# # = Physical Constants # # The GSL physical constants are defined as Ruby constants under the # modules # * GSL::CONST::MKSA (MKSA unit) # * GSL::CONST:CGSM (CGSM unit) # * GSL::CONST:NUM (Dimension-less constants) # For example, the GSL C constant # GSL_CONST_MKSA_SPEED_OF_LIGHT is represented by a Ruby constant, # GSL_CONST_MKSA_SPEED_OF_LIGHT ---> GSL::CONST::MKSA::SPEED_OF_LIGHT # # The following lists a part of the constants. Most of the constants are # defined both in the modules GSL::CONST::MKSA and GSL::CONST::CGSM. # See also the {GSL reference}[https://gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/gsl-ref_37.html#SEC479] # # Contents: # 1. {Fundamental Constants}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Fundamental+Constants] # 1. {Astronomy and Astrophysics}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Astronomy+and+Astrophysics] # 1. {Atomic and Nuclear Physics}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Atomic+and+Nuclear+Physics] # 1. {Measurement of Time}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Measurement+of+Time] # 1. {Imperial Units}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Imperial+Units] # 1. {Nautical Units}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Nautical+Units] # 1. {Printers Units}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Printers+Units] # 1. {Volume}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Volume] # 1. {Mass and Weight}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Mass+and+Weight] # 1. {Thermal Energy and Power}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Thermal+Energy+and+Power] # 1. {Pressure}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Pressure] # 1. {Viscosity}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Viscosity] # 1. {Light and Illumination}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Light+and+Illumination] # 1. {Radioactivity}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Radioactivity] # 1. {Force and Energy}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Force+and+Energy] # 1. {Prefixes}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Prefixes] # 1. {Examples}[link:rdoc/const_rdoc.html#label-Example] # # == Fundamental Constants # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::SPEED_OF_LIGHT # # The speed of light in vacuum, c. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::VACUUM_PERMEABILITY # # The permeability of free space, \mu (not defined in GSL::CONST::CGSM). # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::VACUUM_PERMITTIVITY # # The permittivity of free space, \epsilon_0 (not defined in GSL::CONST::CGSM). # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PLANCKS_CONSTANT_H # # Planck's constant, h. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PLANCKS_CONSTANT_HBAR # # Planck's constant divided by 2\pi, \hbar. # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::AVOGADRO # # Avogadro's number # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::FARADAY # # The molar charge of 1 Faraday. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::BOLTZMANN # # The Boltzmann constant, k. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::STEFAN_BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT # # The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, \sigma. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MOLAR_GAS # # The molar gas constant, R_0. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::STANDARD_GAS_VOLUME # # The standard gas volume, V_0. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::GAUSS # # The magnetic field of 1 Gauss. # # == Astronomy and Astrophysics # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT # # The length of 1 astronomical unit (mean earth-sun distance), AU. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::GRAVITATIONAL_CONSTANT # # The gravitational constant, G. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::LIGHT_YEAR # # The distance of 1 light-year, ly. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PARSEC # # The distance of 1 parsec, pc. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::GRAV_ACCEL # # The standard gravitational acceleration on Earth, g. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::SOLAR_MASS # # The mass of the Sun. # # == Atomic and Nuclear Physics # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ELECTRON_CHARGE # # The charge of the electron, e. # --- # * GSL::CONST::CGSM::ELECTRON_CHARGE_ESU # # The charge of the electron, e, in esu unit (not defined in GSL::CONST::MKSA). # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ELECTRON_VOLT # # The energy of 1 electron volt, eV. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::UNIFIED_ATOMIC_MASS # # The unified atomic mass, amu. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MASS_ELECTRON # # The mass of the electron, m_e. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MASS_MUON # # The mass of the muon, m_\mu. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MASS_PROTON # # The mass of the proton, m_p. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MASS_NEUTRON # # The mass of the proton, m_n. # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::FINE_STRUCTURE # # The electromagnetic fine structure constant alpha. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::RYDBERG # # The Rydberg constant, Ry, in units of energy. This is related to the Rydberg inverse wavelength R by Ry = h c R. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::THOMSON_CROSS_SECTION # # The Thomson cross section of photon scattering by electrons. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::BOHR_RADIUS # # The Bohr radius, a_0. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ANGSTROM # # The length of 1 angstrom. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::BARN # # The area of 1 barn. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::BOHR_MAGNETON # # The Bohr Magneton, mu_B. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::NUCLEAR_MAGNETON # # The Nuclear Magneton, mu_N. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ELECTRON_MAGNETIC_MOMENT # # The absolute value of the magnetic moment of the electron, mu_e. The physical magnetic moment of the electron is negative. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PROTON_MAGNETIC_MOMENT # # The magnetic moment of the proton, mu_p. # # == Measurement of Time # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MINUTE # # The number of seconds in 1 minute. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::HOUR # # The number of seconds in 1 hour. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::DAY # # The number of seconds in 1 day. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::WEEK # # The number of seconds in 1 week. # # == Imperial Units # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::INCH # # The length of 1 inch. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::FOOT # # The length of 1 foot. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::YARD # # The length of 1 yard. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MILE # # The length of 1 mile. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::MIL # # The length of 1 mil (1/1000th of an inch). # # == Nautical Units # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::NAUTICAL_MILE # # The length of 1 nautical mile. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::FATHOM # # The length of 1 fathom. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::KNOT # # The speed of 1 knot. # # == Printers Units # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::POINT # # The length of 1 printer's point (1/72 inch). # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::TEXPOINT # # The length of 1 TeX point (1/72.27 inch). # # == Volume # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ACRE # # The area of 1 acre. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::LITER # # The volume of 1 liter. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::US_GALLON # # The volume of 1 US gallon. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::CANADIAN_GALLON # # The volume of 1 Canadian gallon. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::UK_GALLON # # The volume of 1 UK gallon. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::QUART # # The volume of 1 quart. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PINT # # The volume of 1 pint. # # == Mass and Weight # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::POUND_MASS # # The mass of 1 pound. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::OUNCE_MASS # # The mass of 1 ounce. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::TON # # The mass of 1 ton. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::METRIC_TON # # The mass of 1 metric ton (1000 kg). # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::UK_TON # # The mass of 1 UK ton. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::TROY_OUNCE # # The mass of 1 troy ounce. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::CARAT # # The mass of 1 carat. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::GRAM_FORCE # # The force of 1 gram weight. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::POUND_FORCE # # The force of 1 pound weight. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::KILOPOUND_FORCE # # The force of 1 kilopound weight. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::POUNDAL # # The force of 1 poundal. # # == Thermal Energy and Power # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::CALORIE # # The energy of 1 calorie. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::BTU # # The energy of 1 British Thermal Unit, btu. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::THERM # # The energy of 1 Therm. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::HORSEPOWER # # The power of 1 horsepower. # # == Pressure # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::BAR # # The pressure of 1 bar. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::STD_ATMOSPHERE # # The pressure of 1 standard atmosphere. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::TORR # # The pressure of 1 torr. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::METER_OF_MERCURY # # The pressure of 1 meter of mercury. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::INCH_OF_MERCURY # # The pressure of 1 inch of mercury. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::INCH_OF_WATER # # The pressure of 1 inch of water. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PSI # # The pressure of 1 pound per square inch. # # == Viscosity # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::POISE # # The dynamic viscosity of 1 poise. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::STOKES # # The kinematic viscosity of 1 stokes. # # == Light and Illumination # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::STILB # # The luminance of 1 stilb. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::LUMEN # # The luminous flux of 1 lumen. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::LUX # # The illuminance of 1 lux. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::PHOT # # The illuminance of 1 phot. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::FOOTCANDLE # # The illuminance of 1 footcandle. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::LAMBERT # # The luminance of 1 lambert. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::FOOTLAMBERT # # The luminance of 1 footlambert. # # == Radioactivity # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::CURIE # # The activity of 1 curie. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ROENTGEN # # The exposure of 1 roentgen. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::RAD # # The absorbed dose of 1 rad. # # == Force and Energy # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::NEWTON # # The SI unit of force, 1 Newton. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::DYNE # # he force of 1 Dyne = 10^-5 Newton. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::JOULE # # The SI unit of energy, 1 Joule. # --- # * GSL::CONST::MKSA::ERG # # The energy 1 erg = 10^-7 Joule. # # == Prefixes # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::YOTTA # # 10^24 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::ZETTA # # 10^21 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::EXA # # 10^18 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::PETA # # 10^15 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::TERA # # 10^12 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::GIGA # # 10^9 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::MEGA # # 10^6 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::KILO # # 10^3 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::MILLI # # 10^-3 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::MICRO # # 10^-6 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::NANO # # 10^-9 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::PICO # # 10^-12 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::FEMTO # # 10^-15 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::ATTO # # 10^-18 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::ZEPTO # # 10^-21 # --- # * GSL::CONST::NUM::YOCTO # # 10^-24 # # == Example # The following program demonstrates the use of the physical constants in a # calculation. In this case, the goal is to calculate the range of light-travel # times from Earth to Mars. # # require("gsl") # include GSL::CONST::MKSA # # puts("In MKSA unit") # # c = SPEED_OF_LIGHT; # au = ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT; # minutes = MINUTE; # # # distance stored in meters # r_earth = 1.00 * au; # r_mars = 1.52 * au; # # t_min = (r_mars - r_earth) / c; # t_max = (r_mars + r_earth) / c; # # printf("light travel time from Earth to Mars:\n"); # printf("c = %e [m/s]\n", c) # printf("AU = %e [m]\n", au) # printf("minutes = %e [s]\n", minutes) # printf("minimum = %.1f minutes\n", t_min / minutes); # printf("maximum = %.1f minutes\n\n", t_max / minutes); # # {prev}[link:rdoc/bspline_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:rdoc/graph_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:index.html] # #