# Send builds to container-based infrastructure # http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/workers/container-based-infrastructure/ sudo: false language: ruby cache: bundler: true yarn: true directories: - node_modules rvm: - 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5 - ruby-head before_install: # Need to install something extra to test JS - yarn install # Bundler 1.16.1 and rubygems 2.7.3 got issue # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/8978#issuecomment-354036443 - gem update --system gemfile: - gemfiles/i18n_0_8.gemfile - gemfiles/i18n_0_9.gemfile - gemfiles/i18n_1_0.gemfile - gemfiles/i18n_1_1.gemfile matrix: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head notifications: webhooks: https://www.travisbuddy.com/ on_success: never