= track_changes
TrackChanges is a Rails engine to facilitate tracking changes made to your
== Why?
I originally looked at the available auditing solutions and it appeared that
most of them were not thread-safe.
== Requirements
* Rails 3
* A User model
=== Development Requirements
* JRuby
* Rails 3
== Installation
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'track_changes'
Then, you can run rails generate track_changes to create the migration
file, the initializer, and copy the CSS stylesheet to your application.
== Configuration
Currently, the only configuration available is in the initializer
config/initializers/track_changes_configuration.rb. In this file, you
can set a constant TrackChanges::Configuration::DEFAULT_USER_FINDER to a Proc
that will return a User model when no current_user is specified.
== Model Example
To enable tracking for your model, add the statement track_changes in
your model definition.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
This will add a polymorphic has_many association to the Audit class. It
will also add an accessor current_user which you can set prior to
updating your model. This will be saved in the Audit entry.
== Controller Example
To enable automatic user tracking in your controllers. Add the track_changes
statement to your controller. Pass a Symbol as an argument which is the name
of the instance variable(s) (without the @). Theses instance variables
will have their current_user attribute assigned to via the controller's
current_user method.
The track_changes method in your controller will also pull in the
AuditsHelper module which provides some simple helpers.
In this example, after the `update` action is called,
the `@post` will be compared to a previous version, and
if there are any changes, an audit will be created.
class PostController < ApplicationController
before_filter :get_post, :except => [:index, :new]
# specify a single model
track_changes :post
# you can also specify multiple models
#track_changes :post1, :post2, ...
def update
if @post.update_attributes(params[:post])
flash[:notice] = "Success."
render :action => "edit"
# Normal controller actions
# ...
def get_post
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
Note, you must have a before_filter that assigns the model to the expected
instance variable.
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Matt Haley. See LICENSE for details.