require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource do let(:model) { double('model', :name => 'User', :column_names => [], :inheritance_column => 'type', :primary_key => :id) } let(:connection) { double('connection', :instance_variable_get => db_config) } let(:db_config) { {:host => 'localhost', :user => 'root', :database => 'default'} } let(:source) {, :position => 3) } let(:adapter) { double('adapter') } before :each do stub_const 'ActiveRecord::Base', double(:connection => connection) ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::MySQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => true) ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters. stub!(:adapter_for => adapter) end describe '#adapter' do it "returns a database adapter for the model" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters. should_receive(:adapter_for).with(model).and_return(adapter) source.adapter.should == adapter end end describe '#attributes' do it "has the internal id attribute by default" do source.attributes.collect(&:name).should include('sphinx_internal_id') end it "has the class name attribute by default" do source.attributes.collect(&:name).should include('sphinx_internal_class') end it "has the internal deleted attribute by default" do source.attributes.collect(&:name).should include('sphinx_deleted') end it "marks the internal class attribute as a facet" do source.attributes.detect { |attribute| == 'sphinx_internal_class' }.options[:facet].should be_true end end describe '#delta_processor' do let(:processor_class) { double('processor class', :try => processor) } let(:processor) { double('processor') } let(:source) { model, :delta_processor => processor_class } it "loads the processor with the adapter" do processor_class.should_receive(:try).with(:new, adapter). and_return processor source.delta_processor end it "returns the given processor" do source.delta_processor.should == processor end end describe '#delta?' do it "returns the given delta setting" do source = model, :delta? => true source.should be_a_delta end end describe '#disable_range?' do it "returns the given range setting" do source = model, :disable_range? => true source.disable_range?.should be_true end end describe '#fields' do it "has the internal class field by default" do source.fields.collect(&:name). should include('sphinx_internal_class_name') end it "sets the sphinx class field to use a string of the class name" do source.fields.detect { |field| == 'sphinx_internal_class_name' }.columns.first.__name.should == "'User'" end it "uses the inheritance column if it exists for the sphinx class field" do adapter.stub :quoted_table_name => '"users"', :quote => '"type"' adapter.stub(:convert_nulls) { |clause, default| "ifnull(#{clause}, #{default})" } model.stub :column_names => ['type'], :sti_name => 'User' source.fields.detect { |field| == 'sphinx_internal_class_name' }.columns.first.__name. should == "ifnull(\"users\".\"type\", 'User')" end end describe '#name' do it "defaults to the model name downcased with the given position" do == 'user_3' end it "allows for custom names, but adds the position suffix" do source = model, :name => 'people', :position => 2 == 'people_2' end end describe '#offset' do it "returns the given offset" do source = model, :offset => 12 source.offset.should == 12 end end describe '#options' do it "defaults to having utf8? set to false" do source.options[:utf8?].should be_false end it "sets utf8? to true if the database encoding is utf8" do db_config[:encoding] = 'utf8' source.options[:utf8?].should be_true end end describe '#render' do let(:builder) { double('builder', :sql_query_pre => []).as_null_object } let(:config) { double('config', :settings => {}) } let(:presenter) { double('presenter', :collection_type => :uint) } let(:template) { double('template', :apply => true) } before :each do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLBuilder.stub! :new => builder ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Attribute::SphinxPresenter.stub :new => presenter ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::SQLSource::Template.stub :new => template ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub :instance => config end it "sets the sql_host setting from the model's database settings" do db_config[:host] = '' source.render source.sql_host.should == '' end it "defaults sql_host to localhost if the model has no host" do db_config[:host] = nil source.render source.sql_host.should == 'localhost' end it "sets the sql_user setting from the model's database settings" do db_config[:username] = 'pat' source.render source.sql_user.should == 'pat' end it "uses the user setting if username is not set in the model" do db_config[:username] = nil db_config[:user] = 'pat' source.render source.sql_user.should == 'pat' end it "sets the sql_pass setting from the model's database settings" do db_config[:password] = 'swordfish' source.render source.sql_pass.should == 'swordfish' end it "escapes hashes in the password for sql_pass" do db_config[:password] = 'sword#fish' source.render source.sql_pass.should == 'sword\#fish' end it "sets the sql_db setting from the model's database settings" do db_config[:database] = 'rails_app' source.render source.sql_db.should == 'rails_app' end it "sets the sql_port setting from the model's database settings" do db_config[:port] = 5432 source.render source.sql_port.should == 5432 end it "sets the sql_sock setting from the model's database settings" do db_config[:socket] = '/unix/socket' source.render source.sql_sock.should == '/unix/socket' end it "uses the builder's sql_query value" do builder.stub! :sql_query => 'select * from table' source.render source.sql_query.should == 'select * from table' end it "uses the builder's sql_query_range value" do builder.stub! :sql_query_range => 'select 0, 10 from table' source.render source.sql_query_range.should == 'select 0, 10 from table' end it "uses the builder's sql_query_info value" do builder.stub! :sql_query_info => 'select * from table where id = ?' source.render source.sql_query_info.should == 'select * from table where id = ?' end it "appends the builder's sql_query_pre value" do builder.stub! :sql_query_pre => ['Change Setting'] source.render source.sql_query_pre.should == ['Change Setting'] end it "adds fields with attributes to sql_field_string" do source.fields << double('field', :name => 'title', :source_type => nil, :with_attribute? => true, :file? => false, :wordcount? => false) source.render source.sql_field_string.should include('title') end it "adds any joined or file fields" do source.fields << double('field', :name => 'title', :file? => true, :with_attribute? => false, :wordcount? => false, :source_type => nil) source.render source.sql_file_field.should include('title') end it "adds wordcounted fields to sql_field_str2wordcount" do source.fields << double('field', :name => 'title', :source_type => nil, :with_attribute? => false, :file? => false, :wordcount? => true) source.render source.sql_field_str2wordcount.should include('title') end it "adds any joined fields" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::PropertyQuery.stub( :new => double(:to_s => 'query for title') ) source.fields << double('field', :name => 'title', :source_type => :query, :with_attribute? => false, :file? => false, :wordcount? => false) source.render source.sql_joined_field.should include('query for title') end it "adds integer attributes to sql_attr_uint" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'count', :collection_type => :uint source.render source.sql_attr_uint.should include('count') end it "adds boolean attributes to sql_attr_bool" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'published', :collection_type => :bool source.render source.sql_attr_bool.should include('published') end it "adds string attributes to sql_attr_string" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'name', :collection_type => :string source.render source.sql_attr_string.should include('name') end it "adds timestamp attributes to sql_attr_timestamp" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'created_at', :collection_type => :timestamp source.render source.sql_attr_timestamp.should include('created_at') end it "adds float attributes to sql_attr_float" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'rating', :collection_type => :float source.render source.sql_attr_float.should include('rating') end it "adds bigint attributes to sql_attr_bigint" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'super_id', :collection_type => :bigint source.render source.sql_attr_bigint.should include('super_id') end it "adds ordinal strings to sql_attr_str2ordinal" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'name', :collection_type => :str2ordinal source.render source.sql_attr_str2ordinal.should include('name') end it "adds multi-value attributes to sql_attr_multi" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'uint tag_ids from field', :collection_type => :multi source.render source.sql_attr_multi.should include('uint tag_ids from field') end it "adds word count attributes to sql_attr_str2wordcount" do source.attributes << double('attribute') presenter.stub :declaration => 'name', :collection_type => :str2wordcount source.render source.sql_attr_str2wordcount.should include('name') end it "adds relevant settings from thinking_sphinx.yml" do config.settings['mysql_ssl_cert'] = 'foo.cert' config.settings['morphology'] = 'stem_en' # should be ignored source.render source.mysql_ssl_cert.should == 'foo.cert' end end describe '#type' do it "is mysql when using the MySQL Adapter" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::MySQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => true) ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => false) source.type.should == 'mysql' end it "is pgsql when using the PostgreSQL Adapter" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::MySQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => false) ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => true) source.type.should == 'pgsql' end it "raises an exception for any other adapter" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::MySQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => false) ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::DatabaseAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter. stub!(:=== => false) lambda { source.type }.should raise_error end end end