# Versioning Dionysus uses system of semantic versioning using 4 numbers instead of the usual 3. This is because Dionysus is extremely diverse in its functionality and components can be, and are, added often without affecting any other component. The TLDR of the versioning scheme is: * Micro and patch releases will not break backwards compatibility. * Minor releases *might* break backwards compatibility. * Major releases **will** break backwards compatibility. ## Components Major.Minor.Micro.Patch[.Prerelease] ### Major An upgrade of the major component indicates a **major** upgrade of dionysus that will break backwards compatibility. This might a major restructuring or a major dependency change. ### Minor An upgrade of the minor component indicates a significant change that might break backwards compatibility, cause dependency conflicts, or remove support for a dependency. ### Micro An upgrade of the micro component indicates a significant change that will not break backwards compatibility or have dependency changes. This will be a significant feature addition that is independent and isolated. ### Patch An upgrade of the patch component indicates a simple change that will not break backwards compatibility or have dependency changes. This will include bug fixes and simple feature additions or enhancements. ### Prerelease The Prerelease component indicates a version change that is not considered "production ready" but is considered safe enough for official release; its purpose is for testing and to allow developers to write code against the future release while testing is still ongoing`*`. This may include completely or partially untested code or code that needs additional platform or dependency testing. `*` See the {file:LICENSE} regarding disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability. ## Resources: * [Semver.org](http://semver.org/) * ["Software versioning" on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioning)