title: "Apps" parts: # Rails overrides: date formats, validation messages, etc. - translation: key: "activerecord.errors.models.zendesk/app_market/setting.attributes.base.installation_does_not_match_parameter" title: "Error message for mismatch between installation_id and parameter_id" value: "installation.app_id (%{installation_app_id}) does not match parameter.app_id (%{parameter_app_id})" # Layout - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.layouts.zendesk_app_market" title: "Main navigation: project title" value: "Zendesk App Market" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.layouts.documentation" title: "Main navigation: 'documentation' link" value: "Documentation" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.layouts.market" title: "Main navigation: 'browse apps' link" value: "Market" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.layouts.my_installations" title: "Main navigation: 'my installations' link" value: "My Installations" # apps/owned - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.owned.title" title: "Manage owned apps page: title" value: "Your Listings" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.owned.new_app_link_text" title: "Manage owned apps page: 'add app' link" value: "Create a new App" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.owned.options" title: "Manage owned apps page: 'more options' button" value: "Options" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.owned.private" title: "Manage owned apps page: 'app is private' label" value: "Private" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.owned.remove" title: "Manage owned apps page: 'delete app' link" value: "Remove" # apps/development_coming_soon - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.development_coming_soon.title" title: "Apps Coming Soon page: title" value: "Coming Soon:" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.development_coming_soon.subtitle" title: "Apps Coming Soon page: subtitle" value: "Create Your Own Apps" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.development_coming_soon.text" title: "Apps Coming Soon Page: main text" value: "Private Apps are apps that only your account can see. They help integrate Zendesk with your existing infrastructure by communicating with any outside API, grabbing data objects from Zendesk, or constructing interface elements and populating with external data." # apps/new - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.header" title: "Create app page: title" value: "Developer Center" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.about.header" title: "Create app page: 'about' header" value: "About App Creation" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.about.body" title: "Create app page: 'about' text" value: "This is where you develop new apps. See the %{docs_link} for more information." - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.about.docs_link_text" title: "Create app page: link text for txt.apps.admin.apps.new.about.body" value: "documentation" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.upload.header" title: "Create app page: header" value: "Upload Your App" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.name_label" title: "Create app page: 'name' label" value: "Name" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.upload.file_label" title: "Create app page: 'file upload' label" value: "Your App File" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.upload.file_type_help" title: "Create app page: 'file types' info message" value: "Only a .zip file is valid. Max 2MB" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.upload.submit" title: "Create app page: 'submit' button" value: "Upload .zip" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.uploading" title: "Create app page: 'uploading' status message" value: "Uploading…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.queued" title: "Create app page: 'build is queued on server' status message" value: "Queued…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.working/verify" title: "Create app page: 'server is running validations' status message" value: "Verifying…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.working/prepare" title: "Create app page: 'server is preparing the app' status message" value: "Preparing…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.working/create_translations" title: "Create app page: 'server is saving the translations' status message" value: "Creating translations…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.working/create_assets" title: "Create app page: 'server is saving the assets' status message" value: "Creating assets…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.working/create_sources" title: "Create app page: 'server is saving the source code' status message" value: "Creating sources…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.working/cleanup" title: "Create app page: 'server is cleaning up' status message" value: "Cleaning up…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.failed" title: "Create app page: 'uplod failed' status message" value: "Failed…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.status.completed" title: "Create app page: 'upload succeeded' status message" value: "Completed…" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.error.header" title: "Create app error page: header" value: "Oh Snap!" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.new.error.text" title: "Create app error page: text" value: "Your app is a bag of wrongness; please try again." # apps/index - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.install" title: "List apps page: 'install' button" value: "Install" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.installed" title: "List apps page: 'already installed' label" value: "Installed" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.install_another" title: "List apps page: 'install another' button" value: "Install Another" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.needs_admin" title: "List apps page: installation requires an administrator" value: "Please ask your help desk administrator to add this application." - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.please_sign_in" title: "List apps page: installation requires signing in" value: "Please sign in to your help desk to manage your applications." - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.available" title: "List apps page: 'available apps' header" value: "Available apps" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.carousel.coming_soon.title" title: "Browse apps page: 'coming soon' title" value: "Introducing Zendesk Apps" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.apps.index.carousel.coming_soon.detail" title: "Browse apps page: 'coming soon' text" value: "We'll be adding more Apps over time, and you'll be able to add your own! Click to learn more…" # installations/_form - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.form.name_label" title: "Install app page: 'name' field label" value: "Name" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.form.install" title: "Install app page: 'install' button" value: "Install" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.form.update" title: "Install app page: submit button to update existing installation" value: "Update" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.form.cancel" title: "Install app page: 'cancel' button" value: "Cancel" # installations/index - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.change_settings" title: "Manage installations page: 'change settings' button" value: "Change Settings" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.enabled" title: "Manage installations page: 'enabled' label" value: "Enabled" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.installed" title: "Manage installations page: header" value: "Your Installed Apps" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.options" title: "Manage installations page: button to disclose more options" value: "Options" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.remove" title: "Manage installations page: 'uninstall' button" value: "Remove" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.required" title: "Install app page: 'required' field label" value: "Required" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.view_in_market" title: "Manage installations page: 'view in market' button" value: "View in Market" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.no_apps_html" title: "Manage installations page: 'no apps' text" value: "You have no apps installed right now. %{browse_apps}." - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.installations.index.no_apps_link" title: "Manage installations page: link text for txt.apps.admin.installations.index.no_apps_html" value: "Browse Apps to install" # Info messages - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.info.apps.destroy_success" title: "Info message: 'app delete succeeded'" value: "Deleted app %{name}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.info.apps.destroy_fail" title: "Info message: 'app delete failed'" value: "Failed to app %{name}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.info.installations.created" title: "Info message: 'app install succeeded'" value: "Created %{name}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.info.installations.updated" title: "Info message: 'app installation updated'" value: "Updated %{name}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.info.installations.deleted" title: "Info message: 'app uninstall successful'" value: "Deleted %{name}" # Error messages - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.api.not_yet_implemented" title: "API: 'not yet implemented' error message" value: "Not yet implemented" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.installations.no_app" title: "Manage installations page: 'no such app' error message" value: "No such app: #%{id}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.installations.no_installation" title: "Manage installations page: 'no such installation' error message" value: "No such installation: #%{id}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.api.require_admin" title: "API: 'operation available only to administrators' error message" value: "Only help desk administrator can perform this function" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.api.require_agent" title: "API: 'operation available only to agents' error message" value: "Only help desk agents can perform this function" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.app_build.unknown" title: "App builder job: 'unknown error' message" value: "Unknown error" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.app_build.missing_manifest_keys" title: "App builder job: 'missing manifest fields' message" value: "Missing required fields in manifest: %{missing_keys}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.app_build.missing_manifest" title: "App builder job: 'missing manifest file' message" value: "Missing manifest.json" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.error.app_build.missing_source" title: "App builder job: 'missing source file' message" value: "Missing app.js" # Builder Job Phases - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.all.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin all' phase" value: "Begin build at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.all.end" title: "App builder job: 'end all' phase" value: "Build completed at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.verify.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin verify' phase" value: "Verifying upload at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.verify.end" title: "App builder job: 'end verify' phase" value: "Verified at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.prepare.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin prepare' phase" value: "Preparing build at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.prepare.end" title: "App builder job: 'end prepare' phase" value: "Prepared build at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.create_translations.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin create-translations' phase" value: "Creating translations at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.create_translations.end" title: "App builder job: 'end create-translations' phase" value: "Created translations at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.create_assets.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin create-assets' phase" value: "Creating assets at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.create_assets.end" title: "App builder job: 'end create-assets' phase" value: "Created assets at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.create_sources.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin create-source' phase" value: "Creating sources at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.create_sources.end" title: "App builder job: 'end create-source' phase" value: "Created sources at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.cleanup.begin" title: "App builder job: 'begin cleanup' phase" value: "Cleaning up at %{ts}" - translation: key: "txt.apps.admin.app_builder.phases.cleanup.end" title: "App builder job: 'end cleanup' phase" value: "Cleaned up at %{ts}"