module Sufia module GenericFile module Export # MIME: 'application/x-endnote-refer' def export_as_endnote end_note_format = { '%T' => [:title, lambda { |x| x.first }], '%Q' => [:title, lambda { |x| x.drop(1) }], '%A' => [:creator], '%C' => [:publication_place], '%D' => [:date_created], '%8' => [:date_uploaded], '%E' => [:contributor], '%I' => [:publisher], '%J' => [:series_title], '%@' => [:isbn], '%U' => [:related_url], '%7' => [:edition_statement], '%R' => [:persistent_url], '%X' => [:description], '%G' => [:language], '%[' => [:date_modified], '%9' => [:resource_type], '%~' => Application.config.application_name, '%W' => t('sufia.institution_name') } text = [] text << "%0 GenericFile" end_note_format.each do |endnote_key, mapping| if mapping.is_a? String values = [mapping] else values = self.send(mapping[0]) if self.respond_to? mapping[0] values = mapping[1].call(values) if mapping.length == 2 values = Array(values) end next if values.empty? or values.first.nil? spaced_values = values.join("; ") text << "#{endnote_key} #{spaced_values}" end return text.join("\n") end # MIME type: 'application/x-openurl-ctx-kev' def export_as_openurl_ctx_kev export_text = [] export_text << "url_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&" field_map = { title: 'title', creator: 'creator', subject: 'subject', description: 'description', publisher: 'publisher', contributor: 'contributor', date_created: 'date', resource_type: 'format', identifier: 'identifier', language: 'language', tag: 'relation', based_near: 'coverage', rights: 'rights' } field_map.each do |element, kev| values = self.send(element) next if values.empty? or values.first.nil? values.each do |value| export_text << "rft.#{kev}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}" end end export_text.join('&') unless export_text.blank? end def export_as_apa_citation text = '' authors_list = [] authors_list_final = [] #setup formatted author list authors = get_author_list authors.each do |author| next if author.blank? authors_list.push(abbreviate_name(author)) end authors_list.each do |author| if author == authors_list.first #first authors_list_final.push(author.strip) elsif author == authors_list.last #last authors_list_final.push(", & " + author.strip) else #all others authors_list_final.push(", " + author.strip) end end text << authors_list_final.join unless text.blank? if text[-1,1] != "." text << ". " else text << " " end end # Get Pub Date text << "(" + setup_pub_date + "). " unless setup_pub_date.nil? # setup title info title_info = setup_title_info text << "" + title_info + " " unless title_info.nil? # Publisher info text << setup_pub_info unless setup_pub_info.nil? unless text.blank? if text[-1,1] != "." text += "." end end text.html_safe end def export_as_mla_citation text = '' authors_final = [] #setup formatted author list authors = get_author_list if authors.length < 4 authors.each do |author| if author == authors.first #first authors_final.push(author) elsif author == authors.last #last authors_final.push(", and " + name_reverse(author) + ".") else #all others authors_final.push(", " + name_reverse(author)) end end text << authors_final.join unless text.blank? if text[-1,1] != "." text << ". " else text << " " end end else text << authors.first + ", et al. " end # setup title title_info = setup_title_info text << "" + mla_citation_title(title_info) + " " unless title.blank? # Publication text << setup_pub_info + ", " unless setup_pub_info.nil? # Get Pub Date text << setup_pub_date unless setup_pub_date.nil? if text[-1,1] != "." text << "." unless text.blank? end text.html_safe end def export_as_chicago_citation author_text = "" authors = get_all_authors unless authors.blank? if authors.length > 10 authors.each_with_index do |author, index| if index < 7 if index == 0 author_text << "#{author}" if author.ends_with?(",") author_text << " " else author_text << ", " end else author_text << "#{name_reverse(author)}, " end end end author_text << " et al." elsif authors.length > 1 authors.each_with_index do |author,index| if index == 0 author_text << "#{author}" if author.ends_with?(",") author_text << " " else author_text << ", " end elsif index + 1 == authors.length author_text << "and #{name_reverse(author)}." else author_text << "#{name_reverse(author)}, " end end else author_text << authors.first end end title_info = "" title_info << citation_title(clean_end_punctuation(CGI::escapeHTML(title.first)).strip) unless title.blank? pub_info = "" place = self.based_near.first publisher = self.publisher.first unless place.blank? place = CGI::escapeHTML(place) pub_info << place pub_info << ": " unless publisher.blank? end unless publisher.blank? publisher = CGI::escapeHTML(publisher) pub_info << publisher pub_info << ", " unless setup_pub_date.nil? end unless setup_pub_date.nil? pub_info << setup_pub_date end citation = "" citation << "#{author_text} " unless author_text.blank? citation << "#{title_info}. " unless title_info.blank? citation << "#{pub_info}." unless pub_info.blank? citation.html_safe end private def setup_pub_date first_date = self.date_created.first unless first_date.blank? first_date = CGI::escapeHTML(first_date) date_value = first_date.gsub(/[^0-9|n\.d\.]/, "")[0,4] return nil if date_value.nil? end clean_end_punctuation(date_value) if date_value end def setup_pub_info text = '' place = self.based_near.first publisher = self.publisher.first unless place.blank? place = CGI::escapeHTML(place) text << place text << ": " unless publisher.blank? end unless publisher.blank? publisher = CGI::escapeHTML(publisher) text << publisher end return nil if text.strip.blank? clean_end_punctuation(text.strip) end def mla_citation_title(text) no_upcase = ["a","an","and","but","by","for","it","of","the","to","with"] new_text = [] word_parts = text.split(" ") word_parts.each do |w| if !no_upcase.include? w new_text.push(w.capitalize) else new_text.push(w) end end new_text.join(" ") end def citation_title(title_text) prepositions = ["a","about","across","an","and","before","but","by","for","it","of","the","to","with","without"] new_text = [] title_text.split(" ").each_with_index do |word,index| if (index == 0 and word != word.upcase) or (word.length > 1 and word != word.upcase and !prepositions.include?(word)) # the split("-") will handle the capitalization of hyphenated words new_text << word.split("-").map!{|w| w.capitalize }.join("-") else new_text << word end end new_text.join(" ") end def setup_title_info text = '' title = self.title.first unless title.blank? title = CGI::escapeHTML(title) title_info = clean_end_punctuation(title.strip) text << title_info end return nil if text.strip.blank? clean_end_punctuation(text.strip) + "." end def clean_end_punctuation(text) if [".",",",":",";","/"].include? text[-1,1] return text[0,text.length-1] end text end def get_author_list { |author| clean_end_punctuation(CGI::escapeHTML(author)) }.uniq end def get_all_authors authors = self.creator return authors.empty? ? nil : { |author| CGI::escapeHTML(author) } end def abbreviate_name(name) abbreviated_name = '' name = name.join('') if name.is_a? Array # make sure we handle "Cher" correctly return name if !name.include?(' ') and !name.include?(',') surnames_first = name.include?(',') delimiter = surnames_first ? ', ' : ' ' name_segments = name.split(delimiter) given_names = surnames_first ? name_segments.last.split(' ') : name_segments.first.split(' ') surnames = surnames_first ? name_segments.first.split(' ') : name_segments.last.split(' ') abbreviated_name << surnames.join(' ') abbreviated_name << ', ' abbreviated_name << { |n| "#{n[0]}." }.join if given_names.is_a? Array abbreviated_name << "#{given_names[0]}." if given_names.is_a? String abbreviated_name end def name_reverse(name) name = clean_end_punctuation(name) return name unless name =~ /,/ temp_name = name.split(", ") return temp_name.last + " " + temp_name.first end end end end