## Hash ### #map_to_hash map returning a hash with the original keys ```ruby hash = { a: 1, b: 2 } hash.map_to_hash { |k, v| "#{k}_#{v}" } { a: "a_1", b: "b_2" } ``` ### #chain_fetch Applies fetch in a chain ```ruby { a: { b: { c: { d: 10 } } } }.chain_fetch(:a, :b, :c, :d) 10 ``` A block can be passed so that when a key is not found, the block will define the value to be returned ```ruby h = { a: { b: { c: { d: 10 } } } } h.chain_fetch(:a, :x, :y, :z) { |key, missed_keys| "returned #{key}" } 'returned x' ``` ### #squash Squash a deep hash into a simple level hash ```ruby { a: { b:1 } }.squash ``` returns ```ruby { 'a.b' => 1 } ``` ### #to_deep_hash Changes a hash spliting keys into inner hashs ```ruby { 'a.b' => 1 }.to_deep_hash ``` returns ```ruby { 'a' => { 'b' => 1 } } ``` ### #change_keys Change the array keys using a block accepting parameters: - recursive: when true, does it recursivly through inner arrays (default: true) ```ruby { ca_b: 1, k: [{ a_b: 1 }] }.change_keys { |k| k.to_s.upcase } ``` returns ```ruby {"CA_B"=>1, "K"=>[{"A_B"=>1}]} ``` ```ruby { ca_b: 1, k: [{ a_b: 1 }] }.change_keys(recursive: false) { |k| k.to_s.upcase } ``` returns ```ruby {"CA_B"=>1, "K"=>[{:a_b=>1}]} ``` ### #chain_change_keys Change the hash keys usin a chained method call ```ruby { ca_b: 1 }.chain_change_keys(:to_s, :upcase, :to_sym) ``` returns ```ruby { CA_B: 1 } ``` ### #camelize_keys Change the keys camelizing them and accepting parameters: - uppercase_first_letter: Use the java or javascript format (default: true) - recursive: when true, does it recursivly through inner arrays (default: true) ```ruby { ca_b: 1, k: [{ a_b: 1 }] }.camelize_keys ``` returns ```ruby {:CaB=>1, :K=>[{:AB=>1}]} ``` ```ruby { ca_b: 1, k: [{ a_b: 1 }] }.camelize_keys(recursive: false) ``` returns ```ruby {:CaB=>1, :K=>[{:a_b=>1}]} ``` ```ruby { ca_b: 1, k: [{ a_b: 1 }] }.camelize_keys(uppercase_first_letter: false) ``` returns ```ruby {:caB=>1, :k=>[{:aB=>1}]} ``` ### #lower_camelize_keys Alias for [#camelize_keys](camelize_keys)(uppercase_first_letter: false) ```ruby { ca_b: 1, k: [{ a_b: 1 }] }.lower_camelize_keys ``` returns ```ruby {:caB=>1, :k=>[{:aB=>1}]} ``` ### #underscore_keys Change the keys from camelcase to snakecase (underscore) - recursive: when true, does it recursivly through inner arrays (default: true) ```ruby { Ca_B: 1, 'kB' => [{ KeysHash: 1 }] }.underscore_keys ``` returns ```ruby {ca_b: 1, "k_b"=>[{keys_hash: 1}]} ``` ### #change_values Change the values of the array accepting parametes: - recursive: when true, does it recursivly through inner arrays and hashes (default: true) - skip_inner: when true, do not call the block for iterators such as Hash and Arrays (default: true) ```ruby { a: 1, b: [{ c: 2 }] }.change_values { |v| (v+1).to_s } ``` returns ```ruby { a: '2' b: [{ c: '3' }] } ``` ```ruby { a: 1, b: [{ c: 2 }] }.change_values(recursive: false) { |v| (v+1).to_s } ``` returns ```ruby { a: '2' b: [{ c: 2 }] } ``` ```ruby { a: 1, b: [{ c: 2 }] }.change_values(skip_inner: false) do |v| v.is_a?(Integer) ? (v+1).to_s : v.class end ``` returns ```ruby { a: '2' b: Array } ``` ### #prepend_to_keys Change each keys prepending an string ```ruby { key: 1 }.prepend_to_keys 'scope:' ``` returns ```ruby { :'scope:key' => 1 } ``` ### #append_to_keys Change each keys appending an string ```ruby { key: 1 }.append_to_keys 's' ``` returns ```ruby { keys: 1 } ``` ### #sort_keys Sort the hash usig the keys ```ruby { b:1, a:2 }.sort_keys ``` returns ```ruby { a:2, b:1 } ``` ### #map_to_hash map returning a hash with the original keys for keys ```ruby hash = { a: 1, b: 2 } hash.map_to_hash { |k, v| "#{k}_#{v}" } { a: 'a_1', b: 'b_2' } ``` ### #remap_keys Changes the keys of the hash based on a map of { old: new } value ```ruby hash = { a: 1, b: 2 } hash.remap_keys(a: :c, d: :e) { c: 1, b: 2, e: nil } ``` ### #exclusive_merge Like #merge but only for existing keys ```ruby { a: 1, b: 2 }.exclusive_merge(b: 3, c: 4) { a: 1, b: 3 } ``` ### #clean Cleans empty values from a hash ```ruby { a: 1, b: [], c: nil, d: {}, e: '', f: { b: [], c: nil, d: {}, e: '' } }.clean ``` returns ```ruby {} ``` ### #map_and_find Operates like map, but will stop as soon as a non false value is found returning the value found ```ruby class Ob attr_reader :v def initialize(v = nil) @v = v end end hash = { a: Ob.new, b: Ob.new(false), c: Ob.new(1), d: Ob.new(3) } ``` ```ruby hash.map_and_find { |k,o| o.v } 1 ``` ```ruby hash.map_and_find { |k,o| o.v && k } :c ``` ### #transpose swap keys with values of the hash ```ruby { a: 1, b: :a, c: [2, 3] }.transpose ``` returns ```ruby { 1 => :a, a: b, [2, 3] => :c } ```