materials]) end if log_report puts 'Translating Constructions' end if @hash[:properties][:energy][:constructions] create_constructions(@hash[:properties][:energy][:constructions]) end if log_report puts 'Translating ConstructionSets' end if @hash[:properties][:energy][:construction_sets] create_construction_sets(@hash[:properties][:energy][:construction_sets]) end if log_report puts 'Translating Schedules' end if @hash[:properties][:energy][:schedule_type_limits] create_schedule_type_limits(@hash[:properties][:energy][:schedule_type_limits]) end if @hash[:properties][:energy][:schedules] create_schedules(@hash[:properties][:energy][:schedules]) end if log_report puts 'Translating ProgramTypes' end if @hash[:properties][:energy][:program_types] create_program_types(@hash[:properties][:energy][:program_types]) end # create the default construction set to catch any cases of unassigned constructions if log_report puts 'Translating Default ConstructionSet' end create_default_construction_set # create the geometry and add any extra properties to it if log_report puts 'Translating Room Geometry' end create_rooms unless $window_shade_hash.empty? if log_report puts 'Translating Window Shading Control' end create_shading_control end if log_report puts 'Translating HVAC Systems' end create_hvacs if log_report puts 'Translating Context Shade Geometry' end create_orphaned_shades create_orphaned_faces create_orphaned_apertures create_orphaned_doors end def create_materials(material_dicts, check_existing=false) material_dicts.each do |material| # check if there's already a material in the model with the identifier add_obj = true if check_existing object = @openstudio_model.getMaterialByName(material[:identifier]) if object.is_initialized add_obj = false end end # add the material object to the Model if add_obj material_type = material[:type] case material_type when 'EnergyMaterial' material_object = EnergyMaterial.new(material) when 'EnergyMaterialNoMass' material_object = EnergyMaterialNoMass.new(material) when 'EnergyWindowMaterialGas' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialGas.new(material) $gas_gap_hash[material[:identifier]] = material_object when 'EnergyWindowMaterialGasMixture' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialGasMixture.new(material) $gas_gap_hash[material[:identifier]] = material_object when 'EnergyWindowMaterialGasCustom' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialGasCustom.new(material) $gas_gap_hash[material[:identifier]] = material_object when 'EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialSimpleGlazSys.new(material) when 'EnergyWindowMaterialBlind' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialBlind.new(material) when 'EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing.new(material) when 'EnergyWindowMaterialShade' material_object = EnergyWindowMaterialShade.new(material) else raise "Unknown material type #{material_type}" end material_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) end end end def create_constructions(construction_dicts, check_existing=false) construction_dicts.each do |construction| # check if there's already a construction in the model with the identifier add_obj = true if check_existing object = @openstudio_model.getConstructionByName(construction[:identifier]) if object.is_initialized add_obj = false end end # add the construction object to the Model if add_obj construction_type = construction[:type] case construction_type when 'OpaqueConstructionAbridged' construction_object = OpaqueConstructionAbridged.new(construction) when 'WindowConstructionAbridged' construction_object = WindowConstructionAbridged.new(construction) when 'WindowConstructionShadeAbridged' construction_object = WindowConstructionShadeAbridged.new(construction) $window_shade_hash[construction[:identifier]] = construction_object when 'ShadeConstruction' construction_object = ShadeConstruction.new(construction) when 'AirBoundaryConstructionAbridged' construction_object = AirBoundaryConstructionAbridged.new(construction) $air_boundary_hash[construction[:identifier]] = construction else raise "Unknown construction type #{construction_type}." end construction_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) end end end def create_construction_sets(construction_set_dicts, check_existing=false) construction_set_dicts.each do |construction_set| # check if there's already a construction set in the model with the identifier add_obj = true if check_existing object = @openstudio_model.getDefaultConstructionSetByName( construction_set[:identifier]) if object.is_initialized add_obj = false end end # add the construction set object to the Model if add_obj construction_set_object = ConstructionSetAbridged.new(construction_set) construction_set_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) end end end def create_schedule_type_limits(stl_dicts, check_existing=false) stl_dicts.each do |schedule_type_limit| # check if there's already a schedule type limit in the model with the identifier add_obj = true if check_existing object = @openstudio_model.getScheduleTypeLimitsByName( schedule_type_limit[:identifier]) if object.is_initialized add_obj = false end end # add the schedule type limit object to the Model if add_obj schedule_type_limit_object = ScheduleTypeLimit.new(schedule_type_limit) schedule_type_limit_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) end end end def create_schedules(schedule_dicts, check_existing=false) schedule_dicts.each do |schedule| # check if there's already a schedule in the model with the identifier add_obj = true if check_existing object = @openstudio_model.getScheduleByName(schedule[:identifier]) if object.is_initialized add_obj = false end end # add the schedule object to the Model if add_obj schedule_type = schedule[:type] case schedule_type when 'ScheduleRulesetAbridged' schedule_object = ScheduleRulesetAbridged.new(schedule) when 'ScheduleFixedIntervalAbridged' schedule_object = ScheduleFixedIntervalAbridged.new(schedule) else raise("Unknown schedule type #{schedule_type}.") end schedule_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) end end end def create_program_types(program_dicts, check_existing=false) program_dicts.each do |space_type| # check if there's already a space type in the model with the identifier add_obj = true if check_existing object = @openstudio_model.getSpaceTypeByName(space_type[:identifier]) if object.is_initialized add_obj = false end end # add the space type object to the Model if add_obj space_type_object = ProgramTypeAbridged.new(space_type) space_type_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) end end end def create_default_construction_set # create the materials, constructions and construction set create_materials(@@standards[:materials], true) create_constructions(@@standards[:constructions], true) create_construction_sets(@@standards[:construction_sets], true) # write the fractional schedule type and always on schedule if they are not there @@standards[:schedule_type_limits].each do |sch_type_limit| if sch_type_limit[:identifier] == 'Fractional' create_schedule_type_limits([sch_type_limit], true) end end @@standards[:schedules].each do |schedule| if schedule[:identifier] == 'Always On' create_schedules([schedule], true) end end # set the default construction set to the building level of the Model construction_id = 'Default Generic Construction Set' construction = @openstudio_model.getDefaultConstructionSetByName(construction_id) unless construction.empty? os_constructionset = construction.get @openstudio_model.getBuilding.setDefaultConstructionSet(os_constructionset) end end def create_rooms if @hash[:rooms] $air_mxing_array = [] # list to track any air mixing between Rooms @hash[:rooms].each do |room| room_object = Room.new(room) openstudio_room = room_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) # for rooms with setpoint objects definied in the ProgramType, make a new thermostat if room[:properties][:energy][:program_type] && !room[:properties][:energy][:setpoint] thermal_zone = openstudio_room.thermalZone() unless thermal_zone.empty? thermal_zone_object = thermal_zone.get program_type_id = room[:properties][:energy][:program_type] setpoint_hash = $programtype_setpoint_hash[program_type_id] if not setpoint_hash.nil? # program type has no setpoint thermostat_object = SetpointThermostat.new(setpoint_hash) openstudio_thermostat = thermostat_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) thermal_zone_object.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(openstudio_thermostat) if setpoint_hash[:humidifying_schedule] or setpoint_hash[:dehumidifying_schedule] humidistat_object = ZoneControlHumidistat.new(setpoint_hash) openstudio_humidistat = humidistat_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) thermal_zone_object.setZoneControlHumidistat(openstudio_humidistat) end end end end end # create mixing objects between Rooms $air_mxing_array.each do |air_mix_props| zone_mixing = OpenStudio::Model::ZoneMixing.new(air_mix_props[0]) zone_mixing.setDesignFlowRate(air_mix_props[1]) flow_sch_ref = @openstudio_model.getScheduleByName(air_mix_props[2]) unless flow_sch_ref.empty? flow_sched = flow_sch_ref.get zone_mixing.setSchedule(flow_sched) end source_zone_ref = @openstudio_model.getThermalZoneByName(air_mix_props[3]) unless source_zone_ref.empty? source_zone = source_zone_ref.get zone_mixing.setSourceZone(source_zone) end end end end def create_shading_control # assign any shading control objects to windows with shades # this is run as a separate step once all logic about construction sets is in place sub_faces = @openstudio_model.getSubSurfaces() sub_faces.each do |sub_face| constr_ref = sub_face.construction unless constr_ref.empty? constr = constr_ref.get constr_name_ref = constr.name unless constr_name_ref.empty? constr_name = constr_name_ref.get unless $window_shade_hash[constr_name].nil? window_shd_constr = $window_shade_hash[constr_name] os_shd_control = window_shd_constr.to_openstudio_shading_control(@openstudio_model) sub_face.setShadingControl(os_shd_control) end end end end end def create_hvacs if @hash[:properties][:energy][:hvacs] # gather all of the hashes of the HVACs hvac_hashes = Hash.new @hash[:properties][:energy][:hvacs].each do |hvac| hvac_hashes[hvac[:identifier]] = hvac hvac_hashes[hvac[:identifier]]['rooms'] = [] end # loop through the rooms and trach which are assigned to each HVAC if @hash[:rooms] @hash[:rooms].each do |room| if room[:properties][:energy][:hvac] hvac_hashes[room[:properties][:energy][:hvac]]['rooms'] << room[:identifier] end end end hvac_hashes.each_value do |hvac| system_type = hvac[:type] case system_type when 'IdealAirSystemAbridged' ideal_air_system = IdealAirSystemAbridged.new(hvac) os_ideal_air_system = ideal_air_system.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) hvac['rooms'].each do |room_id| zone_get = @openstudio_model.getThermalZoneByName(room_id) unless zone_get.empty? os_thermal_zone = zone_get.get os_ideal_air_system.addToThermalZone(os_thermal_zone) end end end end end end def create_orphaned_shades if @hash[:orphaned_shades] shading_surface_group = OpenStudio::Model::ShadingSurfaceGroup.new(@openstudio_model) shading_surface_group.setShadingSurfaceType('Building') @hash[:orphaned_shades].each do |shade| shade_object = Shade.new(shade) openstudio_shade = shade_object.to_openstudio(@openstudio_model) openstudio_shade.setShadingSurfaceGroup(shading_surface_group) end end end def create_orphaned_faces if @hash[:orphaned_faces] raise "Orphaned Faces are not translatable to OpenStudio." end end def create_orphaned_apertures if @hash[:orphaned_apertures] raise "Orphaned Apertures are not translatable to OpenStudio." end end def create_orphaned_doors if @hash[:orphaned_doors] raise "Orphaned Doors are not translatable to OpenStudio." end end #TODO: create runlog for errors. end # Model end # FromHoneybee