module Authlogic module Session # Just like ActiveRecord has "magic" columns, such as: created_at and updated_at. Authlogic has its own "magic" columns too: # # Column name Description # login_count Increased every time an explicit login is made. This will *NOT* increase if logging in by a session, cookie, or basic http auth # failed_login_count This increases for each consecutive failed login. See Authlogic::Session::BruteForceProtection and the consecutive_failed_logins_limit config option for more details. # last_request_at Updates every time the user logs in, either by explicitly logging in, or logging in by cookie, session, or http auth # current_login_at Updates with the current time when an explicit login is made. # last_login_at Updates with the value of current_login_at before it is reset. # current_login_ip Updates with the request remote_ip when an explicit login is made. # last_login_ip Updates with the value of current_login_ip before it is reset. module MagicColumns def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do extend Config include InstanceMethods after_persisting :set_last_request_at, :if => :set_last_request_at? validate :increase_failed_login_count before_save :update_info before_save :set_last_request_at, :if => :set_last_request_at? end end # Configuration for the magic columns feature. module Config # Every time a session is found the last_request_at field for that record is updatd with the current time, if that field exists. If you want to limit how frequent that field is updated specify the threshold # here. For example, if your user is making a request every 5 seconds, and you feel this is too frequent, and feel a minute is a good threashold. Set this to 1.minute. Once a minute has passed in between # requests the field will be updated. # # * Default: 0 # * Accepts: integer representing time in seconds def last_request_at_threshold(value = nil) rw_config(:last_request_at_threshold, value, 0) end alias_method :last_request_at_threshold=, :last_request_at_threshold end # The methods available for an Authlogic::Session::Base object that make up the magic columns feature. module InstanceMethods private def increase_failed_login_count if invalid_password? && attempted_record.respond_to?(:failed_login_count) attempted_record.failed_login_count ||= 0 attempted_record.failed_login_count += 1 end end def update_info record.login_count = (record.login_count.blank? ? 1 : record.login_count + 1) if record.respond_to?(:login_count) record.failed_login_count = 0 if record.respond_to?(:failed_login_count) if record.respond_to?(:current_login_at) record.last_login_at = record.current_login_at if record.respond_to?(:last_login_at) record.current_login_at = klass.default_timezone == :utc ? : end if record.respond_to?(:current_login_ip) record.last_login_ip = record.current_login_ip if record.respond_to?(:last_login_ip) record.current_login_ip = controller.request.remote_ip end end # This method lets authlogic know whether it should allow the last_request_at field to be updated # with the current time ( One thing to note here is that it also checks for the existence of a # last_request_update_allowed? method in your controller. This allows you to control this method pragmatically # in your controller. # # For example, what if you had a javascript function that polled the server updating how much time is left in their # session before it times out. Obviously you would want to ignore this request, because then the user would never time out. # So you can do something like this in your controller: # # def last_request_update_allowed? # action_name =! "update_session_time_left" # end # # You can do whatever you want with that method. def set_last_request_at? # :doc: return false if !record || !klass.column_names.include?("last_request_at") return controller.last_request_update_allowed? if controller.responds_to_last_request_update_allowed? record.last_request_at.blank? || last_request_at_threshold.to_i.seconds.ago >= record.last_request_at end def set_last_request_at record.last_request_at = klass.default_timezone == :utc ? : end def last_request_at_threshold self.class.last_request_at_threshold end end end end end