{%- assign contributors = site.data.CONTRIBUTORS %} {%- if include.custom %} {%- assign allcontributors = include.custom | split: ", " | sort %} {%- else %} {%- for page in site.pages %} {%- if page.contributors and page.search_exclude != true and page.contributors.size != 0 %} {%- assign pagecontr = page.contributors | join: ", " %} {%- if allcontrstr %} {%- assign allcontrstr = allcontrstr | append: ", " | append: pagecontr %} {%- else %} {%- assign allcontrstr = allcontrstr | append: pagecontr %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- for contr in contributors %} {%- if allcontrstr %} {%- assign allcontrstr = allcontrstr | append: ", " | append: contr[0] %} {%- else %} {%- assign allcontrstr = allcontrstr | append: contr[0] %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- assign allcontributors = allcontrstr | split: ", " | uniq | sort %} {%- endif %}
{%- for contributor in allcontributors %}
{%- assign id = contributors[contributor].git | default: 'no_github' %}
{%- if contributors[contributor].image_url %} {{ contributor }} {%- else %} {%- if contributors[contributor].git %} {{ contributor }} {%- else %}
{%- assign contr_name = contributor | split: " " %} {%- assign initials = "" %} {%- for name in contr_name %} {%- assign initial = name | slice: 0,1 | capitalize %} {%- assign initials = initials | append: initial %} {%- endfor %} {{ initials }}
{%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- if contributors[contributor].role %} {{ contributors[contributor].role | capitalize }} {%- endif %}

{{ contributor }}

{%- if contributors[contributor].affiliation %}

{{ contributors[contributor].affiliation }}

{%- endif %}
{%- if contributors[contributor].git or contributors[contributor].email or contributors[contributor].orcid %} {%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}