module Actions module Katello module Repository class ErrataMail < Actions::EntryAction middleware.use Actions::Middleware::ExecuteIfContentsChanged def plan(repo, last_updated = nil, contents_changed = nil) last_updated ||= repo.repository_errata.order('updated_at ASC').last.try(:updated_at) || plan_self(:repo =>, :last_updated => last_updated.to_s, :contents_changed => contents_changed) end def run ::User.current = ::User.anonymous_admin repo = ::Katello::Repository.find(input[:repo]) users = { |user| user.receives?(:katello_sync_errata) && user.can?(:view_products, repo.product) }.compact errata = ::Katello::Erratum.where(:id => repo.repository_errata.where('katello_repository_errata.updated_at > ?', input[:last_updated].to_datetime).pluck(:erratum_id)) begin MailNotification[:katello_sync_errata].deliver_now(:users => users, :repo => repo, :errata => errata) unless users.blank? rescue => e message = _('Unable to send errata e-mail notification: %{error}' % {:error => e}) Rails.logger.error(message) output[:result] = message end end def finalize ::User.current = nil end def rescue_strategy_for_self # If sending mail fails do not cause any calling tasks to fail # but mark the task in a WARNING state with the error message. Dynflow::Action::Rescue::Skip end end end end end