# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true # This file generated automatically using rdf vocabulary format from http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2# require 'rdf' module RDF::Vocab # @!parse # # Vocabulary for # class IIIF < RDF::StrictVocabulary # end class IIIF < RDF::StrictVocabulary("http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2#") # Ontology definition ontology :"http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2#", "owl:versionInfo": "2015-12-13 23:00:00Z".freeze, type: "owl:Ontology".freeze # Class definitions term :AnnotationList, comment: %(AnnotationLists are an ordered list of Annotation objects. Typically all Annnotations in a list target the same Canvas).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "AnnotationList".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Canvas, comment: %(The canvas represents an individual page or view and acts as a central point for laying out the different content resources that make up the display.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Canvas".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Collection, comment: %(Collections are used to list the manifests available for viewing, and to describe the structures, hierarchies or collections that the physical objects are part of.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Collection".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Layer, comment: %(Layers are lists of AnnotationLists to group them together, for example to create the set of lists that make up a particular translation/edition of a text).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Layer".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Manifest, comment: %(The manifest resource represents a single object and any intellectual work or works embodied within that object).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Manifest".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Range, comment: %(Ranges describe additional structure within an object, such as newspaper articles that span pages, the range of non-content-bearing pages at the beginning of a work, or chapters within a book).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Range".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Sequence, comment: %(The sequence conveys the ordering of the views of the object.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Sequence".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ViewingDirection, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "ViewingDirection".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :ViewingHint, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "ViewingHint".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Zone, comment: %(Used to group annotations together in an area of a Canvas, for example to model columns, foldouts or palimpsests; Note that Zones are not currently used in the IIIF Presentation API.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "Zone".freeze, subClassOf: "iiif:Canvas".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze # Property definitions property :attributionLabel, comment: %(A string containing an attribution description that must be displayed when using the resource).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "attributionLabel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasAnnotations, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasAnnotations".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasCanvases, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasCanvases".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasCollections, domain: "iiif:Collection".freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasCollections".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasContentLayer, comment: %(A link from a Range to a Layer that provides the content resources of that Range).freeze, domain: "iiif:Range".freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasContentLayer".freeze, range: "iiif:Layer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasImageAnnotations, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasImageAnnotations".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, subPropertyOf: "iiif:hasAnnotations".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasLists, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasLists".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasManifests, domain: "iiif:Collection".freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasManifests".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasRanges, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasRanges".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasSequences, domain: "iiif:Manifest".freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasSequences".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :hasStartCanvas, comment: %(A link from a Manifest or Sequence to the Canvas that the rendering agent should initialize their view with.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "hasStartCanvas".freeze, range: "iiif:Canvas".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :metadataLabels, comment: %(An rdf:List of label/value pairs providing descriptive metadata about the resource, intended for human audience).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "metadataLabels".freeze, range: "rdf:List".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :viewingDirection, comment: %(References the sc:ViewingDirection that defines the direction that the resource should be viewed in).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "viewingDirection".freeze, range: "iiif:ViewingDirection".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :viewingHint, comment: %(A hint to a user agent as to how to render the resource).freeze, isDefinedBy: "iiif:".freeze, label: "viewingHint".freeze, range: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze # Extra definitions term :bottomToTopDirection, comment: %(Bottom-to-Top Viewing Direction).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingDirection".freeze term :continuousHint, comment: %(Each canvas represents a segment of a continuous object such as a long scroll).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :facingPagesHint, comment: %(Canvases with this hint depict both parts of an opening.).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :individualsHint, comment: %(Each canvas represents a separate individual object, and should not have transitions).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :leftToRightDirection, comment: %(Left-to-Right Viewing Direction).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingDirection".freeze term :multiPartHint, comment: %(Collections with this hint consist of multiple manifests that each form part of a logical whole.).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :nonPagedHint, comment: %(Viewing Hint that the Canvas MUST NOT be presented in a page turner).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :pagedHint, comment: %(Viewing Hint that object has canvases that represent pages that can be turned).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :painting, type: "oa:Motivation".freeze term :rightToLeftDirection, comment: %(Right-to-Left Viewing Direction).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingDirection".freeze term :topHint, comment: %(The topmost range in a nested hierarchy, such as a table of contents).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingHint".freeze term :topToBottomDirection, comment: %(Top-to-Bottom Viewing Direction).freeze, type: "iiif:ViewingDirection".freeze end end