# Wx::SF - layout algorithm classes # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands module Wx::SF # Base class for all layouting algorithms. class LayoutAlgorithm # Function performing the layout change. All derived classes must implement it. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes which should be layout-ed def do_layout(shapes) ::Kernel.raise NotImplementedError end protected # Calculate bounding box surrounding given shapes. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes # @return [Wx::Rect] Bounding box def get_bounding_box(shapes) shapes.inject(nil) do |rct_bb, shape| rct_bb ? rct_bb.union!(shape.get_bounding_box) : shape.get_bounding_box end end # Get overall extent of all given shapes calculated as a sum of their width and height. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes # @return [Wx::Size] Overall shapes extent def get_shapes_extent(shapes) shapes.inject(Wx::Size.new) do |ext_sz, shape| sh_bb = shape.get_bounding_box ext_sz.width += sh_bb.width ext_sz.height += sh_bb.height ext_sz end end # Get center point of given shapes. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes # @return [Wx::RealPoint] Center point def get_shapes_center(shapes) center = shapes.inject(Wx::RealPoint.new) do |centre, shape| sh_pos = shape.get_absolute_position centre.x += sh_pos.x centre.y += sh_pos.y centre end center.x /= shapes.size center.y /= shapes.size center end # Get top-left point of bounding box surrounding given shapes. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes # @return [Wx::RealPoint] Top-left point of bounding box surrounding given shapes def get_top_left(shapes) shapes.inject(Wx::RealPoint.new(::Float::MAX, ::Float::MAX)) do |pos, shape| sh_pos = shape.get_absolute_position pos.x = sh_pos.x if sh_pos.x < pos.x pos.y = sh_pos.y if sh_pos.y < pos.y pos end end end # pre-defined algorithms ########################### # Class encapsulating algorithm which layouts all top-most shapes into circle registered under "Circle" name. # The algorithm doesn't optimize connection lines crossing. class LayoutCircle < LayoutAlgorithm # Constructor. def initialize @distance_ratio = 1.0 end # Get or set ratio in which calculated distance between shapes will be reduced. Values less than # 1 means that the distance will be smaller, values bigger than 1 means that the distance will be # bigger. attr_accessor :distance_ratio # Function performing the layout change. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes which should be layout-ed def do_layout(shapes) size_shapes = get_shapes_extent(shapes) center = get_shapes_center(shapes) # double x, y step = 360.0 / shapes.size degree = 0 rx = (size_shapes.x / 2) * @distance_ratio ry = (size_shapes.y / 2) * @distance_ratio shapes.each do |shape| x = center.x + Math.cos(degree * Math::PI / 180 ) * rx y = center.y + Math.sin( degree * Math::PI / 180 ) * ry degree += step shape.move_to(x, y) end end end # Class encapsulating algorithm which layouts all top-most shapes into vertical tree registered under "Vertical Tree" name. class LayoutVerticalTree < LayoutAlgorithm # Constructor. def initialize @h_space = @v_space = 30.0 end # Get or set horizontal space between shapes. attr_accessor :h_space # Get or set vertical space between shapes. attr_accessor :v_space # Function performing the layout change. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes which should be layout-ed def do_layout(shapes) start = get_top_left(shapes) min_x = start.x # find root items shapes.each do |shape| lst_connections = shape.get_assigned_connections(LineShape, Shape::CONNECTMODE::ENDING) min_x, _ = process_node(shape, start.y, min_x, 0) if lst_connections.empty? end end protected # Process single shape. # @param [Wx::Shape] node processed shape. # @param [Float] y Vertical position of the shape. # @param [Float] min_x # @param [Integer] curr_max_width # @return [Array(Float, Integer)] def process_node(node, y, min_x, curr_max_width) if node node.move_to(min_x, y) rct_bb = node.get_bounding_box curr_max_width = rct_bb.width if rct_bb.width > curr_max_width lst_neighbours = node.get_neighbours(Shape, Shape::CONNECTMODE::STARTING) if lst_neighbours.empty? min_x += curr_max_width + @h_space else lst_neighbours.each do |nbs| unless nbs.get_parent_shape min_x, curr_max_width = process_node(nbs, y + rct_bb.height + @v_space, min_x, curr_max_width) end end end end [min_x, curr_max_width] end end # Class encapsulating algorithm which layouts all top-most shapes into horizontal tree registered under "Horizontal Tree" name. class LayoutHorizontalTree < LayoutAlgorithm # Constructor. def initialize @h_space = @v_space = 30.0 end # Get or set horizontal space between shapes. attr_accessor :h_space # Get or set vertical space between shapes. attr_accessor :v_space # Function performing the layout change. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes which should be layout-ed def do_layout(shapes) start = get_top_left(shapes) min_y = start.y # find root items shapes.each do |shape| lst_connections = shape.get_assigned_connections(LineShape, Shape::CONNECTMODE::ENDING) min_y, _ = process_node(shape, start.x, min_y, 0) if lst_connections.empty? end end protected # Process single shape. # @param [Wx::Shape] node processed shape. # @param [Float] x Vertical position of the shape. # @param [Float] min_y # @param [Integer] curr_max_height # @return [Array(Float, Integer)] def process_node(node, x, min_y, curr_max_height) if node node.move_to(x, min_y) rct_bb = node.get_bounding_box curr_max_height = rct_bb.height if rct_bb.height > curr_max_height lst_neighbours = node.get_neighbours(Shape, Shape::CONNECTMODE::STARTING) if lst_neighbours.empty? min_y += curr_max_height + @v_space else lst_neighbours.each do |nbs| unless nbs.get_parent_shape min_y, curr_max_height = process_node(nbs, x + rct_bb.width + @h_space, min_y, curr_max_height) end end end end [min_y, curr_max_height] end end # Class encapsulating algorithm which layouts all top-most shapes into mesh registered under "Mesh" name. # The algorithm doesn't optimize connection lines crossing. class LayoutMesh < LayoutAlgorithm # Constructor. def initialize @h_space = @v_space = 30.0 end # Get or set horizontal space between shapes. attr_accessor :h_space # Get or set vertical space between shapes. attr_accessor :v_space # Function performing the layout change. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes which should be layout-ed def do_layout(shapes) cols = Math.sqrt(shapes.size).floor max_h = -@h_space roffset = coffset = 0 start = get_top_left(shapes) shapes.each_with_index do |shape, i| if (i % cols) == 0 coffset = 0 roffset += max_h + @h_space max_h = 0 end shape.move_to(start.x + coffset, start.y + roffset) rct_bb = shape.get_bounding_box coffset += rct_bb.width + @v_space max_h = rct_bb.height if rct_bb.height > max_h end end end # Module implements automatic diagram layout. The module allows to automatically layout shapes # included in diagram manager/shape canvas/list of shapes by using several pre-defined layouting # algorithms. The module should be used as it is. module AutoLayout class << self def layout_algorithms_table @layout_algorithms ||= {} end private :layout_algorithms_table def register_layout_algorithm(name, klass) layout_algorithms_table[name.to_s] = klass end def get_layout_algorithm(name) layout_algorithms_table.has_key?(name.to_s) ? layout_algorithms_table[name.to_s].new : nil end def layout_algorithms layout_algorithms_table.keys end def each_layout_algorithm(&block) if block layout_algorithms_table.each_value { |klass| block.call(klass.new) } else ::Enumerator.new { |y| layout_algorithms_table.each_value { |klass| y << klass.new } } end end # @overload layout(shapes, algname) # Layout shapes included in given list. # @param [Array] shapes List of shapes # @param [String] algname Algorithm name # @return [Boolean] true if layout algorithm was found and executed, false otherwise # @overload layout(diagram, algname) # Layout shapes included in given diagram. # @param [Diagram] diagram Reference to diagram # @param [String] algname Algorithm name # @return [Boolean] true if layout algorithm was found and executed, false otherwise # @overload layout(canvas, algname) # Layout shapes included in given shape canvas. # @param [ShapeCanvas] canvas Reference to shape canvas # @param [String] algname Algorithm name # @return [Boolean] true if layout algorithm was found and executed, false otherwise def layout(shapes, algname) if shapes.is_a?(::Array) alg = get_layout_algorithm(algname) if alg shapes.first.get_diagram.set_modified unless shapes.empty? || shapes.first.get_diagram.nil? alg.do_layout(shapes) return true end elsif shapes.is_a?(Diagram) || shapes.is_a?(ShapeCanvas) alg = get_layout_algorithm(algname) if alg diagram = shapes.is_a?(Diagram) ? shapes : shapes.get_diagram # layout all top level shapes excluding the line shapes alg.do_layout(diagram.get_top_shapes.reject { |shp| shp.is_a?(LineShape) }) diagram.move_shapes_from_negatives diagram.set_modified update_canvas(diagram.get_shape_canvas) if diagram.get_shape_canvas return true end else ::Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'Expected array, diagram or canvas' end false end protected # Update given shape canvas. # @param [ShapeCanvas] canvas def update_canvas(canvas) canvas.center_shapes canvas.update_virtual_size canvas.update_multiedit_size canvas.refresh(false) end end register_layout_algorithm('Circle', LayoutCircle) register_layout_algorithm('Mesh', LayoutMesh) register_layout_algorithm('Horizontal Tree', LayoutHorizontalTree) register_layout_algorithm('Vertical Tree', LayoutVerticalTree) end end